#!/bin/bash #DivestOS: A mobile operating system divested from the norm. #Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Divested Computing Group # #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #(at your option) any later version. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License #along with this program. If not, see . #Sets settings used by all other scripts # #START OF USER CONFIGURABLE OPTIONS # #General export DOS_WORKSPACE_ROOT="/mnt/dos/"; #XXX: THIS MUST BE CORRECT TO BUILD! #export DOS_BUILDS=$DOS_WORKSPACE_ROOT"Builds/"; export DOS_BUILDS="/mnt/Storage-1/DivestOS/Builds/"; #XXX: THIS MUST BE CORRECT TO BUILD! export DOS_SIGNING_KEYS="$DOS_WORKSPACE_ROOT/Signing_Keys/4096pro"; export DOS_SIGNING_GPG="$DOS_WORKSPACE_ROOT/Signing_Keys/gnupg"; #export USE_CCACHE=1; #export CCACHE_DIR=""; export CCACHE_COMPRESS=1; export CCACHE_COMPRESSLEVEL=1; #export DOS_BINARY_PATCHER=""; export DOS_MALWARE_SCAN_ENABLED=false; #Set true to perform a fast scan on patchWorkspace() and a through scan on buildAll() export DOS_MALWARE_SCAN_SETTING="quick"; #buildAll() scan speed. Options: quick, extra, slow, full export DOS_REFRESH_PATCHES=true; #Set true to refresh branch-specific patches on apply #Deblobber export DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_ACCESSORIES=true; #Set false to allow use of external accessories that depend on blobs export DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_ATFWD=true; #Set true to remove basic ATFWD blobs export DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_AUDIOFX=true; #Set true to remove AudioFX export DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_APTX=false; #Set true to remove aptX Bluetooth codec export DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_CNE=true; #Set true to remove all CNE blobs #XXX: Breaks Wi-Fi calling export DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_DPM=true; #Set true to remove all DPM blobs #XXX: Maybe breaks multi-sim and carrier aggregation (LTE+) export DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_DPP=false; #Set true to remove all Display Post Processing blobs #XXX: Breaks boot on select devices export DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_FACE=false; #Set true to remove all face unlock blobs export DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_FP=false; #Set true to remove all fingerprint reader blobs export DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_EUICC=true; #Set true to remove all Google eUICC blobs export DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_EUICC_FULL=false; #Set true to remove all hardware eUICC blobs export DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_IMS=false; #Set true to remove all IMS blobs #XXX: Carriers are phasing out 3G, making IMS mandatory for calls export DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_IPA=false; #Set true to remove all IPA blobs export DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_IR=false; #Set true to remove all IR blobs export DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_RCS=true; #Set true to remove all RCS blobs #Features export DOS_HOSTS_BLOCKING=true; #Set false to prevent inclusion of