#right now there is a lot of logging to error_log so during an attack those logs will fill the disk eventually. #a good idea would be to use a syslog server and log to a socket instead of a file for IO optimization #logging could also be disabled in production #depending on cluster setup some things can be changed here. #keepalive 128; or proxy_bind on multiple local ips can be used to mitigate local port exhaustion #most likely with this setup it's not the case #if this runs on the same machine as the application server UNIX sockets should be used instead of TCP access_by_lua_no_postpone on; lua_package_path "/etc/nginx/resty/?.lua;;"; init_by_lua_block { allowed_hosts = { "mainonion", "masterbalanceonion" } function in_array(tab, val) for index, value in ipairs(tab) do if value == val then return true end end return nil end function split(str, sep) local result = {} local regex = ("([^%s]+)"):format(sep) for each in str:gmatch(regex) do table.insert(result, each) end return result end local function calc_circuit(proxyheaderip) local cg = split(proxyheaderip, ":") local g1 = cg[5] local g2 = cg[6] local glen = string.len(g1) if (glen < 4) then for i = (4 - glen),1,-1 do g1 = "0" .. g1 ::loop_label_1:: end end glen = string.len(g2) if (glen < 4) then for i = (4 - glen),1,-1 do g2 = "0" .. g2 ::loop_label_2:: end end local d1 = (string.sub(g1,1,1) .. string.sub(g1,2,2)) local d2 = (string.sub(g1,3,3) .. string.sub(g1,4,4)) local d3 = (string.sub(g2,1,1) .. string.sub(g2,2,2)) local d4 = (string.sub(g2,3,3) .. string.sub(g2,4,4)) local circuit_id = ((((bit.lshift(tonumber(d1, 16), 24)) + (bit.lshift(tonumber(d2, 16), 16))) + (bit.lshift(tonumber(d3, 16), 8))) + tonumber(d4, 16)) return circuit_id end function kill_circuit(premature, clientip, headerip) local circuitid = calc_circuit(headerip) local response = "Closing circuit " .. circuitid .. " " local sock = ngx.socket.tcp() sock:settimeout(1000) local ok, err = sock:connect(clientip, 9051) if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to connect to tor: " .. err) return end ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "connected to tor") local bytes, err = sock:send("authenticate \"torauthpassword\"\n") if not bytes then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed authenticate to tor: " .. err) return end local data, err, partial = sock:receive() if not data then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed receive data from tor: " .. err) return end local response = response .. " " .. data local bytes, err = sock:send("closecircuit " .. circuitid .. "\n") if not bytes then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed send data to tor: " .. err) return end local data, err, partial = sock:receive() if not data then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed receive data from tor: " .. err) return end local response = response .. " " .. data ngx.log(ngx.ERR, response) sock:close() return end } #rate limits should be set to the maximum number of resources (css/images/iframes) a page will load. those should be kept to a minimum for optimization reasons #limiting by proxy_protocol_addr won't work with V2 onions and maybe should be disabled. #limiting by cookie_ works regarless and must be used, otherwise an attacker can solve a captcha by hand and add it to a script/bot limit_req_zone $proxy_protocol_addr zone=circuits:50m rate=3r/s; limit_req_zone $cookie_dcap zone=capcookie:50m rate=3r/s; #proxy_protocol only makes sense with V3 onions (exportcircuitid) otherwise it will break things. #kill_circuit won't be used without it server { listen 88 proxy_protocol backlog=16384; allow; deny all; #access_log /var/log/nginx/front_access.log; if ($http_x_tor2web) { return 401; } error_page 401 @tor2web; location @tor2web { echo_status 401; default_type text/html; echo

It seems you are connecting over a Tor2Web Proxy.

This is unsafe being that you are giving the proxy a privileged position where it can modify and/or inject content into the webpages you visit as well as track what you do.

