Tad f3e672fb18 Failed attempt at fixing signing
PRODUCT_OTA_PUBLIC_KEYS is meant to be set by a vendor tree, something
we don't use.

Override it at the source and set it explicitely as well.

This ensures that the compiled recovery.img and the one generated by
sign_target_files_apks.py includes the real public keys for verification.

11.0 signing is ignored.

This will need to be extensively tested as breakage can mean brick on locked
Although in failure cases it seems test-keys are accepted.


After much testing there appears to be a deeper issue with how keys
are inserted into the recovery and handled
2021-04-06 04:07:18 -04:00

274 lines
18 KiB

#DivestOS: A privacy focused mobile distribution
#Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Divested Computing Group
#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#(at your option) any later version.
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#Last verified: 2019-03-04
#Initialize aliases
#source ../../Scripts/init.sh
#Delete Everything and Sync
#Apply all of our changes
#buildDevice [device]
#Download some (non-executable) out-of-tree files for use later on
cd "$DOS_TMP_DIR";
#Accept all SDK licences, not normally needed but Gradle managed apps fail without it
mkdir -p "$ANDROID_HOME/licenses";
echo -e "\n8933bad161af4178b1185d1a37fbf41ea5269c55\nd56f5187479451eabf01fb78af6dfcb131a6481e" > "$ANDROID_HOME/licenses/android-sdk-license";
echo -e "\n84831b9409646a918e30573bab4c9c91346d8abd" > "$ANDROID_HOME/licenses/android-sdk-preview-license";
#top dir
cp -r "$DOS_PREBUILT_APPS""Fennec_DOS-Shim" "$DOS_BUILD_BASE""packages/apps/"; #Add a shim to install Fennec DOS without actually including the large APK
gpgVerifyDirectory "$DOS_PREBUILT_APPS""android_vendor_FDroid_PrebuiltApps/packages";
cp -r "$DOS_PREBUILT_APPS""android_vendor_FDroid_PrebuiltApps/." "$DOS_BUILD_BASE""vendor/fdroid_prebuilt/"; #Add the prebuilt apps
cp -r "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON""android_vendor_divested/." "$DOS_BUILD_BASE""vendor/divested/"; #Add our vendor files
enterAndClear "bionic";
if [ "$DOS_GRAPHENE_MALLOC" = true ]; then patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_bionic/0001-HM-Use_HM.patch"; fi; #(GrapheneOS)
enterAndClear "bootable/recovery";
git revert --no-edit 4d361ff13b5bd61d5a6a5e95063b24b8a37a24ab; #Always enforcing
git revert --no-edit 3f55a863ac34969f95bfb38641747d2fd9939630 865c6c770816f6e8099d6d93e04aeea35091a9d6; #Remove sideload cache, breaks with large files
git revert --no-edit 37d729bf; #Fix USB on most devices
git revert --no-edit fe2901b144c515c5a90b547198aed37c209b5a82; #Resurrect dm-verity
sed -i 's/!= 2048/< 2048/' tools/dumpkey/DumpPublicKey.java; #Allow 4096-bit keys
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_bootable_recovery/0001-No_SerialNum_Restrictions.patch"; #Abort on serial number specific packages (GrapheneOS)
enterAndClear "build/make";
git revert --no-edit 271f6ffa045064abcac066e97f2cb53ccb3e5126 61f7ee9386be426fd4eadc2c8759362edb5bef8; #Add back PicoTTS and language files
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_build/0001-OTA_Keys.patch"; #add correct keys to recovery for OTA verification
sed -i '74i$(my_res_package): PRIVATE_AAPT_FLAGS += --auto-add-overlay' core/aapt2.mk;
sed -i 's/messaging/Silence/' target/product/aosp_base_telephony.mk target/product/treble_common.mk; #Switch to Silence
enterAndClear "device/qcom/sepolicy-legacy";
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_device_qcom_sepolicy-legacy/0001-Camera_Fix.patch"; #Fix camera on -user builds XXX: REMOVE THIS TRASH
echo "SELINUX_IGNORE_NEVERALLOWS := true" >> sepolicy.mk; #necessary for -user builds of legacy devices
enterAndClear "external/chromium-webview";
git pull "https://github.com/LineageOS/android_external_chromium-webview" refs/changes/88/305088/3; #update webview
