#!/bin/bash #DivestOS: A privacy oriented Android distribution #Copyright (c) 2017 Spot Communications, Inc. # #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #(at your option) any later version. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program. If not, see . #Delete Everything and Sync #repo forall -c 'git add -A && git reset --hard' && rm -rf out && repo sync -j20 --force-sync #Apply all of our changes #source ../../Scripts/LineageOS-11.0/00init.sh && source $scripts/Patch.sh && source $scripts/Rebrand.sh && source $scripts/Deblob.sh && source $scripts/Patch_CVE.sh && source build/envsetup.sh #Build! #brunch lineage_nex-userdebug # #START OF PREPRATION # enter() { echo "================================================================================================" dir=$1; cd $base$dir; echo "[ENTERING] "$dir; git add -A && git reset --hard; } enhanceLocation() { cd $base$1; #Enable GLONASS sed -i 's/#A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT/A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT/' gps.conf gps/gps.conf configs/gps.conf &>/dev/null || true; sed -i 's/A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT = 0.*/A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT = 15/' gps.conf gps/gps.conf configs/gps.conf &>/dev/null || true; sed -i 's|A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT=0.*|A_GLONASS_POS_PROTOCOL_SELECT=15|' overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values-*/*.xml &>/dev/null || true; #Recommended reading: https://wwws.nightwatchcybersecurity.com/2016/12/05/cve-2016-5341/ #XTRA: Only use specified URLs sed -i 's|XTRA_SERVER_QUERY=1|XTRA_SERVER_QUERY=0|' gps.conf gps/gps.conf configs/gps.conf &>/dev/null || true; sed -i 's|#XTRA_SERVER|XTRA_SERVER|' gps.conf gps/gps.conf configs/gps.conf &>/dev/null || true; #XTRA: Enable HTTPS sed -i 's|http://xtra|https://xtra|' overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values-*/*.xml gps.conf gps/gps.conf configs/gps.conf &>/dev/null || true; #XTRA: Use format version 3 if possible if grep -sq "XTRA_VERSION_CHECK" gps.conf gps/gps.conf configs/gps.conf; then #Using hardware/qcom/gps OR precompiled blob OR device specific implementation sed -i 's|XTRA_VERSION_CHECK=0|XTRA_VERSION_CHECK=1|' gps.conf gps/gps.conf configs/gps.conf &>/dev/null || true; sed -i 's|xtra2.bin|xtra3grc.bin|' gps.conf gps/gps.conf configs/gps.conf &>/dev/null || true; elif grep -sq "BOARD_VENDOR_QCOM_LOC_PDK_FEATURE_SET := true" BoardConfig.mk boards/*gps.mk; then if ! grep -sq "USE_DEVICE_SPECIFIC_LOC_API := true" BoardConfig.mk boards/*gps.mk; then if ! grep -sq "libloc" *proprietary*.txt; then #Using hardware/qcom/gps sed -i 's|xtra2.bin|xtra3grc.bin|' gps.conf gps/gps.conf configs/gps.conf &>/dev/null || true; fi; fi; fi; echo "Enhanced location services for $1"; cd $base; } export -f enhanceLocation; # #END OF PREPRATION # # #START OF ROM CHANGES # enter "packages/apps/Settings" patch -p1 < $patches"android_packages_apps_Settings/0001-CMStats.patch"; #Remove CMStats enter "vendor/cm" awk -i inplace '!/50-cm.sh/' config/common.mk; #Make sure our hosts is always used sed -i 's/CM_BUILDTYPE := UNOFFICIAL/CM_BUILDTYPE := dos/' config/common.mk; #Change buildtype # #END OF ROM CHANGES # # #START OF DEVICE CHANGES # enter "device/zte/nex" patch -p1 < $patches"android_device_zte_nex/Fixes.patch" patch -p1 < $patches"android_device_zte_nex/Lower_DPI.patch" mv cm.mk lineage.mk sed -i 's/cm_/lineage_/' lineage.mk vendorsetup.sh #In nex-vendor-blobs.mk # "system/lib/libtime_genoff.so" -> "obj/lib/libtime_genoff.so" # Remove "WCNSS_qcom_wlan_nv2.bin" enter "kernel/zte/msm8930" patch -p1 < $patches"android_kernel_zte_msm8930/MDP-Fix.patch" patch -p1 < $patches"android_kernel_zte_msm8930/Timeconst-Fix.patch" #Make changes to all devices cd $base find "device" -maxdepth 2 -mindepth 2 -type d -exec bash -c 'enhanceLocation "$0"' {} \; cd $base # #END OF DEVICE CHANGES #