2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2022 Sebastian Obele / obele.eu
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# This software uses the following software-parts:
# Reticulum, LXMF, NomadNet / Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Mark Qvist / unsigned.io / MIT License
# Include
#### System ####
import sys
import os
import time
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from datetime import datetime , timezone
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
import argparse
#### Config ####
import configparser
#### JSON ####
import json
import pickle
#### String ####
import string
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
#### Regex ####
import re
#### UID ####
import uuid
#### ####
import base64
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#### Process ####
import signal
import threading
#### Reticulum, LXMF ####
# Install: pip3 install rns lxmf
# Source: https://markqvist.github.io
import RNS
import LXMF
import RNS . vendor . umsgpack as umsgpack
#### PostgreSQL ####
# Install: pip3 install psycopg2
# Install: pip3 install psycopg2-binary
# Source: https://pypi.org/project/psycopg2/
import psycopg2
# Globals
#### Global Variables - Configuration ####
NAME = " LXMF Provisioning Server "
VERSION = " 0.0.1 (2022-12-05) "
COPYRIGHT = " (c) 2022 Sebastian Obele / obele.eu "
PATH = os . path . expanduser ( " ~ " ) + " /. " + os . path . splitext ( os . path . basename ( __file__ ) ) [ 0 ]
#### Global Variables - System (Not changeable) ####
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
CACHE = { }
CACHE [ " in " ] = { }
CACHE [ " out " ] = { }
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
# LXMF Class
class lxmf_connection :
message_received_callback = None
message_notification_callback = None
message_notification_success_callback = None
message_notification_failed_callback = None
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
config_set_callback = None
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , storage_path = None , identity_file = " identity " , identity = None , destination_name = " lxmf " , destination_type = " delivery " , display_name = " " , announce_data = None , announce_hidden = False , send_delay = 0 , desired_method = " direct " , propagation_node = None , propagation_node_auto = False , propagation_node_active = None , try_propagation_on_fail = False , announce_startup = False , announce_startup_delay = 0 , announce_periodic = False , announce_periodic_interval = 360 , sync_startup = False , sync_startup_delay = 0 , sync_limit = 8 , sync_periodic = False , sync_periodic_interval = 360 ) :
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self . storage_path = storage_path
self . identity_file = identity_file
self . identity = identity
self . destination_name = destination_name
self . destination_type = destination_type
self . aspect_filter = self . destination_name + " . " + self . destination_type
self . display_name = display_name
self . announce_data = announce_data
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self . announce_hidden = announce_hidden
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self . send_delay = int ( send_delay )
if desired_method == " propagated " or desired_method == " PROPAGATED " :
self . desired_method_direct = False
else :
self . desired_method_direct = True
self . propagation_node = propagation_node
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self . propagation_node_auto = propagation_node_auto
self . propagation_node_active = propagation_node_active
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self . try_propagation_on_fail = try_propagation_on_fail
self . announce_startup = announce_startup
self . announce_startup_delay = int ( announce_startup_delay )
self . announce_periodic = announce_periodic
self . announce_periodic_interval = int ( announce_periodic_interval )
self . sync_startup = sync_startup
self . sync_startup_delay = int ( sync_startup_delay )
self . sync_limit = int ( sync_limit )
self . sync_periodic = sync_periodic
self . sync_periodic_interval = int ( sync_periodic_interval )
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
if not self . storage_path :
log ( " LXMF - No storage_path parameter " , LOG_ERROR )
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if not os . path . isdir ( self . storage_path ) :
os . makedirs ( self . storage_path )
log ( " LXMF - Storage path was created " , LOG_NOTICE )
log ( " LXMF - Storage path: " + self . storage_path , LOG_INFO )
if self . identity :
log ( " LXMF - Using existing Primary Identity %s " % ( str ( self . identity ) ) )
else :
if not self . identity_file :
self . identity_file = " identity "
self . identity_path = self . storage_path + " / " + self . identity_file
if os . path . isfile ( self . identity_path ) :
try :
self . identity = RNS . Identity . from_file ( self . identity_path )
if self . identity != None :
log ( " LXMF - Loaded Primary Identity %s from %s " % ( str ( self . identity ) , self . identity_path ) )
else :
log ( " LXMF - Could not load the Primary Identity from " + self . identity_path , LOG_ERROR )
except Exception as e :
log ( " LXMF - Could not load the Primary Identity from " + self . identity_path , LOG_ERROR )
log ( " LXMF - The contained exception was: %s " % ( str ( e ) ) , LOG_ERROR )
else :
try :
log ( " LXMF - No Primary Identity file found, creating new... " )
self . identity = RNS . Identity ( )
self . identity . to_file ( self . identity_path )
log ( " LXMF - Created new Primary Identity %s " % ( str ( self . identity ) ) )
except Exception as e :
log ( " LXMF - Could not create and save a new Primary Identity " , LOG_ERROR )
log ( " LXMF - The contained exception was: %s " % ( str ( e ) ) , LOG_ERROR )
self . message_router = LXMF . LXMRouter ( identity = self . identity , storagepath = self . storage_path )
if self . destination_name == " lxmf " and self . destination_type == " delivery " :
self . destination = self . message_router . register_delivery_identity ( self . identity , display_name = self . display_name )
self . message_router . register_delivery_callback ( self . process_lxmf_message_propagated )
else :
self . destination = RNS . Destination ( self . identity , RNS . Destination . IN , RNS . Destination . SINGLE , self . destination_name , self . destination_type )
if self . display_name == " " :
self . display_name = RNS . prettyhexrep ( self . destination_hash ( ) )
self . destination . set_default_app_data ( self . display_name . encode ( " utf-8 " ) )
self . destination . set_proof_strategy ( RNS . Destination . PROVE_ALL )
RNS . Identity . remember ( packet_hash = None , destination_hash = self . destination . hash , public_key = self . identity . get_public_key ( ) , app_data = None )
log ( " LXMF - Identity: " + str ( self . identity ) , LOG_INFO )
log ( " LXMF - Destination: " + str ( self . destination ) , LOG_INFO )
log ( " LXMF - Hash: " + RNS . prettyhexrep ( self . destination_hash ( ) ) , LOG_INFO )
self . destination . set_link_established_callback ( self . client_connected )
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if self . propagation_node_auto :
self . propagation_callback = lxmf_connection_propagation ( self , " lxmf.propagation " )
RNS . Transport . register_announce_handler ( self . propagation_callback )
if self . propagation_node_active :
self . propagation_node_set ( self . propagation_node_active )
elif self . propagation_node :
self . propagation_node_set ( self . propagation_node )
else :
self . propagation_node_set ( self . propagation_node )
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if self . announce_startup or self . announce_periodic :