a HOSTS file export DOS_HOSTS_BLOCKING_LIST="https://divested.dev/hosts-wildcards"; #Must be in the format " bad.domain.tld" export DOS_SENSORS_PERM=false; #Set true to provide a per-app sensors permission for 14.1/15.1 #XXX: can break things like camera export DOS_USE_KSM=false; #Set true to use KSM for increased memory efficiency at the cost of easier side-channel attacks and increased CPU usage #XXX: testing only #Servers export DOS_DEFAULT_DNS_PRESET="Quad9"; #Sets default DNS. Options: See changeDefaultDNS() in Scripts/Common/Functions.sh export DOS_GPS_NTP_SERVER="2.android.pool.ntp.org"; #Options: Any NTP pool export DOS_GPS_SUPL_HOST="supl.google.com"; #Options: Any *valid* SUPL server #Release Processing export DOS_MALWARE_SCAN_BEFORE_SIGN=false; #Scan device files for malware before signing export DOS_GENERATE_DELTAS=false; #Creates deltas from existing target_files in $DOS_BUILDS export DOS_AUTO_ARCHIVE_BUILDS=true; #Copies files to $DOS_BUILDS after signing export DOS_REMOVE_AFTER=true; #Removes device OUT directory after complete to reclaim space. Requires AUTO_ARCHIVE_BUILDS=true export DOS_REMOVE_AFTER_FULL=false; #Removes the entire OUT directory export DOS_GPG_SIGNING=true; export DOS_GPG_SIGNING_KEY="B8744D67F9F1E14E145DFD8E7F627E920F316994"; #Branding export DOS_BRANDING_NAME="DivestOS"; export DOS_BRANDING_ZIP_PREFIX="divested"; export DOS_BRANDING_BOOTANIMATION_FONT="Fira-Sans-Heavy"; #Options: $ convert -list font export DOS_BRANDING_BOOTANIMATION_STYLE="plasma"; #Options: gradient, plasma #export DOS_BRANDING_BOOTANIMATION_COLOR="#FF5722-#FF8A65"; #gradient export DOS_BRANDING_BOOTANIMATION_COLOR="#FF5722-#03A9F4"; #plasma export DOS_BRANDING_LINK_ABOUT="https://divestos.org/pages/about"; export DOS_BRANDING_LINK_NEWS="https://divestos.org/pages/news"; export DOS_BRANDING_LINK_PRIVACY="https://divestos.org/pages/privacy_policy"; #OTAs export DOS_OTA_SERVER_PRIMARY="https://divestos.org/updater.php"; export DOS_OTA_SERVER_EXTENDED=true; #Enable to provide multiple choices as set below export DOS_OTA_SERVER_SECONDARY="https://divestos.eeyo.re/updater.php"; export DOS_OTA_SERVER_SECONDARY_NAME="Cloudflare"; export DOS_OTA_SERVER_ONION_PRIMARY="http://divestoseb5nncsydt7zzf5hrfg44md4bxqjs5ifcv4t7gt7u6ohjyyd.onion/updater.php"; export DOS_OTA_SERVER_ONION_SECONDARY="http://2ceyag7ppvhliszes2v25n5lmpwhzqrc7sv72apqka6hwggfi42y2uid.onion/updater.php"; export DOS_OTA_SERVER_ONION_DOMAIN_PRIMARY="divestoseb5nncsydt7zzf5hrfg44md4bxqjs5ifcv4t7gt7u6ohjyyd.onion"; #Used for network security config export DOS_OTA_SERVER_ONION_DOMAIN_SECONDARY="2ceyag7ppvhliszes2v25n5lmpwhzqrc7sv72apqka6hwggfi42y2uid.onion"; #Theme export DOS_THEME_50="FFCA28"; #Amber 400 export DOS_THEME_100="FFC107"; #Amber 500 export DOS_THEME_200="FFA726"; #Orange 400 export DOS_THEME_300="FF9800"; #Orange 500 export DOS_THEME_500="FF5722"; #Deep Orange 500 export DOS_THEME_700="E64A19"; #Deep Orange 700 # #END OF USER CONFIGURABLE OPTIONS # [ -f "$HOME/.divested.vars" ] && source $HOME/.divested.vars && echo "included $HOME/.divested.vars config" [ -f "$HOME/.divested.vars.${BDEVICE}" ] && source $HOME/.divested.vars.${BDEVICE} && echo "included $HOME/.divested.vars.