enterAndClear "external/svox";
git revert --no-edit 1419d63b4889a26d22443fd8df1f9073bf229d3d; #Add back Makefiles
sed -i '12iLOCAL_SDK_VERSION := current' pico/Android.mk; #Fix build under Pie
sed -i 's/about to delete/unable to delete/' pico/src/com/svox/pico/LangPackUninstaller.java;
awk -i inplace '!/deletePackage/' pico/src/com/svox/pico/LangPackUninstaller.java;
enterAndClear "frameworks/av";
if [ "$DOS_GRAPHENE_MALLOC" = true ]; then patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_frameworks_av/0001-HM-No_RLIMIT_AS.patch"; fi; #(GrapheneOS)
enterAndClear "frameworks/base";
hardenLocationFWB "$DOS_BUILD_BASE";
sed -i 's/DEFAULT_MAX_FILES = 1000;/DEFAULT_MAX_FILES = 0;/' services/core/java/com/android/server/DropBoxManagerService.java; #Disable DropBox
sed -i 's/DEFAULT_MAX_FILES_LOWRAM = 300;/DEFAULT_MAX_FILES_LOWRAM = 0;/' services/core/java/com/android/server/DropBoxManagerService.java; #Disable DropBox
sed -i 's/(notif.needNotify)/(true)/' location/java/com/android/internal/location/GpsNetInitiatedHandler.java; #Notify user when location is requested via SUPL
sed -i 's/entry == null/entry == null || true/' core/java/android/os/RecoverySystem.java; #Skip update compatibiltity check XXX: TEMPORARY FIX
sed -i 's/!Build.isBuildConsistent()/false/' services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java; #Disable fingerprint mismatch warning XXX: TEMPORARY FIX
sed -i 's/DEFAULT_STRONG_AUTH_TIMEOUT_MS = 72 \* 60 \* 60 \* 1000;/DEFAULT_STRONG_AUTH_TIMEOUT_MS = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000;/' core/java/android/app/admin/DevicePolicyManager.java; #decrease strong auth prompt timeout
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "FULL" ]; then patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_frameworks_base/0002-Signature_Spoofing.patch"; fi; #Allow packages to spoof their signature (microG)
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "FULL" ]; then patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_frameworks_base/0003-Harden_Sig_Spoofing.patch"; fi; #Restrict signature spoofing to system apps signed with the platform key
#patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_frameworks_base/0005-Connectivity.patch"; #Change connectivity check URLs to ours
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_frameworks_base/0006-Disable_Analytics.patch"; #Disable/reduce functionality of various ad/analytics libraries
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_frameworks_base/0007-Always_Restict_Serial.patch"; #always restrict access to Build.SERIAL (GrapheneOS)
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_frameworks_base/0008-Browser_No_Location.patch"; #don't grant location permission to system browsers (GrapheneOS)
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_frameworks_base/0009-SystemUI_No_Permission_Review.patch"; #allow SystemUI to directly manage Bluetooth/WiFi (GrapheneOS)
if [ "$DOS_GRAPHENE_EXEC" = true ]; then patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_frameworks_base/0010-Exec_Based_Spawning.patch"; fi; #add exec-based spawning support (GrapheneOS)
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_frameworks_base/0003-SUPL_No_IMSI.patch"; #don't send IMSI to SUPL (MSe)
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_frameworks_base/0004-Fingerprint_Lockout.patch"; #enable fingerprint failed lockout after 5 attempts (GrapheneOS)
sed -i '301i\ if(packageList.length() > 0) { packageList += ","; } packageList += "net.sourceforge.opencamera";' core/java/android/hardware/Camera.java; #add Open Camera to aux camera whitelist
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" != "FULL" ]; then rm -rf packages/CompanionDeviceManager; fi; #Used to support Android Wear (which hard depends on GMS)