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self . announce ( initial = True )
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if self . sync_startup or self . sync_periodic :
self . sync ( True )
def register_announce_callback ( self , handler_function ) :
self . announce_callback = handler_function ( self . aspect_filter )
RNS . Transport . register_announce_handler ( self . announce_callback )
def register_message_received_callback ( self , handler_function ) :
self . message_received_callback = handler_function
def register_message_notification_callback ( self , handler_function ) :
self . message_notification_callback = handler_function
def register_message_notification_success_callback ( self , handler_function ) :
self . message_notification_success_callback = handler_function
def register_message_notification_failed_callback ( self , handler_function ) :
self . message_notification_failed_callback = handler_function
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def register_config_set_callback ( self , handler_function ) :
self . config_set_callback = handler_function
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def destination_hash ( self ) :
return self . destination . hash
def destination_hash_str ( self ) :
return RNS . hexrep ( self . destination . hash , False )
def destination_check ( self , destination ) :
if type ( destination ) is not bytes :
if len ( destination ) == ( ( RNS . Reticulum . TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH / / 8 ) * 2 ) + 2 :
destination = destination [ 1 : - 1 ]
if len ( destination ) != ( ( RNS . Reticulum . TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH / / 8 ) * 2 ) :
log ( " LXMF - Destination length is invalid " , LOG_ERROR )
return False
try :
destination = bytes . fromhex ( destination )
except Exception as e :
log ( " LXMF - Destination is invalid " , LOG_ERROR )
return False
return True
def destination_correct ( self , destination ) :
if type ( destination ) is not bytes :
if len ( destination ) == ( ( RNS . Reticulum . TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH / / 8 ) * 2 ) + 2 :
destination = destination [ 1 : - 1 ]
if len ( destination ) != ( ( RNS . Reticulum . TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH / / 8 ) * 2 ) :
return " "
try :
destination_bytes = bytes . fromhex ( destination )
return destination
except Exception as e :
return " "
return " "
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def send ( self , destination , content = " " , title = " " , fields = None , timestamp = None , app_data = " " , destination_name = None , destination_type = None ) :
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if type ( destination ) is not bytes :
if len ( destination ) == ( ( RNS . Reticulum . TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH / / 8 ) * 2 ) + 2 :
destination = destination [ 1 : - 1 ]
if len ( destination ) != ( ( RNS . Reticulum . TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH / / 8 ) * 2 ) :
log ( " LXMF - Destination length is invalid " , LOG_ERROR )
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return None
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try :
destination = bytes . fromhex ( destination )
except Exception as e :
log ( " LXMF - Destination is invalid " , LOG_ERROR )
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return None
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if destination_name == None :
destination_name = self . destination_name
if destination_type == None :
destination_type = self . destination_type
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destination_identity = RNS . Identity . recall ( destination )
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destination = RNS . Destination ( destination_identity , RNS . Destination . OUT , RNS . Destination . SINGLE , destination_name , destination_type )
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return self . send_message ( destination , self . destination , content , title , fields , timestamp , app_data )
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def send_message ( self , destination , source , content = " " , title = " " , fields = None , timestamp = None , app_data = " " ) :
if self . desired_method_direct :
desired_method = LXMF . LXMessage . DIRECT
else :
desired_method = LXMF . LXMessage . PROPAGATED
message = LXMF . LXMessage ( destination , source , content , title = title , desired_method = desired_method )
if fields is not None :
message . fields = fields
if timestamp is not None :
message . timestamp = timestamp
message . app_data = app_data
self . message_method ( message )
self . log_message ( message , " LXMF - Message send " )
message . register_delivery_callback ( self . message_notification )
message . register_failed_callback ( self . message_notification )
if self . message_router . get_outbound_propagation_node ( ) != None :
message . try_propagation_on_fail = self . try_propagation_on_fail
try :
self . message_router . handle_outbound ( message )
time . sleep ( self . send_delay )
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return message . hash
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except Exception as e :
log ( " LXMF - Could not send message " + str ( message ) , LOG_ERROR )
log ( " LXMF - The contained exception was: " + str ( e ) , LOG_ERROR )
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return None
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def message_notification ( self , message ) :
self . message_method ( message )
if self . message_notification_callback is not None :
self . message_notification_callback ( message )
if message . state == LXMF . LXMessage . FAILED and hasattr ( message , " try_propagation_on_fail " ) and message . try_propagation_on_fail :
self . log_message ( message , " LXMF - Delivery receipt (failed) Retrying as propagated message " )
message . try_propagation_on_fail = None
message . delivery_attempts = 0
del message . next_delivery_attempt
message . packed = None
message . desired_method = LXMF . LXMessage . PROPAGATED
self . message_router . handle_outbound ( message )
elif message . state == LXMF . LXMessage . FAILED :
self . log_message ( message , " LXMF - Delivery receipt (failed) " )
if self . message_notification_failed_callback is not None :
self . message_notification_failed_callback ( message )
else :
self . log_message ( message , " LXMF - Delivery receipt (success) " )
if self . message_notification_success_callback is not None :
self . message_notification_success_callback ( message )
def message_method ( self , message ) :
if message . desired_method == LXMF . LXMessage . DIRECT :
message . desired_method_str = " direct "
elif message . desired_method == LXMF . LXMessage . PROPAGATED :
message . desired_method_str = " propagated "
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def announce ( self , app_data = None , attached_interface = None , initial = False ) :
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announce_timer = None
if self . announce_periodic and self . announce_periodic_interval > 0 :
announce_timer = threading . Timer ( self . announce_periodic_interval * 60 , self . announce )
announce_timer . daemon = True
announce_timer . start ( )
if initial :
if self . announce_startup :
if self . announce_startup_delay > 0 :
if announce_timer is not None :
announce_timer . cancel ( )
announce_timer = threading . Timer ( self . announce_startup_delay , self . announce )
announce_timer . daemon = True
announce_timer . start ( )
else :