${BDEVICE} config" umask 0022; gpgVerifyGitHead() { if [ -r "$DOS_TMP_GNUPG/pubring.kbx" ]; then if git -C "$1" verify-commit HEAD &>/dev/null; then echo -e "\e[0;32mGPG Verified Git HEAD Successfully: $1\e[0m"; else echo -e "\e[0;31mWARNING: GPG Verification of Git HEAD Failed: $1\e[0m"; #sleep 60; fi; #git -C $1 log --show-signature -1; else echo -e "\e[0;33mWARNING: keyring is unavailable, GPG verification of $1 will not be performed!\e[0m"; fi; } export -f gpgVerifyGitHead; BUILD_WORKING_DIR=${PWD##*/}; export DOS_VERSION="$BUILD_WORKING_DIR"; if [ -d ".repo" ]; then echo "Detected $BUILD_WORKING_DIR"; else echo "Not a valid workspace!"; return 1; fi; export DOS_BUILD_BASE="$DOS_WORKSPACE_ROOT/Build/$BUILD_WORKING_DIR/"; if [ ! -d "$DOS_BUILD_BASE" ]; then echo "Path mismatch! Please update init.sh!"; return 1; fi; export DOS_TMP_DIR="/tmp/dos_tmp"; mkdir -p "$DOS_TMP_DIR"; export DOS_HOSTS_FILE="$DOS_TMP_DIR/hosts"; export DOS_TMP_GNUPG="$DOS_TMP_DIR/gnupg-$RANDOM"; mkdir -p "$DOS_TMP_GNUPG"; export GNUPGHOME="$DOS_TMP_GNUPG"; chmod 700 "$DOS_TMP_GNUPG"; export DOS_VERIFICATION_KEYRING="$DOS_WORKSPACE_ROOT/Misc/pubring.kbx"; cp "$DOS_VERIFICATION_KEYRING" "$DOS_TMP_GNUPG/"; export DOS_PREBUILT_APPS="$DOS_WORKSPACE_ROOT/PrebuiltApps/"; export DOS_PATCHES_COMMON="$DOS_WORKSPACE_ROOT/Patches/Common/"; export DOS_PATCHES="$DOS_WORKSPACE_ROOT/Patches/$BUILD_WORKING_DIR/"; export DOS_PATCHES_LINUX_CVES="$DOS_WORKSPACE_ROOT/Patches/Linux/"; export DOS_WALLPAPERS="$DOS_WORKSPACE_ROOT/Patches/Wallpapers/"; export DOS_SCRIPTS_COMMON="$DOS_WORKSPACE_ROOT/Scripts/Common/"; export DOS_SCRIPTS="$DOS_WORKSPACE_ROOT/Scripts/$BUILD_WORKING_DIR/"; if [ ! -d "$DOS_SCRIPTS" ]; then echo "$BUILD_WORKING_DIR is not supported!"; return 1; fi; export DOS_SCRIPTS_CVES="$DOS_SCRIPTS/CVE_Patchers/"; export KBUILD_BUILD_USER="emy"; export KBUILD_BUILD_HOST="dosbm"; export BUILD_USERNAME="emy"; export BUILD_HOSTNAME="dosbm"; export ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS="-Xmx8192m -Xms512m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation"; export JACK_SERVER_VM_ARGUMENTS="${ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS}"; export EXPERIMENTAL_USE_JAVA8=true; export GRADLE_OPTS="-Xmx2048m"; export TZ=:/etc/localtime; export LC_ALL=C; export LANG=C.UTF-8; if [[ "$DOS_VERSION" != "LineageOS-20.0" ]]; then export DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_EUICC_FULL=true; fi; #START OF VERIFICATION gpgVerifyGitHead "$DOS_WORKSPACE_ROOT"; gpgVerifyGitHead "$DOS_PREBUILT_APPS"; gpgVerifyGitHead "$DOS_PATCHES_LINUX_CVES"; gpgVerifyGitHead "$DOS_WALLPAPERS"; #END OF VERIFICATION source "$DOS_SCRIPTS_COMMON/Shell.sh"; source "$DOS_SCRIPTS_COMMON/Functions.sh"; source "$DOS_SCRIPTS_COMMON/Tag_Verifier.sh"; source "$DOS_SCRIPTS/Functions.sh"; [[ -f "$DOS_BUILD_BASE/.repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml" ]] && echo "roomservice manifest found! Please fix your manifests before continuing!"; [[ -f "$DOS_BUILD_BASE/DOS_PATCHED_FLAG" ]] && echo "NOTE: THIS WORKSPACE IS ALREADY PATCHED, PLEASE RESET BEFORE PATCHING AGAIN!"; if grep -sq "orphan_file" "/etc/mke2fs.conf"; then echo "NOTE: YOU MUST REMOVE orphan_file AND metadata_csum_seed FROM /etc/mke2fs.conf"; fi;