rm -rf packages/PrintRecommendationService; #Creates popups to install proprietary print apps
if [ "$DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_IMS" = true ]; then
enterAndClear "frameworks/opt/net/ims";
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_frameworks_opt_net_ims/0001-Fix_Calling.patch"; #Fix calling when IMS is removed
enterAndClear "hardware/qcom/display";
git apply "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_hardware_qcom_display/CVE-2019-2306-msm8084.patch" --directory msm8084;
git apply "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_hardware_qcom_display/CVE-2019-2306-msm8916.patch" --directory msm8226;
git apply "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_hardware_qcom_display/CVE-2019-2306-msm8960.patch" --directory msm8960;
git apply "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_hardware_qcom_display/CVE-2019-2306-msm8974.patch" --directory msm8974;
git apply "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_hardware_qcom_display/CVE-2019-2306-msm8994.patch" --directory msm8994;
#TODO: missing msm8909, msm8996, msm8998, sdm845, sdm8150
enterAndClear "hardware/qcom/display-caf/apq8084";
git apply "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_hardware_qcom_display/CVE-2019-2306-apq8084.patch";
enterAndClear "hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8916";
git apply "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_hardware_qcom_display/CVE-2019-2306-msm8916.patch";
enterAndClear "hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8952";
git apply "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_hardware_qcom_display/CVE-2019-2306-msm8952.patch";
enterAndClear "hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8960";
git apply "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_hardware_qcom_display/CVE-2019-2306-msm8960.patch";
enterAndClear "hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8974";
git apply "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_hardware_qcom_display/CVE-2019-2306-msm8974.patch";
enterAndClear "hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8994";
git apply "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_hardware_qcom_display/CVE-2019-2306-msm8994.patch";
enterAndClear "hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996";
git apply "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_hardware_qcom_display/CVE-2019-2306-msm8996.patch";
enterAndClear "hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8998";
git apply "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_hardware_qcom_display/CVE-2019-2306-msm8998.patch";
enterAndClear "lineage-sdk";
awk -i inplace '!/LineageWeatherManagerService/' lineage/res/res/values/config.xml; #Disable Weather
if [ "$DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_AUDIOFX" = true ]; then awk -i inplace '!/LineageAudioService/' lineage/res/res/values/config.xml; fi;
enterAndClear "packages/apps/Contacts";
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_packages_apps_Contacts/0001-No_Google_Links.patch"; #Remove Privacy Policy and Terms of Service links (GrapheneOS)
enterAndClear "packages/apps/LineageParts";
rm -rf src/org/lineageos/lineageparts/lineagestats/ res/xml/anonymous_stats.xml res/xml/preview_data.xml; #Nuke part of the analytics
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_packages_apps_LineageParts/0001-Remove_Analytics.patch"; #Remove analytics
enterAndClear "packages/apps/Settings";
git revert --no-edit c240992b4c86c7f226290807a2f41f2619e7e5e8; #don't hide oem unlock
sed -i 's/private int mPasswordMaxLength = 16;/private int mPasswordMaxLength = 48;/' src/com/android/settings/password/ChooseLockPassword.java; #Increase max password length (GrapheneOS)
sed -i 's/if (isFullDiskEncrypted()) {/if (false) {/' src/com/android/settings/accessibility/*AccessibilityService*.java; #Never disable secure start-up when enabling an accessibility service