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self . announce_now ( app_data = app_data , attached_interface = attached_interface )
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self . announce_now ( app_data = app_data , attached_interface = attached_interface )
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def announce_now ( self , app_data = None , attached_interface = None ) :
if self . announce_hidden :
self . destination . announce ( " " . encode ( " utf-8 " ) , attached_interface = attached_interface )
log ( " LXMF - Announced: " + RNS . prettyhexrep ( self . destination_hash ( ) ) + " (Hidden) " , LOG_DEBUG )
elif app_data != None :
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if isinstance ( app_data , str ) :
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self . destination . announce ( app_data . encode ( " utf-8 " ) , attached_interface = attached_interface )
log ( " LXMF - Announced: " + RNS . prettyhexrep ( self . destination_hash ( ) ) + " : " + app_data , LOG_DEBUG )
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else :
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self . destination . announce ( app_data , attached_interface = attached_interface )
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
log ( " LMF - Announced: " + RNS . prettyhexrep ( self . destination_hash ( ) ) , LOG_DEBUG )
elif self . announce_data :
if isinstance ( self . announce_data , str ) :
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
self . destination . announce ( self . announce_data . encode ( " utf-8 " ) , attached_interface = attached_interface )
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
log ( " LXMF - Announced: " + RNS . prettyhexrep ( self . destination_hash ( ) ) + " : " + self . announce_data , LOG_DEBUG )
else :
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self . destination . announce ( self . announce_data , attached_interface = attached_interface )
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log ( " LXMF - Announced: " + RNS . prettyhexrep ( self . destination_hash ( ) ) , LOG_DEBUG )
else :
self . destination . announce ( )
log ( " LXMF - Announced: " + RNS . prettyhexrep ( self . destination_hash ( ) ) + " : " + self . display_name , LOG_DEBUG )
def sync ( self , initial = False ) :
sync_timer = None
if self . sync_periodic and self . sync_periodic_interval > 0 :
sync_timer = threading . Timer ( self . sync_periodic_interval * 60 , self . sync )
sync_timer . daemon = True
sync_timer . start ( )
if initial :
if self . sync_startup :
if self . sync_startup_delay > 0 :
if sync_timer is not None :
sync_timer . cancel ( )
sync_timer = threading . Timer ( self . sync_startup_delay , self . sync )
sync_timer . daemon = True
sync_timer . start ( )
else :
self . sync_now ( self . sync_limit )
self . sync_now ( self . sync_limit )
def sync_now ( self , limit = None ) :
if self . message_router . get_outbound_propagation_node ( ) is not None :
if self . message_router . propagation_transfer_state == LXMF . LXMRouter . PR_IDLE or self . message_router . propagation_transfer_state == LXMF . LXMRouter . PR_COMPLETE :
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log ( " LXMF - Message sync requested from propagation node " + RNS . prettyhexrep ( self . message_router . get_outbound_propagation_node ( ) ) + " for " + str ( self . identity ) , LOG_DEBUG )
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self . message_router . request_messages_from_propagation_node ( self . identity , max_messages = limit )
return True
else :
return False
else :
return False
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def propagation_node_set ( self , dest_str ) :
if not dest_str :
return False
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2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
if len ( dest_str ) != ( ( RNS . Reticulum . TRUNCATED_HASHLENGTH / / 8 ) * 2 ) :
log ( " LXMF - Propagation node length is invalid " , LOG_ERROR )
return False
try :
dest_hash = bytes . fromhex ( dest_str )
except Exception as e :
log ( " LXMF - Propagation node is invalid " , LOG_ERROR )
return False
node_identity = RNS . Identity . recall ( dest_hash )
if node_identity != None :
log ( " LXMF - Propagation node: " + RNS . prettyhexrep ( dest_hash ) , LOG_INFO )
dest_hash = RNS . Destination . hash_from_name_and_identity ( " lxmf.propagation " , node_identity )
self . message_router . set_outbound_propagation_node ( dest_hash )
self . propagation_node_active = dest_str
return True
else :
log ( " LXMF - Propagation node identity not known " , LOG_ERROR )
return False
def propagation_node_update ( self , dest_str ) :
if self . propagation_node_hash_str ( ) != dest_str :
if self . propagation_node_set ( dest_str ) and self . config_set_callback is not None :
self . config_set_callback ( " propagation_node_active " , dest_str )
def propagation_node_hash ( self ) :
try :
return bytes . fromhex ( self . propagation_node_active )
except :
return None
def propagation_node_hash_str ( self ) :
if self . propagation_node_active :
return self . propagation_node_active
else :
return " "
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def client_connected ( self , link ) :
log ( " LXMF - Client connected " + str ( link ) , LOG_EXTREME )
link . set_resource_strategy ( RNS . Link . ACCEPT_ALL )
link . set_resource_concluded_callback ( self . resource_concluded )
link . set_packet_callback ( self . packet_received )
def packet_received ( self , lxmf_bytes , packet ) :
log ( " LXMF - Single packet delivered " + str ( packet ) , LOG_EXTREME )
self . process_lxmf_message_bytes ( lxmf_bytes )
def resource_concluded ( self , resource ) :
log ( " LXMF - Resource data transfer (multi packet) delivered " + str ( resource . file ) , LOG_EXTREME )
if resource . status == RNS . Resource . COMPLETE :
lxmf_bytes = resource . data . read ( )
self . process_lxmf_message_bytes ( lxmf_bytes )
else :
log ( " LXMF - Received resource message is not complete " , LOG_EXTREME )
def process_lxmf_message_bytes ( self , lxmf_bytes ) :
try :
message = LXMF . LXMessage . unpack_from_bytes ( lxmf_bytes )
except Exception as e :
log ( " LXMF - Could not assemble LXMF message from received data " , LOG_ERROR )
log ( " LXMF - The contained exception was: " + str ( e ) , LOG_ERROR )
message . desired_method = LXMF . LXMessage . DIRECT
self . message_method ( message )
self . log_message ( message , " LXMF - Message received " )
if self . message_received_callback is not None :
log ( " LXMF - Call to registered message received callback " , LOG_DEBUG )
self . message_received_callback ( message )
else :
log ( " LXMF - No message received callback registered " , LOG_DEBUG )
def process_lxmf_message_propagated ( self , message ) :
message . desired_method = LXMF . LXMessage . PROPAGATED
self . message_method ( message )
self . log_message ( message , " LXMF - Message received " )
if self . message_received_callback is not None :
log ( " LXMF - Call to registered message received callback " , LOG_DEBUG )
self . message_received_callback ( message )
else :
log ( " LXMF - No message received callback registered " , LOG_DEBUG )
def log_message ( self , message , message_tag = " LXMF - Message log " ) :
if message . signature_validated :
signature_string = " Validated "
else :
if message . unverified_reason == LXMF . LXMessage . SIGNATURE_INVALID :
signature_string = " Invalid signature "
elif message . unverified_reason == LXMF . LXMessage . SOURCE_UNKNOWN :
signature_string = " Cannot verify, source is unknown "
else :
signature_string = " Signature is invalid, reason undetermined "
title = message . title . decode ( ' utf-8 ' )
content = message . content . decode ( ' utf-8 ' )
