... A new version of repo (2.21) is available. ... New version is available at: /mnt/dos/Build/LineageOS-16.0/.repo/repo/repo ... The launcher is run from: /home/tad/bin/repo !!! The launcher is not writable. Please talk to your sysadmin or distro !!! to get an update installed. GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//build/blueprint GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//compatibility/cdd GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//cts GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//developers/build GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/Microsoft-GSL GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/abi-compliance-checker GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/abi-dumper GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/adhd GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/android-clat GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/androidplot GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/annotation-tools GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/ant-glob GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/antlr GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/apache-commons-math GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/apache-harmony GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/apache-http GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/apache-xml GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/archive-patcher GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/arm-neon-tests GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/autotest GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/avb GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/bart GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/blktrace GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/boringssl GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/bouncycastle GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/brotli GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/bsdiff GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/bzip2 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/caliper GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/capstone GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/cblas GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/chromium-trace GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/clang GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/cmockery GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/cn-cbor GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/compiler-rt GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/conscrypt GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/crcalc GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/cros/system_api GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/dagger2 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/deqp GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/desugar GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/devlib GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/dexmaker GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/dhcpcd-6.8.2 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/dlmalloc GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/doclava GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/drm_gralloc GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/drm_hwcomposer GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/droiddriver GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/drrickorang GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/dtc GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/easymock GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/eigen GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/emma GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/error_prone GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/esd GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/expat GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/eyes-free GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/fdlibm GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/fec GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/fio GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/flac GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/flatbuffers GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/fonttools GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/gemmlowp GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/gflags GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/giflib GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/glide GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/golang-protobuf GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/google-benchmark GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/google-breakpad GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/google-fonts/carrois-gothic-sc GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/google-fonts/coming-soon GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/google-fonts/cutive-mono GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/google-fonts/dancing-script GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/google-styleguide GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/google-tv-pairing-protocol GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/googletest GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/guava GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/guice GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/hamcrest GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/harfbuzz_ng GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/honggfuzz GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/hyphenation-patterns GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/ims GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/iproute2 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/ipsec-tools GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/iptables GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/iputils GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/iw GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/jacoco GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/jarjar GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/javaparser GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/javasqlite GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/javassist GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/jcommander GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/jdiff GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/jemalloc GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/jline GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/jmdns GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/jsilver GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/jsmn GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/jsoncpp GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/jsr305 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/jsr330 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/junit GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/junit-params GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/kernel-headers GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/kmod GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/kotlinc GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/ksoap2 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libbackup GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libcap GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libcap-ng GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libconstrainedcrypto GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libcxxabi GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libdaemon GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libdivsufsort GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libdrm GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libedit GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libese GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libevent GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libffi GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libgsm GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libldac GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libmicrohttpd GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libmojo GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libmpeg2 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libmtp GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libnetfilter_conntrack GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libnfnetlink GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libnl GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libogg GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libopus GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libpcap GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libphonenumber GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libunwind GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libunwind_llvm GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libusb GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libusb-compat GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libvncserver GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libvpx GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libvterm GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libxaac GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libxcam GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libxkbcommon GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libxml2 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/libyuv GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/linux-kselftest GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/lisa GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/llvm GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/lmfit GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/ltp GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/lz4 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/lzma GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/markdown GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/mdnsresponder GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/mesa3d GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/minijail GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/mmc-utils GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/mockftpserver GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/mockito GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/mockwebserver GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/modp_b64 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/mp4parser GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/mtpd GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/nanohttpd GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/nanopb-c GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/naver-fonts GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/netcat GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/neven GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/nfacct GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/nist-pkits GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/nist-sip GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/nos/host/android GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/nos/host/generic GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/nos/test/system-test-harness GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/noto-fonts GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/oauth GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/objenesis GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/oj-libjdwp GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/owasp/sanitizer GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/parameter-framework GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/pcre GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/pdfium GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/perf_data_converter GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/piex GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/ply GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/protobuf GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/python/cpython2 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/python/cpython3 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/python/futures GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/rappor GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/replicaisland GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/rmi4utils GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/robolectric GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/robolectric-shadows GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/roboto-fonts GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/rootdev GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/safe-iop GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/scapy GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/scrypt GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/seccomp-tests GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/sfntly GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/shaderc/spirv-headers GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/shflags GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/skqp GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/sl4a GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/slf4j GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/smali GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/snakeyaml GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/sonic GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/speex GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/spirv-llvm GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/squashfs-tools GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/strace GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/stressapptest GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/subsampling-scale-image-view GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/svox GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/swiftshader GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/syslinux GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/tagsoup GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/tensorflow GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/testng GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/timezonepicker-support GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/tinyalsa GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/tinyxml GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/tinyxml2 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/toolchain-utils GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/tpm2 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/trappy GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/turbine GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/unicode GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/universal-tween-engine GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/v4l2_codec2 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/valgrind GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/vboot_reference GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/vixl GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/vogar GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/volley GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/vulkan-validation-layers GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/walt GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/webp GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/webrtc GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/webview_support_interfaces GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/wycheproof GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/x264 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/xmlrpcpp GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/xmp_toolkit GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/xz-embedded GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/zopfli GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/zxing GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/compile/libbcc GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/compile/mclinker GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/compile/slang GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/data-binding GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/ex GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/layoutlib GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/ml GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/multidex GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/opt/bitmap GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/opt/calendar GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/opt/car/services GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/opt/chips GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/opt/colorpicker GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/opt/inputconnectioncommon GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/opt/inputmethodcommon GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/opt/net/ethernet GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/opt/net/ims GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/opt/net/lowpan GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/opt/photoviewer GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/opt/setupwizard GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/opt/timezonepicker GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/opt/vcard GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/rs GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/support GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//frameworks/wilhelm GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/akm GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/google/apf GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/google/easel GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/google/interfaces GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/google/pixel GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/intel/audio_media GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/intel/common/bd_prov GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/intel/common/libstagefrighthw GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/intel/common/libva GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/intel/common/libwsbm GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/intel/common/omx-components GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/intel/common/wrs_omxil_core GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/intel/img/psb_headers GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/intel/img/psb_video GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/invensense GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/marvell/bt GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/nxp/secure_element GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/qcom/neuralnetworks/hvxservice GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/qcom/sdm710/data/ipacfg-mgr GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/qcom/sdm710/gps GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/qcom/sdm710/media GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/qcom/sdm710/thermal GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//hardware/qcom/sdm710/vr GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//libnativehelper GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/apps/Car/Dialer GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/apps/Car/Hvac GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/apps/Car/LatinIME GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/apps/Car/Launcher GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/apps/Car/LensPicker GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/apps/Car/LocalMediaPlayer GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/apps/Car/Media GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/apps/Car/Messenger GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/apps/Car/Overview GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/apps/Car/Radio GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/apps/Car/Settings GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/apps/Car/Stream GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/apps/Car/SystemUpdater GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/apps/Car/libs GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/apps/OneTimeInitializer GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/apps/Provision GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/apps/TV GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/apps/Test/connectivity GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/experimental WARNING: No tag match for /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/inputmethods/LeanbackIME  GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/services/Car GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//packages/services/NetworkRecommendation GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//pdk GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//platform_testing WARNING: No tag match for /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/abi-dumps/ndk  GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/android-emulator GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/checkcolor GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/checkstyle GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/clang-tools GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/clang/host/linux-x86 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/deqp GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/devtools GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/aarch64/aarch64-linux-android-4.9 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/host/x86_64-linux-glibc2.15-4.8 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/host/x86_64-w64-mingw32-4.8 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/x86/x86_64-linux-android-4.9 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/gdb/linux-x86 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/go/linux-x86 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/gradle-plugin GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/jdk/jdk8 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/jdk/jdk9 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/ktlint GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/libs/libedit GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/maven_repo/android GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/maven_repo/bumptech GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/misc GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/ndk GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/python/linux-x86/2.7.5 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/r8 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/sdk GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/tools GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//prebuilts/vndk/v27 GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//sdk GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//system/ca-certificates GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//system/chre GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//system/connectivity/wifilogd GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//system/gatekeeper GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//system/hardware/interfaces GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//system/hwservicemanager GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//system/iot/attestation GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//system/libhidl GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//system/libufdt GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//system/libvintf GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//system/nvram GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//system/tpm GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//test/framework GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//test/suite_harness GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//test/vti/dashboard GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//test/vti/fuzz_test_serving GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//test/vti/test_serving GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//test/vts GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//test/vts-testcase/fuzz GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//test/vts-testcase/hal GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//test/vts-testcase/hal-trace GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//test/vts-testcase/kernel GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//test/vts-testcase/nbu GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//test/vts-testcase/performance GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//test/vts-testcase/security GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//tools/acloud GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//tools/apksig GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//tools/apkzlib GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//tools/appbundle GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//tools/dexter GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//tools/external/fat32lib GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//tools/external/gradle GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//tools/loganalysis GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//tools/metalava GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//tools/repohooks GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//tools/test/connectivity GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//tools/tradefederation/contrib GPG Verified Git Tag Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//tools/tradefederation/core GPG Verified Git HEAD Successfully: /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0//external/chromium-webview including device/generic/car/vendorsetup.sh including device/generic/uml/vendorsetup.sh including device/google/yellowstone/vendorsetup.sh including device/lge/hammerhead/vendorsetup.sh including device/samsung/kccat6/vendorsetup.sh including device/samsung/lentislte/vendorsetup.sh including vendor/lineage/vendorsetup.sh including sdk/bash_completion/adb.bash ... A new version of repo (2.21) is available. ... New version is available at: /mnt/dos/Build/LineageOS-16.0/.repo/repo/repo ... The launcher is run from: /home/tad/bin/repo !!! The launcher is not writable. Please talk to your sysadmin or distro !!! to get an update installed. From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_services_Telecomm * branch refs/changes/59/330959/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Settings * branch refs/changes/60/330960/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/61/330961/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/62/330962/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/63/330963/1 -> FETCH_HEAD Applying change number 330959... --> Subject: "Handle null bindings returned from ConnectionService." --> Project path: packages/services/Telecomm --> Change number: 330959 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/59/330959/1'] Applying change number 330960... --> Subject: "Hide private DNS settings UI in Guest mode" --> Project path: packages/apps/Settings --> Change number: 330960 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/60/330960/1'] Applying change number 330961... --> Subject: "Keyguard - Treat messsages to lock with priority" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 330961 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/61/330961/1'] Applying change number 330962... --> Subject: "Verify caller before auto granting slice permission" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 330962 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/62/330962/1'] Applying change number 330963... --> Subject: "Always restart apps if base.apk gets updated." --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 330963 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/63/330963/1'] ... A new version of repo (2.21) is available. ... New version is available at: /mnt/dos/Build/LineageOS-16.0/.repo/repo/repo ... The launcher is run from: /home/tad/bin/repo !!! The launcher is not writable. Please talk to your sysadmin or distro !!! to get an update installed. From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/56/332756/2 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 191f76d38d8c] RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Add finalizeWorkProfileProvisioning. Author: Jonathan Scott Date: Tue Apr 5 18:47:56 2022 +0000 5 files changed, 64 insertions(+) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/57/332757/2 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 0dedb1436b11] limit TelecomManager#registerPhoneAccount to 10; api doc update Author: Thomas Stuart Date: Mon Jan 31 20:31:42 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Bluetooth * branch refs/changes/58/332758/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Bluetooth * branch refs/changes/59/332759/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Contacts * branch refs/changes/60/332760/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Dialer * branch refs/changes/61/332761/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Nfc * branch refs/changes/62/332762/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Settings * branch refs/changes/63/332763/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_services_Telecomm * branch refs/changes/64/332764/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_core * branch refs/changes/65/332765/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_nfc * branch refs/changes/66/332766/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_nfc * branch refs/changes/67/332767/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_nfc * branch refs/changes/68/332768/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_vendor_nxp_opensource_external_libnfc-nci * branch refs/changes/69/332769/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_vendor_nxp_opensource_external_libnfc-nci * branch refs/changes/70/332770/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_vendor_nxp_opensource_external_libnfc-nci * branch refs/changes/71/332771/1 -> FETCH_HEAD Applying change number 332756... --> Subject: "RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Add finalizeWorkProfileProvisioning." --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 332756 (Patch Set 2) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/56/332756/2'] Applying change number 332757... --> Subject: "limit TelecomManager#registerPhoneAccount to 10; api doc update" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 332757 (Patch Set 2) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/57/332757/2'] Applying change number 332758... --> Subject: "Removes app access to BluetoothAdapter#setScanMode by requiring BLUETOOTH_PRIVILEGED permission." --> Project path: packages/apps/Bluetooth --> Change number: 332758 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/58/332758/1'] Applying change number 332759... --> Subject: "Removes app access to BluetoothAdapter#setDiscoverableTimeout by requiring BLUETOOTH_PRIVILEGED permission." --> Project path: packages/apps/Bluetooth --> Change number: 332759 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/59/332759/1'] Applying change number 332760... --> Subject: "No longer export CallSubjectDialog" --> Project path: packages/apps/Contacts --> Change number: 332760 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/60/332760/1'] Applying change number 332761... --> Subject: "No longer export CallSubjectDialog" --> Project path: packages/apps/Dialer --> Change number: 332761 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/61/332761/1'] Applying change number 332762... --> Subject: "OOB read in phNciNfc_RecvMfResp()" --> Project path: packages/apps/Nfc --> Change number: 332762 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/62/332762/1'] Applying change number 332763... --> Subject: "Prevent exfiltration of system files via user image settings." --> Project path: packages/apps/Settings --> Change number: 332763 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/63/332763/1'] Applying change number 332764... --> Subject: "limit TelecomManager#registerPhoneAccount to 10" --> Project path: packages/services/Telecomm --> Change number: 332764 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/64/332764/1'] Applying change number 332765... --> Subject: "Backport of Win-specific suppression of potentially rogue construct that can engage in directory traversal on the host." --> Project path: system/core --> Change number: 332765 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/65/332765/1'] Applying change number 332766... --> Subject: "Out of Bounds Read in nfa_dm_check_set_config" --> Project path: system/nfc --> Change number: 332766 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/66/332766/1'] Applying change number 332767... --> Subject: "Double Free in ce_t4t_data_cback" --> Project path: system/nfc --> Change number: 332767 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/67/332767/1'] Applying change number 332768... --> Subject: "OOBR in nfc_ncif_proc_ee_discover_req()" --> Project path: system/nfc --> Change number: 332768 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/68/332768/1'] Applying change number 332769... --> Subject: "{android10_r2}: Prevent OOB write in nfc_ncif_proc_ee_discover_req" --> Project path: vendor/nxp/opensource/commonsys/external/libnfc-nci --> Change number: 332769 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/69/332769/1'] Applying change number 332770... --> Subject: "Out of Bounds Read in nfa_dm_check_set_config" --> Project path: vendor/nxp/opensource/commonsys/external/libnfc-nci --> Change number: 332770 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/70/332770/1'] Applying change number 332771... --> Subject: "Double Free in ce_t4t_data_cback" --> Project path: vendor/nxp/opensource/commonsys/external/libnfc-nci --> Change number: 332771 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/71/332771/1'] Applying change number 332772... --> Subject: "OOBR in nfc_ncif_proc_ee_discover_req()" --> Project path: vendor/nxp/opensource/commonsys/external/lFrom https://github.com/LineageOS/android_vendor_nxp_opensource_external_libnfc-nci * branch refs/changes/72/332772/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_vendor_nxp_opensource_packages_apps_Nfc * branch refs/changes/73/332773/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_external_aac * branch refs/changes/75/332775/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/76/332776/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 3d640f12be5a] Update GeofenceHardwareRequestParcelable to match parcel/unparcel format. Author: David Christie Date: Fri Mar 11 01:13:31 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/77/332777/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD e5e480d6f59c] DO NOT MERGE Add an OEM configurable limit for zen rules Author: Julia Reynolds Date: Tue Mar 1 10:30:27 2022 -0500 2 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/78/332778/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 69268ce422bc] Fix security hole in GateKeeperResponse Author: Ayush Sharma Date: Wed Mar 16 10:32:23 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/79/332779/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD a986e9eb4519] RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Prevent non-admin users from deleting system apps. Author: Oli Lan Date: Fri Mar 25 10:02:41 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_EmergencyInfo * branch refs/changes/01/342101/1 -> FETCH_HEAD ibnfc-nci --> Change number: 332772 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/72/332772/1'] Applying change number 332773... --> Subject: "OOB read in phNciNfc_RecvMfResp()" --> Project path: vendor/nxp/opensource/commonsys/packages/apps/Nfc --> Change number: 332773 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/73/332773/1'] Applying change number 332775... --> Subject: "Reject invalid out of band config in transportDec_OutOfBandConfig() and skip re-allocation." --> Project path: external/aac --> Change number: 332775 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/75/332775/1'] Applying change number 332776... --> Subject: "Update GeofenceHardwareRequestParcelable to match parcel/unparcel format." --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 332776 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/76/332776/1'] Applying change number 332777... --> Subject: "DO NOT MERGE Add an OEM configurable limit for zen rules" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 332777 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/77/332777/1'] Applying change number 332778... --> Subject: "Fix security hole in GateKeeperResponse" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 332778 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/78/332778/1'] Applying change number 332779... --> Subject: "RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Prevent non-admin users from deleting system apps." --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 332779 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/79/332779/1'] Applying change number 342101... --> Subject: "Prevent exfiltration of system files via user image settings." --> Project path: packages/apps/EmergencyInfo --> Change number: 342101 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/01/342101/1'] ... A new version of repo (2.21) is available. ... New version is available at: /mnt/dos/Build/LineageOS-16.0/.repo/repo/repo ... The launcher is run from: /home/tad/bin/repo !!! The launcher is not writable. Please talk to your sysadmin or distro !!! to get an update installed. From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/56/334256/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD d017b9077dde] [RESTRICT AUTOMERGE] StorageManagerService: don't ignore failures to prepare user storage Author: Eric Biggers Date: Fri Aug 13 13:37:55 2021 -0700 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/57/334257/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD cdd2dbcdf584] [RESTRICT AUTOMERGE] UserDataPreparer: reboot to recovery if preparing user storage fails Author: Eric Biggers Date: Mon Jan 24 20:33:11 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/58/334258/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 2d4fa888cf92] [RESTRICT AUTOMERGE] UserDataPreparer: reboot to recovery for system user only Author: Eric Biggers Date: Fri Mar 4 00:07:29 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/59/334259/2 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD b4e875297f97] Ignore errors preparing user storage for existing users Author: Eric Biggers Date: Fri Mar 4 00:07:43 2022 +0000 3 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/60/334260/2 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD e982fe231985] Log to EventLog on prepareUserStorage failure Author: Eric Biggers Date: Sat Mar 26 01:08:07 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/62/334262/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD c2b23f5666c1] DO NOT MERGE Crash invalid FGS notifications Author: Julia Reynolds Date: Wed Jul 7 16:19:44 2021 -0400 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_opt_telephony * branch refs/changes/63/334263/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_KeyChain * branch refs/changes/64/334264/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Settings * branch refs/changes/65/334265/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/66/334266/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/67/334267/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/68/334268/1 -> FETCH_HEAD Applying change number 334256... --> Subject: "[RESTRICT AUTOMERGE] StorageManagerService: don't ignore failures to prepare user storage" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 334256 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/56/334256/1'] Applying change number 334257... --> Subject: "[RESTRICT AUTOMERGE] UserDataPreparer: reboot to recovery if preparing user storage fails" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 334257 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/57/334257/1'] Applying change number 334258... --> Subject: "[RESTRICT AUTOMERGE] UserDataPreparer: reboot to recovery for system user only" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 334258 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/58/334258/1'] Applying change number 334259... --> Subject: "Ignore errors preparing user storage for existing users" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 334259 (Patch Set 2) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/59/334259/2'] Applying change number 334260... --> Subject: "Log to EventLog on prepareUserStorage failure" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 334260 (Patch Set 2) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/60/334260/2'] Applying change number 334262... --> Subject: "DO NOT MERGE Crash invalid FGS notifications" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 334262 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/62/334262/1'] Applying change number 334263... --> Subject: "Enforce privileged phone state for getSubscriptionProperty(GROUP_UUID)" --> Project path: frameworks/opt/telephony --> Change number: 334263 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/63/334263/1'] Applying change number 334264... --> Subject: "Encode authority part of uri before showing in UI" --> Project path: packages/apps/KeyChain --> Change number: 334264 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/64/334264/1'] Applying change number 334265... --> Subject: "Fix LaunchAnyWhere in AppRestrictionsFragment" --> Project path: packages/apps/Settings --> Change number: 334265 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/65/334265/1'] Applying change number 334266... --> Subject: "Security: Fix out of bound write in HFP client" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 334266 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/66/334266/1'] Applying change number 334267... --> Subject: "Check Avrcp packet vendor length before extracting length" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 334267 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/67/334267/1'] Applying change number 334268... --> Subject: "Security: Fix out of bound read in AT_SKIP_REST" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 334268 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/68/334268/1'] ... A new version of repo (2.21) is available. ... New version is available at: /mnt/dos/Build/LineageOS-16.0/.repo/repo/repo ... The launcher is run from: /home/tad/bin/repo !!! The launcher is not writable. Please talk to your sysadmin or distro !!! to get an update installed. From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/09/335109/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_providers_ContactsProvider * branch refs/changes/10/335110/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Settings * branch refs/changes/11/335111/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Settings * branch refs/changes/12/335112/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Settings * branch refs/changes/13/335113/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Settings * branch refs/changes/14/335114/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Settings * branch refs/changes/15/335115/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Settings * branch refs/changes/16/335116/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/17/335117/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 020ab641bae2] Only allow system and same app to apply relinquishTaskIdentity Author: Jeff Chang Date: Wed Sep 29 16:49:00 2021 +0800 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/18/335118/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 7e05b5567896] DO NOT MERGE Suppress notifications when device enter lockdown Author: Wenhao Wang Date: Wed Feb 2 10:56:44 2022 -0800 4 files changed, 305 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) create mode 100644 services/tests/uiservicestests/src/com/android/server/notification/NotificationListenersTest.java From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/19/335119/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 0cce9448876a] Remove package title from notification access confirmation intent Author: Raphael Kim Date: Fri Apr 22 00:32:08 2022 +0000 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/20/335120/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 869a77d87f9a] Stop using invalid URL to prevent unexpected crash Author: chiachangwang Date: Thu Jun 2 10:22:20 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/21/335121/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD c36ae039b960] Only allow the system server to connect to sync adapters Author: Makoto Onuki Date: Tue Apr 19 10:54:18 2022 -0700 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+) Applying change number 335109... --> Subject: "Removing bonded device when auth fails due to missing keys" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 335109 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/09/335109/1'] Applying change number 335110... --> Subject: "enforce stricter CallLogProvider query" --> Project path: packages/providers/ContactsProvider --> Change number: 335110 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/10/335110/1'] Applying change number 335111... --> Subject: "Verify ringtone from ringtone picker is audio" --> Project path: packages/apps/Settings --> Change number: 335111 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/11/335111/1'] Applying change number 335112... --> Subject: "RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Make bluetooth not discoverable via SliceDeepLinkTrampoline" --> Project path: packages/apps/Settings --> Change number: 335112 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/12/335112/1'] Applying change number 335113... --> Subject: "RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Fix: policy enforcement for location wifi scanning" --> Project path: packages/apps/Settings --> Change number: 335113 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/13/335113/1'] Applying change number 335114... --> Subject: "Fix Settings crash when setting a null ringtone" --> Project path: packages/apps/Settings --> Change number: 335114 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/14/335114/1'] Applying change number 335115... --> Subject: "Fix can't change notification sound for work profile." --> Project path: packages/apps/Settings --> Change number: 335115 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/15/335115/1'] Applying change number 335116... --> Subject: "Extract app label from component name in notification access confirmation UI" --> Project path: packages/apps/Settings --> Change number: 335116 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/16/335116/1'] Applying change number 335117... --> Subject: "Only allow system and same app to apply relinquishTaskIdentity" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 335117 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/17/335117/1'] Applying change number 335118... --> Subject: "DO NOT MERGE Suppress notifications when device enter lockdown" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 335118 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/18/335118/1'] Applying change number 335119... --> Subject: "Remove package title from notification access confirmation intent" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 335119 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/19/335119/1'] Applying change number 335120... --> Subject: "Stop using invalid URL to prevent unexpected crash" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 335120 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/20/335120/1'] Applying change number 335121... --> Subject: "Only allow the system server to connect to sync adapters" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 335121 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/21/335121/1'] ... A new version of repo (2.21) is available. ... New version is available at: /mnt/dos/Build/LineageOS-16.0/.repo/repo/repo ... The launcher is run from: /home/tad/bin/repo !!! The launcher is not writable. Please talk to your sysadmin or distro !!! to get an update installed. From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/46/338346/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD b8c05718a4fb] Fix duplicate permission privilege escalation Author: Manjeet Rulhania Date: Thu Apr 28 20:23:58 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 53 insertions(+) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/47/338347/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 63610bd17f26] Parcel: recycle recycles Author: Steven Moreland Date: Wed Mar 30 21:46:29 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/48/338348/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 7235d21a14e6] IMMS: Make IMMS PendingIntents immutable Author: Adrian Roos Date: Thu Sep 24 15:30:46 2020 +0200 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/49/338349/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 55e6283cbe99] Remove package name from SafetyNet logs Author: Manjeet Rulhania Date: Thu Jun 30 18:52:50 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/50/338350/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/51/338351/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/52/338352/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android * branch refs/changes/57/338357/1 -> FETCH_HEAD Applying change number 338346... --> Subject: "Fix duplicate permission privilege escalation" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 338346 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/46/338346/1'] Applying change number 338347... --> Subject: "Parcel: recycle recycles" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 338347 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/47/338347/1'] Applying change number 338348... --> Subject: "IMMS: Make IMMS PendingIntents immutable" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 338348 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/48/338348/1'] Applying change number 338349... --> Subject: "Remove package name from SafetyNet logs" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 338349 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/49/338349/1'] Applying change number 338350... --> Subject: "Fix OOB in bnep_is_packet_allowed" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 338350 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/50/338350/1'] Applying change number 338351... --> Subject: "Fix OOB in BNEP_Write" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 338351 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/51/338351/1'] Applying change number 338352... --> Subject: "Fix OOB in reassemble_and_dispatch" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 338352 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/52/338352/1'] Applying change number 338353... WARNING: Skipping 338353 since there is no project directory for: LineageOS/android_external_expat Applying change number 338354... WARNING: Skipping 338354 since there is no project directory for: LineageOS/android_external_expat Applying change number 338355... WARNING: Skipping 338355 since there is no project directory for: LineageOS/android_external_expat Applying change number 338356... WARNING: Skipping 338356 since there is no project directory for: LineageOS/android_external_expat Applying change number 338357... --> Subject: "Track our own fork(s) for ASB 2022.09 patching" --> Project path: android --> Change number: 338357 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/57/338357/1'] ... A new version of repo (2.21) is available. ... New version is available at: /mnt/dos/Build/LineageOS-16.0/.repo/repo/repo ... The launcher is run from: /home/tad/bin/repo !!! The launcher is not writable. Please talk to your sysadmin or distro !!! to get an update installed. From https://github.com/LineageOS/android * branch refs/changes/95/342095/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/97/342097/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_nfc * branch refs/changes/98/342098/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_vendor_nxp_opensource_external_libnfc-nci * branch refs/changes/99/342099/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/00/342100/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 038aa868eaf2] DO NOT MERGE Limit the number of concurrently snoozed notifications Author: Julia Reynolds Date: Fri Jul 1 09:49:12 2022 -0400 4 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) Applying change number 342095... --> Subject: "Track our own fork(s) for 2022-10 ASB patching" --> Project path: android --> Change number: 342095 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/95/342095/1'] Applying change number 342096... WARNING: Skipping 342096 since there is no project directory for: LineageOS/android_external_dtc Applying change number 342097... --> Subject: "Fix potential interger overflow when parsing vendor response" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 342097 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/97/342097/1'] Applying change number 342098... --> Subject: "The length of a packet should be non-zero" --> Project path: system/nfc --> Change number: 342098 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/98/342098/1'] Applying change number 342099... --> Subject: "The length of a packet should be non-zero" --> Project path: vendor/nxp/opensource/commonsys/external/libnfc-nci --> Change number: 342099 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/99/342099/1'] Applying change number 342100... --> Subject: "DO NOT MERGE Limit the number of concurrently snoozed notifications" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 342100 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/00/342100/1'] ... A new version of repo (2.21) is available. ... New version is available at: /mnt/dos/Build/LineageOS-16.0/.repo/repo/repo ... The launcher is run from: /home/tad/bin/repo !!! The launcher is not writable. Please talk to your sysadmin or distro !!! to get an update installed. From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_timezone * branch refs/changes/79/342179/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_timezone * branch refs/changes/80/342180/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_timezone * branch refs/changes/81/342181/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_timezone * branch refs/changes/82/342182/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_libcore * branch refs/changes/83/342183/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_external_icu * branch refs/changes/84/342184/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_external_icu * branch refs/changes/85/342185/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_external_icu * branch refs/changes/86/342186/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_external_icu * branch refs/changes/87/342187/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_external_icu * branch refs/changes/06/344206/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_timezone * branch refs/changes/13/344213/1 -> FETCH_HEAD Applying change number 342179... --> Subject: "DO NOT MERGE Update Android TZDB from 2021a3 to 2022a [P]." --> Project path: system/timezone --> Change number: 342179 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/79/342179/1'] Applying change number 342180... --> Subject: "DO NOT MERGE Update Android TZDB from 2022a to 2022a rev. 2. [P]" --> Project path: system/timezone --> Change number: 342180 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/80/342180/1'] Applying change number 342181... --> Subject: "DO NOT MERGE Update Android TZDB from 2022a2 to 2022d. [P]" --> Project path: system/timezone --> Change number: 342181 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/81/342181/1'] Applying change number 342182... --> Subject: "DO NOT MERGE Update Android TZDB from 2022d to 2022e. [P]" --> Project path: system/timezone --> Change number: 342182 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/82/342182/1'] Applying change number 342183... --> Subject: "DO NOT MERGE Track TZDB 2022a rev. 2 changes. [P]" --> Project path: libcore --> Change number: 342183 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/83/342183/1'] Applying change number 342184... --> Subject: "DO NOT MERGE Update Android ICU data from 2021a3 to 2022a [P]." --> Project path: external/icu --> Change number: 342184 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/84/342184/1'] Applying change number 342185... --> Subject: "DO NOT MERGE Update Android ICU data from 2022a to 2022a rev. 2. [P]" --> Project path: external/icu --> Change number: 342185 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/85/342185/1'] Applying change number 342186... --> Subject: "DO NOT MERGE Update Android data from 2022a2 to 2022d. [P]" --> Project path: external/icu --> Change number: 342186 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/86/342186/1'] Applying change number 342187... --> Subject: "DO NOT MERGE Update Android ICU data from 2022d to 2022e. [P]" --> Project path: external/icu --> Change number: 342187 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/87/342187/1'] Applying change number 344206... --> Subject: "DO NOT MERGE Update Android ICU data from 2022e to 2022f. [P]" --> Project path: external/icu --> Change number: 344206 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/06/344206/1'] Applying change number 344213... --> Subject: "DO NOT MERGE Update Android TZDB from 2022e to 2022f. [P]" --> Project path: system/timezone --> Change number: 344213 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/13/344213/1'] ... A new version of repo (2.21) is available. ... New version is available at: /mnt/dos/Build/LineageOS-16.0/.repo/repo/repo ... The launcher is run from: /home/tad/bin/repo !!! The launcher is not writable. Please talk to your sysadmin or distro !!! to get an update installed. From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_av * branch refs/changes/67/344167/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/68/344168/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD df32d9559ad3] DO NOT MERGE Move accountname and typeName length check from Account.java to AccountManagerService. Author: Aseem Kumar Date: Mon Mar 21 20:35:20 2022 -0700 3 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/69/344169/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 52847d9449f6] switch TelecomManager List getters to ParceledListSlice Author: Thomas Stuart Date: Thu Jun 23 14:27:43 2022 -0700 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/70/344170/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD af1b66575cd7] [BACKPORT] Do not send new Intent to non-exported activity when navigateUpTo Author: Louis Chang Date: Tue Aug 2 03:33:39 2022 +0000 3 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/71/344171/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 88bb803f655e] Do not send AccessibilityEvent if notification is for different user. Author: Daniel Norman Date: Fri Aug 12 11:40:41 2022 -0700 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/72/344172/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 7fd4769ceb3c] Trim any long string inputs that come in to AutomaticZenRule Author: Yuri Lin Date: Mon Aug 29 17:40:14 2022 -0400 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/73/344173/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 41bacdc47869] Check permission for VoiceInteraction Author: Ivan Chiang Date: Mon Aug 15 15:09:33 2022 +0800 3 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/74/344174/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 0393d11fa872] Do not dismiss keyguard after SIM PUK unlock Author: Matt Pietal Date: Thu Aug 18 12:04:43 2022 +0000 9 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_hardware_nxp_nfc * branch refs/changes/80/344180/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_PackageInstaller * branch refs/changes/81/344181/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_providers_TelephonyProvider * branch refs/changes/82/344182/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_services_Telecomm * branch refs/changes/83/344183/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/84/344184/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/85/344185/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_vendor_nxp_opensource_halimpl * branch refs/changes/90/344190/1 -> FETCH_HEAD Applying change number 344161... WARNING: Skipping 344161 since there is no project directory for: LineageOS/android_external_dtc Applying change number 344167... --> Subject: "RESTRICT AUTOMERGE - [Fix vulnerability] setSecurityLevel in clearkey" --> Project path: frameworks/av --> Change number: 344167 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/67/344167/1'] Applying change number 344168... --> Subject: "DO NOT MERGE Move accountname and typeName length check from Account.java to AccountManagerService." --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 344168 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/68/344168/1'] Applying change number 344169... --> Subject: "switch TelecomManager List getters to ParceledListSlice" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 344169 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/69/344169/1'] Applying change number 344170... --> Subject: "[BACKPORT] Do not send new Intent to non-exported activity when navigateUpTo" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 344170 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/70/344170/1'] Applying change number 344171... --> Subject: "Do not send AccessibilityEvent if notification is for different user." --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 344171 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/71/344171/1'] Applying change number 344172... --> Subject: "Trim any long string inputs that come in to AutomaticZenRule" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 344172 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/72/344172/1'] Applying change number 344173... --> Subject: "Check permission for VoiceInteraction" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 344173 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/73/344173/1'] Applying change number 344174... --> Subject: "Do not dismiss keyguard after SIM PUK unlock" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 344174 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/74/344174/1'] Applying change number 344180... --> Subject: "OOBW in phNxpNciHal_write_unlocked()" --> Project path: hardware/nxp/nfc --> Change number: 344180 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/80/344180/1'] Applying change number 344181... --> Subject: "Hide overlays on ReviewPermissionsAtivity" --> Project path: packages/apps/PackageInstaller --> Change number: 344181 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/81/344181/1'] Applying change number 344182... --> Subject: "Check dir path before updating permissions." --> Project path: packages/providers/TelephonyProvider --> Change number: 344182 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/82/344182/1'] Applying change number 344183... --> Subject: "switch TelecomManager List getters to ParceledListSlice" --> Project path: packages/services/Telecomm --> Change number: 344183 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/83/344183/1'] Applying change number 344184... --> Subject: "Add negative length check in process_service_search_rsp" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 344184 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/84/344184/1'] Applying change number 344185... --> Subject: "Add buffer in pin_reply in bluetooth.cc" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 344185 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/85/344185/1'] Applying change number 344190... --> Subject: "OOBW in phNxpNciHal_write_unlocked()" --> Project path: vendor/nxp/opensource/halimpl --> Change number: 344190 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/90/344190/1'] ... A new version of repo (2.21) is available. ... New version is available at: /mnt/dos/Build/LineageOS-16.0/.repo/repo/repo ... The launcher is run from: /home/tad/bin/repo !!! The launcher is not writable. Please talk to your sysadmin or distro !!! to get an update installed. From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/92/345892/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD c165f751800f] Revert "RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Prevent non-admin users from deleting system apps." Author: Oli Lan Date: Tue Jul 19 10:45:22 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 10 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/93/345893/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 595f61c8eb70] Limit the size of NotificationChannel and NotificationChannelGroup Author: Julia Reynolds Date: Fri Aug 19 09:54:23 2022 -0400 4 files changed, 195 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) create mode 100644 core/tests/coretests/src/android/app/NotificationChannelGroupTest.java create mode 100644 core/tests/coretests/src/android/app/NotificationChannelTest.java From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/94/345894/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 4d47eec28b8d] RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Prevent non-admin users from deleting system apps. Author: Oli Lan Date: Mon Aug 8 13:31:36 2022 +0100 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/95/345895/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 158f3436d5fc] Validate package name passed to setApplicationRestrictions. Author: Oli Lan Date: Fri Aug 19 17:08:13 2022 +0100 2 files changed, 48 insertions(+) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/96/345896/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 855a99ecf4be] Include all enabled services when FEEDBACK_ALL_MASK. Author: Daniel Norman Date: Thu Sep 1 10:14:24 2022 -0700 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/97/345897/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD db765ce30fa9] [pm] forbid deletion of protected packages Author: Songchun Fan Date: Fri Sep 9 14:50:31 2022 -0700 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/98/345898/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 1de8ab4dc763] Fix NPE Author: Julia Reynolds Date: Tue Sep 6 10:19:06 2022 -0400 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/99/345899/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 14b2cc14c2e3] Fix a security issue in app widget service. Author: Pinyao Ting Date: Thu Jul 14 11:25:54 2022 -0700 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/00/345900/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 4f17bdbd2fdd] [Do Not Merge] Ignore malformed shortcuts Author: Pinyao Ting Date: Wed Sep 21 23:03:11 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/01/345901/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 9d28495740d0] [DO NOT MERGE] Fix permanent denial of service via setComponentEnabledSetting Author: Rhed Jao Date: Mon Sep 26 21:35:26 2022 +0800 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/02/345902/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 683070765493] Add safety checks on KEY_INTENT mismatch. Author: Hao Ke Date: Tue Oct 4 19:43:58 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_minikin * branch refs/changes/03/345903/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_minikin * branch refs/changes/04/345904/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Bluetooth * branch refs/changes/07/345907/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_EmergencyInfo * branch refs/changes/08/345908/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_EmergencyInfo * branch refs/changes/09/345909/1 -> FETCH_HEAD Applying change number 345891... WARNING: Skipping 345891 since there is no project directory for: LineageOS/android_external_dtc Applying change number 345892... --> Subject: "Revert "RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Prevent non-admin users from deleting system apps."" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 345892 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/92/345892/1'] Applying change number 345893... --> Subject: "Limit the size of NotificationChannel and NotificationChannelGroup" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 345893 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/93/345893/1'] Applying change number 345894... --> Subject: "RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Prevent non-admin users from deleting system apps." --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 345894 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/94/345894/1'] Applying change number 345895... --> Subject: "Validate package name passed to setApplicationRestrictions." --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 345895 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/95/345895/1'] Applying change number 345896... --> Subject: "Include all enabled services when FEEDBACK_ALL_MASK." --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 345896 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/96/345896/1'] Applying change number 345897... --> Subject: "[pm] forbid deletion of protected packages" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 345897 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/97/345897/1'] Applying change number 345898... --> Subject: "Fix NPE" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 345898 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/98/345898/1'] Applying change number 345899... --> Subject: "Fix a security issue in app widget service." --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 345899 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/99/345899/1'] Applying change number 345900... --> Subject: "[Do Not Merge] Ignore malformed shortcuts" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 345900 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/00/345900/1'] Applying change number 345901... --> Subject: "[DO NOT MERGE] Fix permanent denial of service via setComponentEnabledSetting" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 345901 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/01/345901/1'] Applying change number 345902... --> Subject: "Add safety checks on KEY_INTENT mismatch." --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 345902 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/02/345902/1'] Applying change number 345903... --> Subject: "Fix OOB read for registerLocaleList" --> Project path: frameworks/minikin --> Change number: 345903 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/03/345903/1'] Applying change number 345904... --> Subject: "Fix OOB crash for registerLocaleList" --> Project path: frameworks/minikin --> Change number: 345904 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/04/345904/1'] Applying change number 345907... --> Subject: "Fix URI check in BluetoothOppUtility.java" --> Project path: packages/apps/Bluetooth --> Change number: 345907 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/07/345907/1'] Applying change number 345908... --> Subject: "Revert "Prevent exfiltration of system files via user image settings."" --> Project path: packages/apps/EmergencyInfo --> Change number: 345908 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/08/345908/1'] Applying change number 345909... --> Subject: "Prevent exfiltration of system files via avatar picker." --> Project path: packages/apps/EmergencyInfo --> Change number: 345909 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/09/345909/1'] Applying change number 345910... --> Subject: "Revert "Prevent exfiltration of system files via user image settings."" --> Project path: packages/apps/Settings --> Change number: 345910 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Settings * branch refs/changes/10/345910/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Settings * branch refs/changes/11/345911/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Settings * branch refs/changes/12/345912/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_services_Telecomm * branch refs/changes/13/345913/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/14/345914/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/15/345915/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/16/345916/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/17/345917/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/18/345918/1 -> FETCH_HEAD github', u'refs/changes/10/345910/1'] Applying change number 345911... --> Subject: "Prevent exfiltration of system files via avatar picker." --> Project path: packages/apps/Settings --> Change number: 345911 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/11/345911/1'] Applying change number 345912... --> Subject: "Add FLAG_SECURE for ChooseLockPassword and Pattern" --> Project path: packages/apps/Settings --> Change number: 345912 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/12/345912/1'] Applying change number 345913... --> Subject: "Hide overlay windows when showing phone account enable/disable screen." --> Project path: packages/services/Telecomm --> Change number: 345913 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/13/345913/1'] Applying change number 345914... --> Subject: "Add length check when copy AVDTP packet" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 345914 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/14/345914/1'] Applying change number 345915... --> Subject: "RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Added max buffer length check" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 345915 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/15/345915/1'] Applying change number 345916... --> Subject: "Add missing increment in bnep_api.cc" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 345916 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/16/345916/1'] Applying change number 345917... --> Subject: "Add length check when copy AVDT and AVCT packet" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 345917 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/17/345917/1'] Applying change number 345918... --> Subject: "Fix integer overflow when parsing avrc response" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 345918 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/18/345918/1'] ... A new version of repo (2.21) is available. ... New version is available at: /mnt/dos/Build/LineageOS-16.0/.repo/repo/repo ... The launcher is run from: /home/tad/bin/repo !!! The launcher is not writable. Please talk to your sysadmin or distro !!! to get an update installed. From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_services_Telephony * branch refs/changes/41/347041/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_services_Telecomm * branch refs/changes/42/347042/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Nfc * branch refs/changes/43/347043/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/44/347044/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 91cb29335778] Limit lengths of fields in Condition to a max length. Author: Yuri Lin Date: Tue Sep 13 12:53:19 2022 -0400 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/45/347045/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 1d6872285983] RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Disable all A11yServices from an uninstalled package. Author: Daniel Norman Date: Wed Oct 5 16:28:20 2022 -0700 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/46/347046/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD cf1c6fa71019] [DO NOT MERGE] Fix conditionId string trimming in AutomaticZenRule Author: Yuri Lin Date: Wed Oct 12 14:27:46 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/47/347047/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD b9b9a27303f0] [SettingsProvider] mem limit should be checked before settings are updated Author: Songchun Fan Date: Wed Aug 17 09:37:18 2022 -0700 2 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/48/347048/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD d1f3163a15ae] RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Revert "Revert "RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Validate permission tree size..." Author: Nate Myren Date: Wed Oct 26 17:37:26 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/49/347049/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD da09b6a7c004] [RESTRICT AUTOMERGE][SettingsProvider] key size limit for mutating settings Author: Songchun Fan Date: Tue Oct 11 18:08:11 2022 -0700 2 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/50/347050/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 4bc1bb5bc2d0] RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Revoke SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW on upgrade past api 23 Author: Nate Myren Date: Fri Sep 23 12:04:57 2022 -0700 3 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/51/347051/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD a159f0237af1] Add protections agains use-after-free issues if cancel() or queue() is called after a device connection has been closed. Author: Khoa Hong Date: Wed Oct 19 16:29:18 2022 +0800 2 files changed, 143 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/27/347127/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/28/347128/1 -> FETCH_HEAD Applying change number 347041... --> Subject: "prevent overlays on the phone settings" --> Project path: packages/services/Telephony --> Change number: 347041 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/41/347041/1'] Applying change number 347042... --> Subject: "Fix security vulnerability when register phone accounts." --> Project path: packages/services/Telecomm --> Change number: 347042 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/42/347042/1'] Applying change number 347043... --> Subject: "DO NOT MERGE OOBW in Mfc_Transceive()" --> Project path: packages/apps/Nfc --> Change number: 347043 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/43/347043/1'] Applying change number 347044... --> Subject: "Limit lengths of fields in Condition to a max length." --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 347044 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/44/347044/1'] Applying change number 347045... --> Subject: "RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Disable all A11yServices from an uninstalled package." --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 347045 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/45/347045/1'] Applying change number 347046... --> Subject: "[DO NOT MERGE] Fix conditionId string trimming in AutomaticZenRule" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 347046 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/46/347046/1'] Applying change number 347047... --> Subject: "[SettingsProvider] mem limit should be checked before settings are updated" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 347047 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/47/347047/1'] Applying change number 347048... --> Subject: "RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Revert "Revert "RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Validate permission tree size..."" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 347048 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/48/347048/1'] Applying change number 347049... --> Subject: "[RESTRICT AUTOMERGE][SettingsProvider] key size limit for mutating settings" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 347049 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/49/347049/1'] Applying change number 347050... --> Subject: "RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Revoke SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW on upgrade past api 23" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 347050 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/50/347050/1'] Applying change number 347051... --> Subject: "Add protections agains use-after-free issues if cancel() or queue() is called after a device connection has been closed." --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 347051 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/51/347051/1'] Applying change number 347127... --> Subject: "BT: Once AT command is retrieved, return from method." --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 347127 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/27/347127/1'] Applying change number 347128... --> Subject: "AVRC: Validating msg size before accessing fields" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 347128 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/28/347128/1'] ... A new version of repo (2.21) is available. ... New version is available at: /mnt/dos/Build/LineageOS-16.0/.repo/repo/repo ... The launcher is run from: /home/tad/bin/repo !!! The launcher is not writable. Please talk to your sysadmin or distro !!! to get an update installed. From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_av * branch