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "FULL" ]; then sed -i 's/GSETTINGS_PROVIDER = "com.google.settings";/GSETTINGS_PROVIDER = "com.google.oQuae4av";/' src/com/android/settings/PrivacySettings.java; fi; #microG doesn't support Backup, hide the options
enterAndClear "packages/apps/SetupWizard";
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_packages_apps_SetupWizard/0001-Remove_Analytics.patch"; #Remove analytics
enterAndClear "packages/apps/Trebuchet";
cp $DOS_BUILD_BASE/vendor/divested/overlay/common/packages/apps/Trebuchet/res/xml/default_workspace_*.xml res/xml/; #XXX: Likely no longer needed
enterAndClear "packages/apps/Updater";
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_packages_apps_Updater/0001-Server.patch"; #Switch to our server
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_packages_apps_Updater/0002-Tor_Support.patch"; #Add Tor support
sed -i 's/PROP_BUILD_VERSION_INCREMENTAL);/PROP_BUILD_VERSION_INCREMENTAL).replaceAll("\\\\.", "");/' src/org/lineageos/updater/misc/Utils.java; #Remove periods from incremental version
#TODO: Remove changelog
enterAndClear "packages/inputmethods/LatinIME";
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_packages_inputmethods_LatinIME/0001-Voice.patch"; #Remove voice input key
enterAndClear "packages/services/Telephony";
git revert --no-edit 99564aaf0417c9ddf7d6aeb10d326e5b24fa8f55;
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_packages_services_Telephony/0001-PREREQ_Handle_All_Modes.patch";
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_packages_services_Telephony/0002-More_Preferred_Network_Modes.patch";
enterAndClear "system/core";
if [ "$DOS_HOSTS_BLOCKING" = true ]; then cat "$DOS_HOSTS_FILE" >> rootdir/etc/hosts; fi; #Merge in our HOSTS file
git revert --no-edit b3609d82999d23634c5e6db706a3ecbc5348309a; #Always update recovery
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_system_core/0001-Harden.patch"; #Harden mounts with nodev/noexec/nosuid + misc sysctl changes (GrapheneOS)
if [ "$DOS_GRAPHENE_MALLOC" = true ]; then patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_system_core/0001-HM-Increase_vm_mmc.patch"; fi; #(GrapheneOS)
enterAndClear "system/extras";
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_system_extras/0001-ext4_pad_filenames.patch"; #FBE: pad filenames more (GrapheneOS)
enterAndClear "system/sepolicy";
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_system_sepolicy/0001-LGE_Fixes.patch"; #Fix -user builds for LGE devices
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_system_sepolicy/0001-LGE_Fixes.patch" --directory="prebuilts/api/28.0";
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_system_sepolicy/0001-LGE_Fixes.patch" --directory="prebuilts/api/27.0";
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_system_sepolicy/0001-LGE_Fixes.patch" --directory="prebuilts/api/26.0";
awk -i inplace '!/true cannot be used in user builds/' Android.mk; #Allow ignoring neverallows under -user
enterAndClear "vendor/lineage";
rm build/target/product/security/lineage.x509.pem;
rm -rf overlay/common/lineage-sdk/packages/LineageSettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml; #Remove analytics
rm -rf verity_tool; #Resurrect dm-verity
rm -rf addonsu;
rm -rf overlay/common/frameworks/base/core/res/res/drawable-*/default_wallpaper.png;
if [ "$DOS_HOSTS_BLOCKING" = true ]; then awk -i inplace '!/50-lineage.sh/' config/*.mk; fi; #Make sure our hosts is always used
awk -i inplace '!/PRODUCT_EXTRA_RECOVERY_KEYS/' config/*.mk; #Remove extra keys
awk -i inplace '!/security\/lineage/' config/*.mk; #Remove extra keys
awk -i inplace '!/WeatherProvider/' config/*.mk;
awk -i inplace '!/def_backup_transport/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml;