fields = message . fields
log ( message_tag + " : " , LOG_DEBUG )
log ( " - Date/Time: " + time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " , time . localtime ( message . timestamp ) ) , LOG_DEBUG )
log ( " - Title: " + title , LOG_DEBUG )
log ( " - Content: " + content , LOG_DEBUG )
log ( " - Fields: " + str ( fields ) , LOG_DEBUG )
log ( " - Size: " + str ( len ( title ) + len ( content ) + len ( title ) + len ( pickle . dumps ( fields ) ) ) + " bytes " , LOG_DEBUG )
log ( " - Source: " + RNS . prettyhexrep ( message . source_hash ) , LOG_DEBUG )
log ( " - Destination: " + RNS . prettyhexrep ( message . destination_hash ) , LOG_DEBUG )
log ( " - Signature: " + signature_string , LOG_DEBUG )
log ( " - Attempts: " + str ( message . delivery_attempts ) , LOG_DEBUG )
if hasattr ( message , " desired_method_str " ) :
log ( " - Method: " + message . desired_method_str + " ( " + str ( message . desired_method ) + " ) " , LOG_DEBUG )
else :
log ( " - Method: " + str ( message . desired_method ) , LOG_DEBUG )
if hasattr ( message , " app_data " ) :
log ( " - App Data: " + message . app_data , LOG_DEBUG )
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
class lxmf_connection_propagation ( ) :
def __init__ ( self , owner , aspect_filter = None ) :
self . owner = owner
self . aspect_filter = aspect_filter
def received_announce ( self , destination_hash , announced_identity , app_data ) :
if app_data == None :
if len ( app_data ) == 0 :
try :
unpacked = umsgpack . unpackb ( app_data )
node_active = unpacked [ 0 ]
emitted = unpacked [ 1 ]
hop_count = RNS . Transport . hops_to ( destination_hash )
age = time . time ( ) - emitted
if age < 0 :
if age < - 1 * PropDetector . EMITTED_DELTA_GRACE :
log ( " LXMF - Received an propagation node announce from " + RNS . prettyhexrep ( destination_hash ) + " : " + str ( age ) + " seconds ago, " + str ( hop_count ) + " hops away " , LOG_INFO )
if self . owner . propagation_node_active == None :
self . owner . propagation_node_update ( RNS . hexrep ( destination_hash , False ) )
else :
prev_hop_count = RNS . Transport . hops_to ( self . owner . propagation_node_hash ( ) )
if hop_count < = prev_hop_count :
self . owner . propagation_node_update ( RNS . hexrep ( destination_hash , False ) )
except :
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
# LXMF Functions
#### LXMF - Announce ####
class lxmf_announce_callback :
def __init__ ( self , aspect_filter = None ) :
self . aspect_filter = aspect_filter
def received_announce ( destination_hash , announced_identity , app_data ) :
2023-06-05 14:36:42 +02:00
if app_data == None :
if len ( app_data ) == 0 :
2023-06-06 13:23:31 +02:00
try :
app_data = app_data . decode ( " utf-8 " ) . strip ( )
except :
log ( " LXMF - Received an announce from " + RNS . prettyhexrep ( destination_hash ) + " : " + app_data , LOG_INFO )
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
#### LXMF - Message ####
def lxmf_message_received_callback ( message ) :
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
if CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] . getboolean ( " signature_validated " ) and not message . signature_validated :
log ( " LXMF - Source " + RNS . prettyhexrep ( message . source_hash ) + " have no valid signature " , LOG_DEBUG )
if not message . fields :
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
hash_destination = RNS . hexrep ( message . source_hash , delimit = False )
hash_identity = " "
#hash_identity = RNS.Identity.recall(message.source_hash)
#if hash_identity != None:
# hash_identity = RNS.hexrep(hash_identity, delimit=False)
# hash_identity = ""
for key in message . fields :
try :
data = message . fields [ key ]
if not isinstance ( data , dict ) :
if " type " not in data :
if data [ " type " ] == " " :
data [ " hash_destination " ] = hash_destination
data [ " hash_identity " ] = hash_identity
data [ " timestamp_client " ] = message . timestamp
data [ " timestamp_server " ] = time . time ( )
if " password " in data :
data [ " password " ] = str ( base64 . b32encode ( data [ " password " ] ) )
CACHE [ " in " ] [ str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) ) ] = data
except :
#### LXMF - Notification ####
def lxmf_message_notification_success_callback ( message ) :
key = message . app_data
if key in CACHE [ " out " ] :
del CACHE [ " out " ] [ key ]
#### Jobs ####
def jobs_in ( ) :
while True :
time . sleep ( CONFIG [ " processing " ] . getint ( " interval_in " ) )
log ( " Jobs - Loop/Execute " , LOG_DEBUG )
if len ( CACHE [ " in " ] ) > 0 :
log ( " Cache - Available -> Execute " , LOG_DEBUG )
db = None
try :
2023-06-05 14:36:42 +02:00
db = psycopg2 . connect ( user = CONFIG [ " database " ] [ " user " ] , password = CONFIG [ " database " ] [ " password " ] , host = CONFIG [ " database " ] [ " host " ] , port = CONFIG [ " database " ] [ " port " ] , database = CONFIG [ " database " ] [ " database " ] , client_encoding = CONFIG [ " database " ] [ " encoding " ] )
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
dbc = db . cursor ( )
for key in CACHE [ " in " ] :
try :
log ( " -> Execute " , LOG_EXTREME )
log ( CACHE [ " in " ] [ key ] , LOG_EXTREME )
data = CACHE [ " in " ] [ key ]
if data [ " type " ] == " account_add " and CONFIG [ " features " ] . getboolean ( " account_add " ) :
# members
dbc . execute ( " SELECT member_user_id FROM members WHERE member_email = %s AND member_password = %s " , ( data [ " email " ] , data [ " password " ] ) )
result = dbc . fetchall ( )
if len ( result ) == 0 :
user_id = str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) )
2023-08-10 20:55:36 +02:00
dbc . execute ( " INSERT INTO members (member_user_id, member_email, member_password, member_dob, member_sex, member_introduction, member_country, member_state, member_city, member_occupation, member_skills, member_tasks, member_wallet_address, member_accept_rules, member_language, member_locale, member_ts_add, member_ts_edit, member_auth_state, member_auth_role) VALUES ( %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , ' 0 ' , ' 0 ' ) " , (
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
user_id ,
data [ " email " ] ,
data [ " password " ] ,
data [ " dob " ] ,
data [ " sex " ] ,
data [ " introduction " ] ,
data [ " country " ] ,
data [ " state " ] ,
data [ " city " ] ,
data [ " occupation " ] ,
data [ " skills " ] ,
data [ " tasks " ] ,
data [ " wallet_address " ] ,
data [ " accept_rules " ] ,
data [ " language " ] ,
2023-06-05 14:36:42 +02:00
data [ " language " ] ,
2023-08-10 20:55:36 +02:00
datetime . now ( timezone . utc ) ,
2023-06-05 14:36:42 +02:00
datetime . now ( timezone . utc )
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
if CONFIG [ " features " ] . getboolean ( " account_add_auth " ) :
fields = { }
if CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] [ " destination_type_conv " ] != " " :
fields [ " type " ] = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] . getint ( " destination_type_conv " )
fields [ " prov " ] = { }
fields [ " prov " ] [ " auth_state " ] = CONFIG [ " features " ] . getint ( " account_add_auth_state " )
fields [ " prov " ] [ " auth_role " ] = CONFIG [ " features " ] . getint ( " account_add_auth_role " )
CACHE [ " out " ] [ str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) ) ] = { " hash_destination " : data [ " hash_destination " ] , " content " : " " , " title " : " " , " fields " : fields }
elif len ( result ) == 1 :
user_id = result [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
else :
# devices
dbc . execute ( " DELETE FROM devices WHERE device_id = %s OR device_rns_id = %s " , ( data [ " device_id " ] , data [ " hash_destination " ] ) )
