#!/bin/bash #DivestOS: A privacy focused mobile distribution #Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Divested Computing Group # #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #(at your option) any later version. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program. If not, see . umask 0022; #Last verified: 2022-10-15 patchAllKernels() { startPatcher "kernel_essential_msm8998 kernel_fairphone_sdm632 kernel_fairphone_sm7225 kernel_fxtec_msm8998 kernel_google_gs101_private_gs-google kernel_google_gs201_private_gs-google kernel_google_msm-4.9 kernel_google_msm-4.14 kernel_google_redbull kernel_google_wahoo kernel_oneplus_msm8998 kernel_oneplus_sdm845 kernel_oneplus_sm7250 kernel_oneplus_sm8150 kernel_oneplus_sm8250 kernel_oneplus_sm8350 kernel_razer_msm8998 kernel_razer_sdm845 kernel_sony_sdm845 kernel_xiaomi_sdm845"; } export -f patchAllKernels; scanWorkspaceForMalware() { local scanQueue="$DOS_BUILD_BASE/android $DOS_BUILD_BASE/art $DOS_BUILD_BASE/bionic $DOS_BUILD_BASE/bootable $DOS_BUILD_BASE/build $DOS_BUILD_BASE/dalvik $DOS_BUILD_BASE/device $DOS_BUILD_BASE/hardware $DOS_BUILD_BASE/libcore $DOS_BUILD_BASE/libnativehelper $DOS_BUILD_BASE/packages $DOS_BUILD_BASE/pdk $DOS_BUILD_BASE/platform_testing $DOS_BUILD_BASE/sdk $DOS_BUILD_BASE/system"; scanQueue=$scanQueue" $DOS_BUILD_BASE/lineage-sdk $DOS_BUILD_BASE/vendor/lineage"; scanForMalware true "$scanQueue"; } export -f scanWorkspaceForMalware; buildDevice() { cd "$DOS_BUILD_BASE"; if [[ -d "$DOS_SIGNING_KEYS/$1" ]]; then #export OTA_KEY_OVERRIDE_DIR="$DOS_SIGNING_KEYS/$1"; breakfast "lineage_$1-user" && mka -j${DOS_MAX_THREADS_BUILD} target-files-package otatools && processRelease $1 true $2; else echo -e "\e[0;31mNo signing keys available for $1\e[0m"; fi; } export -f buildDevice; buildDeviceDebug() { cd "$DOS_BUILD_BASE"; unset OTA_KEY_OVERRIDE_DIR; brunch "lineage_$1-eng"; } export -f buildDeviceDebug; buildAll() { umask 0022; cd "$DOS_BUILD_BASE"; if [ "$DOS_MALWARE_SCAN_ENABLED" = true ]; then scanWorkspaceForMalware; fi; #frontloaded for testing buildDevice bluejay avb; #SD835 buildDevice taimen avb; buildDevice walleye avb; buildDevice cheeseburger verity; buildDevice dumpling verity; buildDevice mata verity; #unb buildDevice cheryl verity; #SD845 buildDevice fajita avb; buildDevice enchilada avb; buildDevice aura avb; buildDevice beryllium avb; buildDevice pro1 avb; buildDevice crosshatch avb; #unb buildDevice blueline avb; #unb buildDevice akari avb; buildDevice aurora avb; buildDevice xz2c avb; #SD750 buildDevice FP4 avb; #SD855 buildDevice guacamole avb; buildDevice guacamoleb avb; buildDevice hotdog avb; buildDevice hotdogb avb; buildDevice coral avb; buildDevice flame avb; #SD730 buildDevice sunfish avb; #SD632 buildDevice FP3 avb; #SD865 buildDevice instantnoodle avb; buildDevice instantnoodlep avb; buildDevice kebab avb; #SD888 buildDevice lemonade avb; buildDevice lemonadep avb; #SD765 buildDevice avicii avb; buildDevice bramble avb; buildDevice redfin avb; buildDevice barbet avb; #SD670 buildDevice bonito avb; #unb buildDevice sargo avb; #unb #Tensor buildDevice oriole avb; buildDevice raven avb; buildDevice panther avb; buildDevice cheetah avb; } export -f buildAll; patchWorkspaceReal() { umask 0022; cd "$DOS_BUILD_BASE/$1"; touch DOS_PATCHED_FLAG; if [ "$DOS_MALWARE_SCAN_ENABLED" = true ]; then scanForMalware false "$DOS_PREBUILT_APPS $DOS_BUILD_BASE/build $DOS_BUILD_BASE/device $DOS_BUILD_BASE/vendor/lineage"; fi; verifyAllPlatformTags; gpgVerifyGitHead "$DOS_BUILD_BASE/external/chromium-webview"; #source build/envsetup.sh; sh "$DOS_SCRIPTS/Patch.sh"; sh "$DOS_SCRIPTS_COMMON/Enable_Verity.sh"; sh "$DOS_SCRIPTS_COMMON/Copy_Keys.sh"; sh "$DOS_SCRIPTS_COMMON/Defaults.sh"; sh "$DOS_SCRIPTS/Rebrand.sh"; sh "$DOS_SCRIPTS_COMMON/Optimize.sh"; sh "$DOS_SCRIPTS_COMMON/Deblob.sh"; sh "$DOS_SCRIPTS_COMMON/Patch_CVE.sh"; sh "$DOS_SCRIPTS_COMMON/Post.sh"; source build/envsetup.sh; #Deblobbing fixes ##setup-makefiles doesn't execute properly for some devices, running it twice seems to fix whatever is wrong #none yet } export -f patchWorkspaceReal; enableDexPreOpt() { cd "$DOS_BUILD_BASE/$1"; if [ -f BoardConfig.mk ]; then echo "WITH_DEXPREOPT := true" >> BoardConfig.mk; echo "WITH_DEXPREOPT_DEBUG_INFO := false" >> BoardConfig.mk; if true; then echo "WITH_DEXPREOPT_BOOT_IMG_AND_SYSTEM_SERVER_ONLY := false" >> BoardConfig.mk; echo "Enabled full dexpreopt for $1"; else echo "WITH_DEXPREOPT_BOOT_IMG_AND_SYSTEM_SERVER_ONLY := true" >> BoardConfig.mk; echo "Enabled core dexpreopt for $1"; fi; fi; cd "$DOS_BUILD_BASE"; } export -f enableDexPreOpt; enableLowRam() { if [ -d "$DOS_BUILD_BASE/$1" ]; then cd "$DOS_BUILD_BASE/$1"; if [ -f lineage_$2.mk ]; then echo -e '\n$(call inherit-product, vendor/divested/build/target/product/lowram.mk)' >> lineage_$2.mk; fi; echo "Enabled lowram for $1"; cd "$DOS_BUILD_BASE"; else echo "Not enabling lowram for $1, not available"; fi; } export -f enableLowRam;