if [ "$DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_AUDIOFX" = true ]; then awk -i inplace '!/AudioFX/' config/*.mk; fi;
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then sed -i '/Google provider/!b;n;s/com.google.android.gms/org.microg.nlp/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml; fi;
sed -i 's/LINEAGE_BUILDTYPE := UNOFFICIAL/LINEAGE_BUILDTYPE := dos/' config/*.mk; #Change buildtype
if [ "$DOS_NON_COMMERCIAL_USE_PATCHES" = true ]; then sed -i 's/LINEAGE_BUILDTYPE := dos/LINEAGE_BUILDTYPE := dosNC/' config/*.mk; fi;
echo 'include vendor/divested/divestos.mk' >> config/common.mk; #Include our customizations
cp -f "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/apns-conf.xml" prebuilt/common/etc/apns-conf.xml; #Update APN list
sed -i 's/messaging/Silence/' config/telephony.mk; #Switch to Silence
enter "vendor/divested";
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "FULL" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += GmsCore GsfProxy FakeStore" >> packages.mk; fi;
if [ "$DOS_HOSTS_BLOCKING" = false ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += $DOS_HOSTS_BLOCKING_APP" >> packages.mk; fi;
echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += vendor.lineage.trust@1.0-service" >> packages.mk; #All of our kernels have deny USB patch added
enterAndClear "device/asus/zenfone3";
rm -rf libhidl; #breaks other devices
enterAndClear "device/lge/hammerhead";
git am $DOS_PATCHES/android_device_lge_hammerhead/*.patch; #hh-p-sepolicy
rm -rf bdAddrLoader; #duplicate with mako
echo "SELINUX_IGNORE_NEVERALLOWS := true" >> BoardConfig.mk; #qcom-legacy sepolicy
enterAndClear "device/oneplus/msm8998-common";
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/android_device_audio/0001-No_Vorbis_Offload.patch"; #Fix Ogg Vorbis playback
awk -i inplace '!/TARGET_RELEASETOOLS_EXTENSIONS/' BoardConfigCommon.mk; #disable releasetools to fix delta ota generation
enterAndClear "device/oppo/common";
awk -i inplace '!/TARGET_RELEASETOOLS_EXTENSIONS/' BoardConfigCommon.mk; #disable releasetools to fix delta ota generation
#Make changes to all devices
if [ "$DOS_LOWRAM_ENABLED" = true ]; then find "device" -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 8 -I {} bash -c 'enableLowRam "{}"'; fi;
find "hardware/qcom/gps" -name "gps\.conf" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 4 -I {} bash -c 'hardenLocationConf "{}"';
find "device" -name "gps\.conf" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 4 -I {} bash -c 'hardenLocationConf "{}"';
find "device" -type d -name "overlay" -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 4 -I {} bash -c 'hardenLocationFWB "{}"';
if [ "$DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_IMS" = "false" ]; then find "device" -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 8 -I {} bash -c 'volteOverride "{}"'; fi;
find "device" -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 8 -I {} bash -c 'enableDexPreOpt "{}"';
find "device" -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 8 -I {} bash -c 'hardenUserdata "{}"';
find "device" -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 8 -I {} bash -c 'hardenBootArgs "{}"';
find "kernel" -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 4 -I {} bash -c 'hardenDefconfig "{}"';
#Fix broken options enabled by hardenDefconfig()
sed -i "s/CONFIG_STRICT_MEMORY_RWX=y/# CONFIG_STRICT_MEMORY_RWX is not set/" kernel/asus/msm8953/arch/arm64/configs/*_defconfig; #Breaks on compile
sed -i "s/CONFIG_DEBUG_RODATA=y/# CONFIG_DEBUG_RODATA is not set/" kernel/google/yellowstone/arch/arm*/configs/*_defconfig; #Breaks on compile
sed -i 's/YYLTYPE yylloc;/extern YYLTYPE yylloc;/' kernel/*/*/scripts/dtc/dtc-lexer.l*; #Fix builds with GCC 10
rm -v kernel/*/*/drivers/staging/greybus/tools/Android.mk;