dbc . execute ( " INSERT INTO devices (device_id, device_user_id, device_name, device_display_name, device_rns_id) VALUES ( %s , %s , %s , %s , %s ) " , (
data [ " device_id " ] ,
user_id ,
data [ " device_name " ] ,
data [ " device_display_name " ] ,
data [ " hash_destination " ]
db . commit ( )
CACHE_DEL . append ( key )
if data [ " type " ] == " account_edit " and CONFIG [ " features " ] . getboolean ( " account_edit " ) :
# members
dbc . execute ( " SELECT member_user_id FROM members WHERE member_email = %s AND member_password = %s " , ( data [ " email " ] , data [ " password " ] ) )
result = dbc . fetchall ( )
if len ( result ) == 0 :
user_id = str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) )
2023-08-10 20:55:36 +02:00
dbc . execute ( " INSERT INTO members (member_user_id, member_email, member_password, member_dob, member_sex, member_introduction, member_country, member_state, member_city, member_occupation, member_skills, member_tasks, member_wallet_address, member_accept_rules, member_language, member_locale, member_ts_add, member_ts_edit, member_auth_state, member_auth_role) VALUES ( %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , %s , ' 0 ' , ' 0 ' ) " , (
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
user_id ,
data [ " email " ] ,
data [ " password " ] ,
data [ " dob " ] ,
data [ " sex " ] ,
data [ " introduction " ] ,
data [ " country " ] ,
data [ " state " ] ,
data [ " city " ] ,
data [ " occupation " ] ,
data [ " skills " ] ,
data [ " tasks " ] ,
data [ " wallet_address " ] ,
data [ " accept_rules " ] ,
data [ " language " ] ,
2023-06-05 14:36:42 +02:00
data [ " language " ] ,
2023-08-10 20:55:36 +02:00
datetime . now ( timezone . utc ) ,
2023-06-05 14:36:42 +02:00
datetime . now ( timezone . utc )
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
if CONFIG [ " features " ] . getboolean ( " account_add_auth " ) :
fields = { }
if CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] [ " destination_type_conv " ] != " " :
fields [ " type " ] = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] . getint ( " destination_type_conv " )
fields [ " prov " ] = { }
fields [ " prov " ] [ " auth_state " ] = CONFIG [ " features " ] . getint ( " account_add_auth_state " )
fields [ " prov " ] [ " auth_role " ] = CONFIG [ " features " ] . getint ( " account_add_auth_role " )
CACHE [ " out " ] [ str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) ) ] = { " hash_destination " : data [ " hash_destination " ] , " content " : " " , " title " : " " , " fields " : fields }
elif len ( result ) == 1 :
user_id = result [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
2023-06-05 14:36:42 +02:00
dbc . execute ( " UPDATE members SET member_email = %s , member_password = %s , member_dob = %s , member_sex = %s , member_introduction = %s , member_country = %s , member_state = %s , member_city = %s , member_occupation = %s , member_skills = %s , member_tasks = %s , member_wallet_address = %s , member_accept_rules = %s , member_language = %s , member_locale = %s , member_ts_edit = %s WHERE member_user_id = %s " , (
data [ " email " ] ,
data [ " password " ] ,
data [ " dob " ] ,
data [ " sex " ] ,
data [ " introduction " ] ,
data [ " country " ] ,
data [ " state " ] ,
data [ " city " ] ,
data [ " occupation " ] ,
data [ " skills " ] ,
data [ " tasks " ] ,
data [ " wallet_address " ] ,
data [ " accept_rules " ] ,
data [ " language " ] ,
data [ " language " ] ,
datetime . now ( timezone . utc ) ,
if CONFIG [ " features " ] . getboolean ( " account_edit_auth " ) :
fields = { }
if CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] [ " destination_type_conv " ] != " " :
fields [ " type " ] = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] . getint ( " destination_type_conv " )
fields [ " prov " ] = { }
fields [ " prov " ] [ " auth_state " ] = CONFIG [ " features " ] . getint ( " account_edit_auth_state " )
fields [ " prov " ] [ " auth_role " ] = CONFIG [ " features " ] . getint ( " account_edit_auth_role " )
CACHE [ " out " ] [ str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) ) ] = { " hash_destination " : data [ " hash_destination " ] , " content " : " " , " title " : " " , " fields " : fields }
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
else :
# devices
dbc . execute ( " DELETE FROM devices WHERE device_id = %s OR device_rns_id = %s " , ( data [ " device_id " ] , data [ " hash_destination " ] ) )
dbc . execute ( " INSERT INTO devices (device_id, device_user_id, device_name, device_display_name, device_rns_id) VALUES ( %s , %s , %s , %s , %s ) " , (
data [ " device_id " ] ,
user_id ,
data [ " device_name " ] ,
data [ " device_display_name " ] ,
data [ " hash_destination " ]
db . commit ( )
CACHE_DEL . append ( key )
if data [ " type " ] == " account_prove " and CONFIG [ " features " ] . getboolean ( " account_prove " ) :
2023-08-10 20:55:36 +02:00
dbc . execute ( " SELECT device_user_id FROM devices LEFT JOIN members ON members.member_user_id = devices.device_user_id WHERE devices.device_rns_id = %s and members.member_auth_state = ' 1 ' " , ( data [ " hash_destination " ] , ) )
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
result = dbc . fetchall ( )
if len ( result ) == 1 :
source_user_id = result [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
dbc . execute ( " SELECT device_user_id FROM devices WHERE device_rns_id = %s " , ( data [ " prove " ] , ) )
result = dbc . fetchall ( )
if len ( result ) == 1 :
destination_user_id = result [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
dbc . execute ( " INSERT INTO proves (prove_source_user_id, prove_destination_user_id) VALUES ( %s , %s ) " , ( source_user_id , destination_user_id ) )
2023-08-10 20:55:36 +02:00
dbc . execute ( " SELECT member_auth_state FROM members WHERE member_user_id = %s AND member_auth_state = ' 0 ' " , ( destination_user_id , ) )
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
result = dbc . fetchall ( )
if len ( result ) == 1 :
dbc . execute ( " SELECT * FROM proves WHERE prove_destination_user_id = %s " , ( destination_user_id , ) )
result = dbc . fetchall ( )
if len ( result ) > = 2 :
2023-08-10 20:55:36 +02:00
dbc . execute ( " UPDATE members SET member_auth_state = ' 1 ' WHERE member_user_id = %s AND member_auth_state = ' 0 ' " , ( destination_user_id , ) )
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
if CONFIG [ " features " ] . getboolean ( " account_prove_auth " ) :
fields = { }
if CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] [ " destination_type_conv " ] != " " :
fields [ " type " ] = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] . getint ( " destination_type_conv " )
fields [ " prov " ] = { }
fields [ " prov " ] [ " auth_state " ] = CONFIG [ " features " ] . getint ( " account_prove_auth_state " )
fields [ " prov " ] [ " auth_role " ] = CONFIG [ " features " ] . getint ( " account_prove_auth_role " )
CACHE [ " out " ] [ str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) ) ] = { " hash_destination " : data [ " prove " ] , " content " : " " , " title " : " " , " fields " : fields }
db . commit ( )
CACHE_DEL . append ( key )
except psycopg2 . DatabaseError as e :
log ( " Loop - DB - Error: " + str ( e ) , LOG_ERROR )
db . rollback ( )
except psycopg2 . DatabaseError as e :
log ( " DB - Error: " + str ( e ) , LOG_ERROR )
db . rollback ( )
if len ( CACHE_DEL ) > 0 :
for key in CACHE_DEL :
del CACHE [ " in " ] [ key ]
if db :
dbc . close ( )
db . close ( )
db = None
if cache_save ( PATH + " /cache.data " ) :
#### Jobs ####
def jobs_out ( ) :
while True :
time . sleep ( CONFIG [ " processing " ] . getint ( " interval_out " ) )
log ( " Jobs Out - Loop/Execute " , LOG_DEBUG )
if len ( CACHE [ " out " ] ) > 0 :