; echo

When visiting please use the Tor Browser and go to the offical onion address. This keeps you private and safe.; } more_clear_headers 'Server:*'; more_clear_headers 'X-Page-Speed:*'; more_clear_headers 'Vary*'; more_clear_headers 'captcha-fails*'; #what do do when rate limit is triggered, blacklist the cookie (if exists) and kill circuit location @ratelimit { error_log /var/log/nginx/front_error.log; access_by_lua_block { local pa = "no_proxy" if ngx.var.proxy_protocol_addr ~= nil then pa = ngx.var.proxy_protocol_addr end local cook = require "resty.cookie" local cookie, err = cook:new() if not cookie then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, err) return end local field, err = cookie:get("dcap") if field then local blocked_cookies = ngx.shared.blocked_cookies blocked_cookies:set(field, 1, 3600) end ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Rate limited " .. ngx.var.remote_addr .. "|" .. pa) if pa ~= "no_proxy" then local ok, err = ngx.timer.at(0, kill_circuit, ngx.var.remote_addr, ngx.var.proxy_protocol_addr) if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to create timer: ", err) return end end ngx.exit(444) } } #what do do when waf is triggered, just show the error page and kill circuit for now. #naxsi seems to kick in before everything else except rate limiter but if it does trash traffic won't make it to the application servers anyway #doesn't make sense to blacklist cookie as it will annoy users location = @waf { error_log /var/log/nginx/front_error.log; default_type text/html; content_by_lua_block { ngx.say("Error") ngx.say("") ngx.say("


") ngx.say("

Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.

") ngx.say("

Most likely your input contains invalid characters (\" , `, etc.) that except for passwords should not be used.

") ngx.say("

This may also happen if you are trying to send contact information or external links.

") ngx.say("

Please go back, check your input and try again.

") proxyip = "no_proxy" torip = ngx.var.remote_addr if ngx.var.proxy_protocol_addr ~= nil then proxyip = ngx.var.proxy_protocol_addr end ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "WAF triggered " .. torip .. "|" .. proxyip) if proxyip ~= "no_proxy" then local ok, err = ngx.timer.at(0, kill_circuit, torip, proxyip) if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to create timer: ", err) return end end } } location /kill { access_by_lua_block { proxyip = "no_proxy" torip = ngx.var.remote_addr if ngx.var.proxy_protocol_addr ~= nil then proxyip = ngx.var.proxy_protocol_addr end ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Kill area visited" .. torip .. "|" .. proxyip) local cook = require "resty.cookie" local cookie, err = cook:new() if not cookie then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, err) return end local field, err = cookie:get("dcap") if field then local blocked_cookies = ngx.shared.blocked_cookies blocked_cookies:set(field, 1, 3600) end if proxyip ~= "no_proxy" then local ok, err = ngx.timer.at(0, kill_circuit, torip, proxyip) if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to create timer: ", err) return end end ngx.exit(444) } } location / { #access_log /var/log/nginx/front_access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/front_error.log; #rate limits per circuit ID (won't work with V2 and maybe should be disabled) limit_req zone=circuits burst=6 nodelay; error_page 503 =503 @ratelimit; #rate limits based on captcha cookie. if an attacker or bot solves the capcha by hand and inputs the cookie in a script #the cookie will be blacklisted by all fronts (eventually) and subsequent requests dropped. limit_req zone=capcookie burst=6 nodelay; error_page 503 =503 @ratelimit; #check if access captca is solved and other things access_by_lua_file lua/cap.lua; SecRulesEnabled; #LearningMode; DeniedUrl "@waf"; CheckRule "$SQL >= 8" BLOCK; CheckRule "$RFI >= 8" BLOCK; CheckRule "$TRAVERSAL >= 4" BLOCK; CheckRule "$EVADE >= 4" BLOCK; CheckRule "$XSS >= 8" BLOCK; include "/etc/nginx/naxsi_whitelist.rules"; error_log /etc/nginx/naxsi.log; proxy_set_header Host $host; #socks_pass socks5://; #socks_set_host exampleprivatev3onion.onion; #socks_set_header Host $host; #socks_redirect off; #socks_http_version 1.1; proxy_pass; header_filter_by_lua_block { local cookie, err = cook:new() if not cookie then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, err) return end local block_cookie = 0 if ngx.resp.get_headers()['captcha-fails'] ~= nil then local field, err = cookie:get("dcap") if field then local failed = ngx.shared.failed local fl = failed:get(field) if fl ~= nil then fl = fl + 1 else fl = 1 end failed:set(field, fl, 3600) if fl > 3 then block_cookie = 1 failed:delete(field) end end end if block_cookie > 0 then local field, err = cookie:get("dcap") if field then local blocked_cookies = ngx.shared.blocked_cookies blocked_cookies:set(field, 1, 3600) end end } } }