log ( " Cache - Available -> Execute " , LOG_DEBUG )
for key in CACHE [ " out " ] :
try :
log ( " -> Execute " , LOG_EXTREME )
log ( CACHE [ " out " ] [ key ] , LOG_EXTREME )
data = CACHE [ " out " ] [ key ]
LXMF_CONNECTION . send ( data [ " hash_destination " ] , data [ " content " ] , data [ " title " ] , data [ " fields " ] , app_data = key , destination_name = " lxmf " , destination_type = " delivery " )
except :
if len ( CACHE_DEL ) > 0 :
for key in CACHE_DEL :
del CACHE [ " out " ] [ key ]
if cache_save ( PATH + " /cache.data " ) :
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
# Cache
#### Cache - Read #####
def cache_read ( file = None ) :
log ( " Cache - Read " , LOG_DEBUG )
global CACHE
if file is None :
return False
else :
if os . path . isfile ( file ) :
try :
fh = open ( file , " rb " )
CACHE = umsgpack . unpackb ( fh . read ( ) )
fh . close ( )
except Exception as e :
return False
else :
if not cache_default ( file = file ) :
return False
return True
#### Cache - Save #####
def cache_save ( file = None ) :
log ( " Cache - Save " , LOG_DEBUG )
global CACHE
if file is None :
return False
else :
if os . path . isfile ( file ) :
try :
fh = open ( file , " wb " )
fh . write ( umsgpack . packb ( CACHE ) )
fh . close ( )
except Exception as e :
return False
else :
return False
return True
#### Cache - Default #####
def cache_default ( file = None ) :
log ( " Cache - Default " , LOG_DEBUG )
global CACHE
if file is None :
return False
else :
if not os . path . isdir ( os . path . dirname ( file ) ) :
try :
os . makedirs ( os . path . dirname ( file ) )
except Exception :
return False
try :
fh = open ( file , " wb " )
fh . write ( umsgpack . packb ( CACHE ) )
fh . close ( )
except :
return False
return True
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
# Config
#### Config - Get #####
def config_get ( config , section , key , default = " " , lng_key = " " ) :
if not config or section == " " or key == " " : return default
if not config . has_section ( section ) : return default
if config . has_option ( section , key + lng_key ) :
return config [ section ] [ key + lng_key ]
elif config . has_option ( section , key ) :
return config [ section ] [ key ]
return default
def config_getint ( config , section , key , default = 0 , lng_key = " " ) :
if not config or section == " " or key == " " : return default
if not config . has_section ( section ) : return default
if config . has_option ( section , key + lng_key ) :
return config . getint ( section , key + lng_key )
elif config . has_option ( section , key ) :
return config . getint ( section , key )
return default
def config_getboolean ( config , section , key , default = False , lng_key = " " ) :
if not config or section == " " or key == " " : return default
if not config . has_section ( section ) : return default
if config . has_option ( section , key + lng_key ) :
return config [ section ] . getboolean ( key + lng_key )
elif config . has_option ( section , key ) :
return config [ section ] . getboolean ( key )
return default
def config_getsection ( config , section , default = " " , lng_key = " " ) :
if not config or section == " " : return default
if not config . has_section ( section ) : return default
if config . has_section ( section + lng_key ) :
return key + lng_key
elif config . has_section ( section ) :
return key
return default
def config_getoption ( config , section , key , default = False , lng_key = " " ) :
if not config or section == " " or key == " " : return default
if not config . has_section ( section ) : return default
if config . has_option ( section , key + lng_key ) :
return key + lng_key
elif config . has_option ( section , key ) :
return key
return default
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
#### Config - Set #####
def config_set ( key = None , value = " " ) :
global PATH
try :
file = PATH + " /config.cfg.owr "
if os . path . isfile ( file ) :
fh = open ( file , ' r ' )
data = fh . read ( )
fh . close ( )
data = re . sub ( r ' ^#? ' + key + ' ( +)?=( +)?( \ w+)? ' , key + " = " + value , data , count = 1 , flags = re . MULTILINE )
fh = open ( file , ' w ' )
fh . write ( data )
fh . close ( )
file = PATH + " /config.cfg "
if os . path . isfile ( file ) :
fh = open ( file , ' r ' )
data = fh . read ( )
fh . close ( )
data = re . sub ( r ' ^#? ' + key + ' ( +)?=( +)?( \ w+)? ' , key + " = " + value , data , count = 1 , flags = re . MULTILINE )
fh = open ( file , ' w ' )
fh . write ( data )
fh . close ( )
except :
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
#### Config - Read #####
def config_read ( file = None , file_override = None ) :
global CONFIG
if file is None :
return False
else :
CONFIG = configparser . ConfigParser ( allow_no_value = True , inline_comment_prefixes = " # " )
CONFIG . sections ( )
if os . path . isfile ( file ) :
try :
if file_override is None :
CONFIG . read ( file , encoding = ' utf-8 ' )
elif os . path . isfile ( file_override ) :
CONFIG . read ( [ file , file_override ] , encoding = ' utf-8 ' )
else :
CONFIG . read ( file , encoding = ' utf-8 ' )
except Exception as e :
return False
else :
if not config_default ( file = file , file_override = file_override ) :
return False
return True
#### Config - Save #####
def config_save ( file = None ) :
global CONFIG
if file is None :
return False
else :
if os . path . isfile ( file ) :
try :
with open ( file , " w " ) as file :
CONFIG . write ( file )
except Exception as e :
return False
else :
return False
return True
#### Config - Default #####
def config_default ( file = None , file_override = None ) :
global CONFIG
if file is None :
return False
elif DEFAULT_CONFIG != " " :
if file_override and DEFAULT_CONFIG_OVERRIDE != " " :
if not os . path . isdir ( os . path . dirname ( file_override ) ) :
try :
os . makedirs ( os . path . dirname ( file_override ) )
except Exception :
return False
if not os . path . exists ( file_override ) :
try :
config_file = open ( file_override , " w " )
config_file . write ( DEFAULT_CONFIG_OVERRIDE )
config_file . close ( )
except :
return False
if not os . path . isdir ( os . path . dirname ( file ) ) :
try :
os . makedirs ( os . path . dirname ( file ) )
except Exception :
return False
try :
config_file = open ( file , " w " )
config_file . write ( DEFAULT_CONFIG )
config_file . close ( )
if not config_read ( file = file , file_override = file_override ) :
return False
except :
return False
else :
return False
if not CONFIG . has_section ( " main " ) : CONFIG . add_section ( " main " )
CONFIG [ " main " ] [ " default_config " ] = " True "
return True
# Value convert
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
def val_to_bool ( val , fallback_true = True , fallback_false = False ) :
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
if val == " on " or val == " On " or val == " true " or val == " True " or val == " yes " or val == " Yes " or val == " 1 " or val == " open " or val == " opened " or val == " up " :
return True
elif val == " off " or val == " Off " or val == " false " or val == " False " or val == " no " or val == " No " or val == " 0 " or val == " close " or val == " closed " or val == " down " :
return False
elif val != " " :
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
return fallback_true
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
else :
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
return fallback_false
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
2023-06-05 14:36:42 +02:00
def val_to_val ( val ) :
if val . isdigit ( ) :
return int ( val )
elif val . isnumeric ( ) :
return float ( val )
elif val . lower ( ) == " true " :
return True
elif val . lower ( ) == " false " :
return False
else :
return val
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
# Log
LOG_TIMEFMT = " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S "
LOG_MAXSIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024
LOG_FILE = " "
def log ( text , level = 3 , file = None ) :
if not LOG_LEVEL :
if LOG_LEVEL > = level :
name = " Unknown "
if ( level == LOG_FORCE ) :
name = " "
if ( level == LOG_CRITICAL ) :
name = " Critical "
if ( level == LOG_ERROR ) :
name = " Error "
if ( level == LOG_WARNING ) :
name = " Warning "
if ( level == LOG_NOTICE ) :
name = " Notice "
if ( level == LOG_INFO ) :
name = " Info "
if ( level == LOG_VERBOSE ) :
name = " Verbose "
if ( level == LOG_DEBUG ) :
name = " Debug "
if ( level == LOG_EXTREME ) :
name = " Extra "
if not isinstance ( text , str ) :
text = str ( text )
text = " [ " + time . strftime ( LOG_TIMEFMT , time . localtime ( time . time ( ) ) ) + " ] [ " + name + " ] " + LOG_PREFIX + text + LOG_SUFFIX
if file == None and LOG_FILE != " " :
file = LOG_FILE
if file == None :
print ( text )
else :
try :
file_handle = open ( file , " a " )
file_handle . write ( text + " \n " )
file_handle . close ( )
if os . path . getsize ( file ) > LOG_MAXSIZE :
file_prev = file + " .1 "
if os . path . isfile ( file_prev ) :
os . unlink ( file_prev )
os . rename ( file , file_prev )
except :
# System
#### Panic #####
def panic ( ) :
sys . exit ( 255 )
#### Exit #####
def exit ( ) :
sys . exit ( 0 )
# Setup/Start
#### Setup #####
def setup ( path = None , path_rns = None , path_log = None , loglevel = None , service = False ) :
global PATH
global PATH_RNS
global LOG_LEVEL
global LOG_FILE
if path is not None :
if path . endswith ( " / " ) :
path = path [ : - 1 ]
PATH = path
if path_rns is not None :
if path_rns . endswith ( " / " ) :
path_rns = path_rns [ : - 1 ]
PATH_RNS = path_rns
if loglevel is not None :
LOG_LEVEL = loglevel
rns_loglevel = loglevel
else :
rns_loglevel = None
if service :
if path_log is not None :
if path_log . endswith ( " / " ) :
path_log = path_log [ : - 1 ]
LOG_FILE = path_log
else :
LOG_FILE = LOG_FILE + " / " + NAME + " .log "
rns_loglevel = None
if not config_read ( PATH + " /config.cfg " , PATH + " /config.cfg.owr " ) :
print ( " Config - Error reading config file " + PATH + " /config.cfg " )
panic ( )
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
if not cache_read ( PATH + " /cache.data " ) :
print ( " Cache - Error reading cache file " + PATH + " /cache.data " )
panic ( )
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
if CONFIG [ " main " ] . getboolean ( " default_config " ) :
print ( " Exit! " )
print ( " First start with the default config! " )
print ( " You should probably edit the config file \" " + PATH + " /config.cfg \" to suit your needs and use-case! " )
print ( " You should make all your changes at the user configuration file \" " + PATH + " /config.cfg.owr \" to override the default configuration file! " )
print ( " Then restart this program again! " )
exit ( )
if not CONFIG [ " main " ] . getboolean ( " enabled " ) :
print ( " Disabled in config file. Exit! " )
exit ( )
RNS_CONNECTION = RNS . Reticulum ( configdir = PATH_RNS , loglevel = rns_loglevel )
log ( " ............................................................................... " , LOG_INFO )
log ( " Name: " + CONFIG [ " main " ] [ " name " ] , LOG_INFO )
log ( " Program File: " + __file__ , LOG_INFO )
log ( " Config File: " + PATH + " /config " , LOG_INFO )
log ( " Version: " + VERSION , LOG_INFO )
log ( " Copyright: " + COPYRIGHT , LOG_INFO )
log ( " ............................................................................... " , LOG_INFO )
log ( " LXMF - Connecting ... " , LOG_DEBUG )
if CONFIG . has_option ( " lxmf " , " propagation_node " ) :
config_propagation_node = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] [ " propagation_node " ]
else :
config_propagation_node = None
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
if CONFIG . has_option ( " lxmf " , " propagation_node_active " ) :
config_propagation_node_active = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] [ " propagation_node_active " ]
else :
config_propagation_node_active = None
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
if path is None :
path = PATH
announce_data = { }
2023-06-05 14:36:42 +02:00
if CONFIG [ " features " ] . getboolean ( " announce_data " ) :
2022-12-08 13:06:12 +01:00
section = " data "
if CONFIG . has_section ( section ) :
for ( key , val ) in CONFIG . items ( section ) :
2023-06-05 14:36:42 +02:00
if " = " in val or " ; " in val :
announce_data [ key ] = { }
keys = val . split ( " ; " )
for val in keys :
val = val . split ( " = " )
if len ( val ) == 2 :
announce_data [ key ] [ val [ 0 ] ] = val_to_val ( val [ 1 ] )
else :
announce_data [ key ] = val
2023-10-15 08:48:26 +02:00
announce_data [ " c " ] = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] [ " display_name " ] . encode ( " utf-8 " )
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
LXMF_CONNECTION = lxmf_connection (
storage_path = path ,
destination_name = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] [ " destination_name " ] ,
destination_type = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] [ " destination_type " ] ,
display_name = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] [ " display_name " ] ,
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
announce_hidden = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] . getboolean ( " announce_hidden " ) ,
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
announce_data = umsgpack . packb ( announce_data ) ,
send_delay = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] [ " send_delay " ] ,
desired_method = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] [ " desired_method " ] ,
propagation_node = config_propagation_node ,
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
propagation_node_auto = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] . getboolean ( " propagation_node_auto " ) ,
propagation_node_active = config_propagation_node_active ,
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
try_propagation_on_fail = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] . getboolean ( " try_propagation_on_fail " ) ,
announce_startup = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] . getboolean ( " announce_startup " ) ,
announce_startup_delay = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] [ " announce_startup_delay " ] ,
announce_periodic = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] . getboolean ( " announce_periodic " ) ,
announce_periodic_interval = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] [ " announce_periodic_interval " ] ,
sync_startup = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] . getboolean ( " sync_startup " ) ,
sync_startup_delay = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] [ " sync_startup_delay " ] ,
sync_limit = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] [ " sync_limit " ] ,
sync_periodic = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] . getboolean ( " sync_periodic " ) ,
sync_periodic_interval = CONFIG [ " lxmf " ] [ " sync_periodic_interval " ] )
LXMF_CONNECTION . register_announce_callback ( lxmf_announce_callback )
LXMF_CONNECTION . register_message_received_callback ( lxmf_message_received_callback )
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
LXMF_CONNECTION . register_message_notification_success_callback ( lxmf_message_notification_success_callback )
LXMF_CONNECTION . register_config_set_callback ( config_set )
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
log ( " LXMF - Connected " , LOG_DEBUG )
log ( " ............................................................................... " , LOG_FORCE )
log ( " LXMF - Address: " + RNS . prettyhexrep ( LXMF_CONNECTION . destination_hash ( ) ) , LOG_FORCE )
log ( " ............................................................................... " , LOG_FORCE )
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
log ( " ............................................................................... " , LOG_EXTREME )
log ( " ............................................................................... " , LOG_EXTREME )
jobs_in_thread = threading . Thread ( target = jobs_in , daemon = True )
jobs_in_thread . start ( )
jobs_out_thread = threading . Thread ( target = jobs_out , daemon = True )
jobs_out_thread . start ( )
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
while True :
time . sleep ( 1 )
#### Start ####
def main ( ) :
try :
description = NAME + " - " + DESCRIPTION
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = description )
parser . add_argument ( " -p " , " --path " , action = " store " , type = str , default = None , help = " Path to alternative config directory " )
parser . add_argument ( " -pr " , " --path_rns " , action = " store " , type = str , default = None , help = " Path to alternative Reticulum config directory " )
parser . add_argument ( " -pl " , " --path_log " , action = " store " , type = str , default = None , help = " Path to alternative log directory " )
parser . add_argument ( " -l " , " --loglevel " , action = " store " , type = int , default = LOG_LEVEL )
parser . add_argument ( " -s " , " --service " , action = " store_true " , default = False , help = " Running as a service and should log to file " )
parser . add_argument ( " --exampleconfig " , action = " store_true " , default = False , help = " Print verbose configuration example to stdout and exit " )
parser . add_argument ( " --exampleconfigoverride " , action = " store_true " , default = False , help = " Print verbose configuration example to stdout and exit " )
params = parser . parse_args ( )
if params . exampleconfig :
print ( " Config File: " + PATH + " /config.cfg " )
print ( " Content: " )
exit ( )
if params . exampleconfigoverride :
print ( " Config Override File: " + PATH + " /config.cfg.owr " )
print ( " Content: " )
exit ( )
setup ( path = params . path , path_rns = params . path_rns , path_log = params . path_log , loglevel = params . loglevel , service = params . service )
except KeyboardInterrupt :
print ( " Terminated by CTRL-C " )
exit ( )
# Files
#### Default configuration override file ####
DEFAULT_CONFIG_OVERRIDE = ''' # This is the user configuration file to override the default configuration file.
# All settings made here have precedence.
# This file can be used to clearly summarize all settings that deviate from the default.
# This also has the advantage that all changed settings can be kept when updating the program.
[ lxmf ]
2023-10-15 08:48:26 +02:00
display_name = LXMF Provisioning Server
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
announce_periodic = Yes
announce_periodic_interval = 15 #Minutes
2022-12-08 13:06:12 +01:00
[ features ]
2023-06-05 14:36:42 +02:00
announce_data = True
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
account_add = True
account_edit = True
account_del = True
account_prove = True
2022-12-08 13:06:12 +01:00
telemetry = False
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
[ processing ]
interval_in = 5 #Seconds
interval_out = 60 #Seconds
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
[ data ]
v_s = 0.0 .0 #Version software
u_s = #URL Software
2022-12-10 14:12:06 +01:00
i_s = #Info Software
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
cmd = #CMD
2023-06-05 14:36:42 +02:00
config = #Config
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
#### Default configuration file ####
DEFAULT_CONFIG = ''' # This is the default config file.
# You should probably edit it to suit your needs and use-case.
#### Main program settings ####
[ main ]
enabled = True
# Name of the program. Only for display in the log or program startup.
name = LXMF Provisioning Server
#### LXMF connection settings ####
[ lxmf ]
# Destination name & type need to fits the LXMF protocoll
# to be compatibel with other LXMF programs.
destination_name = lxmf
destination_type = provisioning
2023-06-05 14:36:42 +02:00
destination_type_conv = 174
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
# The name will be visible to other peers
# on the network, and included in announces.
display_name = LXMF Provisioning Server
# Default send method.
desired_method = direct #direct/propagated
# Propagation node address/hash.
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
propagation_node =
# Set propagation node automatically.
propagation_node_auto = True
# Current propagation node (Automatically set by the software).
propagation_node_active =
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
# Try to deliver a message via the LXMF propagation network,
# if a direct delivery to the recipient is not possible.
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
try_propagation_on_fail = Yes
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
# The peer is announced at startup
# to let other peers reach it immediately.
announce_startup = Yes
announce_startup_delay = 0 #Seconds
# The peer is announced periodically
# to let other peers reach it.
announce_periodic = Yes
announce_periodic_interval = 360 #Minutes
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
# The announce is hidden for client applications
# but is still used for the routing tables.
announce_hidden = No
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
# Some waiting time after message send
# for LXMF/Reticulum processing.
send_delay = 0 #Seconds
# Sync LXMF messages at startup.
sync_startup = No
sync_startup_delay = 0 #Seconds
# Sync LXMF messages periodically.
sync_periodic = No
# The sync interval in minutes.
sync_periodic_interval = 360 #Minutes
# Automatic LXMF syncs will only
# download x messages at a time. You can change
# this number, or set the option to 0 to disable
# the limit, and download everything every time.
sync_limit = 8
# Allow only messages with valid signature.
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
signature_validated = No
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
#### Database connection settings ####
[ database ]
host = 127.0 .0 .1
port = 5432
user = postgres
password = password
database = database
2023-06-05 14:36:42 +02:00
encoding = utf8
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
2022-12-08 13:06:12 +01:00
#### Features enabled/disabled ####
[ features ]
2023-06-05 14:36:42 +02:00
announce_data = True
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
account_add = True
account_add_auth = False
account_add_auth_state = 1
account_add_auth_role = 3
account_edit = True
account_edit_auth = False
account_edit_auth_state = 1
account_edit_auth_role = 3
account_del = True
account_prove = True
account_prove_auth = True
account_prove_auth_state = 1
account_prove_auth_role = 3
2022-12-08 13:06:12 +01:00
telemetry = False
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
#### Processing ####
[ processing ]
interval_in = 5 #Seconds
interval_out = 60 #Seconds
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
#### Data settings ####
[ data ]
v_s = 0.0 .0 #Version software
u_s = #URL Software
2022-12-10 14:12:06 +01:00
i_s = #Info Software
2023-04-25 07:15:17 +02:00
cmd = #CMD
2023-06-05 14:36:42 +02:00
config = #Config
2022-12-07 17:05:23 +01:00
# Init
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
main ( )