refs/changes/29/349329/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/30/349330/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD ba46cf8bab30] [RESTRICT AUTOMERGE] Correct the behavior of ACTION_PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED Author: Jackal Guo Date: Tue Oct 25 15:03:55 2022 +0800 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/31/349331/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 5edff4876093] Convert argument to intent in ChooseTypeAndAccountActivity Author: Dmitry Dementyev Date: Tue Nov 22 22:54:01 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Bluetooth * branch refs/changes/32/349332/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_EmergencyInfo * branch refs/changes/33/349333/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/34/349334/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/35/349335/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_vendor_nxp_opensource_packages_apps_Nfc * branch refs/changes/36/349336/1 -> FETCH_HEAD Applying change number 349328... WARNING: Skipping 349328 since there is no project directory for: LineageOS/android_external_expat Applying change number 349329... --> Subject: "move MediaCodec metrics processing to looper thread" --> Project path: frameworks/av --> Change number: 349329 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/29/349329/1'] Applying change number 349330... --> Subject: "[RESTRICT AUTOMERGE] Correct the behavior of ACTION_PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 349330 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/30/349330/1'] Applying change number 349331... --> Subject: "Convert argument to intent in ChooseTypeAndAccountActivity" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 349331 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/31/349331/1'] Applying change number 349332... --> Subject: "Fix OPP comparison" --> Project path: packages/apps/Bluetooth --> Change number: 349332 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/32/349332/1'] Applying change number 349333... --> Subject: "Removes unnecessary permission from the EmergencyInfo app." --> Project path: packages/apps/EmergencyInfo --> Change number: 349333 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/33/349333/1'] Applying change number 349334... --> Subject: "Report failure when not able to connect to AVRCP" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 349334 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/34/349334/1'] Applying change number 349335... --> Subject: "Add bounds check in avdt_scb_act.cc" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 349335 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/35/349335/1'] Applying change number 349336... --> Subject: "DO NOT MERGE OOBW in phNciNfc_MfCreateXchgDataHdr" --> Project path: vendor/nxp/opensource/commonsys/packages/apps/Nfc --> Change number: 349336 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/36/349336/1'] ... A new version of repo (2.21) is available. ... New version is available at: /mnt/dos/Build/LineageOS-16.0/.repo/repo/repo ... The launcher is run from: /home/tad/bin/repo !!! The launcher is not writable. Please talk to your sysadmin or distro !!! to get an update installed. From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_external_zlib * branch refs/changes/09/351909/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/10/351910/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 3e317fec7f34] Move service initialization Author: Julia Reynolds Date: Mon May 16 15:28:24 2022 -0400 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/11/351911/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 1e7c41747abe] Enable user graularity for lockdown mode Author: Wenhao Wang Date: Tue Aug 30 11:09:46 2022 -0700 1 file changed, 46 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/12/351912/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD dcc7956955f6] RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Revoke dev perm if app is upgrading to post 23 and perm has pre23 flag Author: Nate Myren Date: Fri Dec 2 09:44:31 2022 -0800 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base * branch refs/changes/13/351913/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD fb505cf2a58e] Reconcile WorkSource parcel and unparcel code. Author: Michael Wright Date: Mon Sep 26 20:37:33 2022 +0100 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Settings * branch refs/changes/14/351914/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_packages_apps_Settings * branch refs/changes/15/351915/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/16/351916/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/17/351917/1 -> FETCH_HEAD From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_system_bt * branch refs/changes/18/351918/1 -> FETCH_HEAD Applying change number 351909... --> Subject: "Fix a bug when getting a gzip header extra field with inflate()." --> Project path: external/zlib --> Change number: 351909 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/09/351909/1'] Applying change number 351910... --> Subject: "Move service initialization" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 351910 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/10/351910/1'] Applying change number 351911... --> Subject: "Enable user graularity for lockdown mode" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 351911 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/11/351911/1'] Applying change number 351912... --> Subject: "RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Revoke dev perm if app is upgrading to post 23 and perm has pre23 flag" --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 351912 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/12/351912/1'] Applying change number 351913... --> Subject: "Reconcile WorkSource parcel and unparcel code." --> Project path: frameworks/base --> Change number: 351913 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/13/351913/1'] Applying change number 351914... --> Subject: "[DO NOT MERGE] FRP bypass defense in the settings app" --> Project path: packages/apps/Settings --> Change number: 351914 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/14/351914/1'] Applying change number 351915... --> Subject: "Add DISALLOW_APPS_CONTROL check into uninstall app for all users" --> Project path: packages/apps/Settings --> Change number: 351915 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/15/351915/1'] Applying change number 351916... --> Subject: "Fix an OOB Write bug in gatt_check_write_long_terminate" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 351916 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/16/351916/1'] Applying change number 351917... --> Subject: "Fix an OOB access bug in A2DP_BuildMediaPayloadHeaderSbc" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 351917 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/17/351917/1'] Applying change number 351918... --> Subject: "Fix an OOB write in SDP_AddAttribute" --> Project path: system/bt --> Change number: 351918 (Patch Set 1) ['git fetch github', u'refs/changes/18/351918/1'] Warning: an existing sandbox was detected. /usr/bin/wget will run without any additional sandboxing features WARNING: timestamping does nothing in combination with -O. See the manual for details. 2023-03-31 11:46:59 URL:https://divested.dev/hosts-wildcards [18684602/18684602] -> "/tmp/dos_tmp/hosts" [1] GPG Verified Successfully: /mnt/dos//PrebuiltApps//android_vendor_FDroid_PrebuiltApps/packages/EtarPrebuilt.apk.asc GPG Verified Successfully: /mnt/dos//PrebuiltApps//android_vendor_FDroid_PrebuiltApps/packages/F-DroidOfficial.apk.asc GPG Verified Successfully: /mnt/dos//PrebuiltApps//android_vendor_FDroid_PrebuiltApps/packages/OpenCamera.apk.asc GPG Verified Successfully: /mnt/dos//PrebuiltApps//android_vendor_FDroid_PrebuiltApps/packages/SimpleGallery.apk.asc GPG Verified Successfully: /mnt/dos//PrebuiltApps//android_vendor_FDroid_PrebuiltApps/packages/TalkBack.apk.asc GPG Verified Successfully: /mnt/dos//PrebuiltApps//android_vendor_FDroid_PrebuiltApps/packages/TalkBackLegacy.apk.asc GPG Verified Successfully: /mnt/dos//PrebuiltApps//android_vendor_FDroid_PrebuiltApps/packages/eSpeakNG.apk.asc ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] art HEAD is now at bd18ab6753 DO NOT MERGE: Workaround for mmap error when building Applying: constify JNINativeMethod tables ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] bionic HEAD is now at b91dfc8b9 Merge tag 'android-security-9.0.0_r62' into staging/lineage-16.0_merge-android-security-9.0.0_r62 Applying: add hardened_malloc library Applying: add a real explicit_bzero implementation Applying: fix undefined out-of-bounds accesses in sched.h Applying: stop implicitly marking mappings as mergeable Applying: replace VLA formatting buffer with dprintf Applying: increase default pthread stack to 8MiB on 64-bit Applying: make __stack_chk_guard read-only at runtime Applying: on 64-bit, zero the leading stack canary byte ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] bootable/recovery HEAD is now at 3492c6b5 Add controller support Auto-merging recovery.cpp [detached HEAD ff184dc2] Revert "recovery: Set SELinux to permissive for non-release builds" Date: Fri Mar 31 11:47:00 2023 -0400 1 file changed, 5 deletions(-) [detached HEAD 3f966426] Revert "recovery: increase free memory for sideload cache" Date: Fri Mar 31 11:47:00 2023 -0400 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) [detached HEAD 7739e9be] Revert "recovery: Provide caching for sideload files" Date: Fri Mar 31 11:47:00 2023 -0400 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 105 deletions(-) Auto-merging recovery.cpp [detached HEAD 55691876] Revert "recovery: Support configfs usb configuration" Date: Fri Mar 31 11:47:00 2023 -0400 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-) [detached HEAD 4fd7322d] Revert "update_verifier: skip verity to determine successful on lineage builds" Date: Fri Mar 31 11:47:00 2023 -0400 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-) Applying: reject updates with serialno constraints ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] build/make HEAD is now at 1bfc37a325 Bump Security String to 2022-01-05 Auto-merging tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files.py [detached HEAD 92fd438abd] Revert "ota: Disable downgrade check" Date: Fri Mar 31 11:47:00 2023 -0400 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) Auto-merging target/product/full_base.mk Auto-merging target/product/sdk_base.mk [detached HEAD 6c65f4886f] Revert "external/svox is going away." Date: Fri Mar 31 11:47:00 2023 -0400 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+) Auto-merging target/product/core.mk [detached HEAD 99cee156a7] Revert "Remove PicoTTS from the base." Date: Fri Mar 31 11:47:00 2023 -0400 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) Applying: Allow setting OTA public keys from environment variable Applying: use -fwrapv when signed overflow checking is off ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] build/soong HEAD is now at c27467148 soong: allow overriding header files Applying: use -fwrapv when signed overflow checking is off ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] device/qcom/sepolicy-legacy HEAD is now at 2f39c9e common: permit libqdutils operation (linked by mediaserver) during WFD Applying: TEMPORARY fix camera not working on user builds ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] external/chromium-webview HEAD is now at 4fcb97f Make it Mulch, 2023/03/30 ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] external/conscrypt HEAD is now at 488471ab Filter out ConscryptJava6Suite.java. (#496) Applying: constify JNINativeMethod table ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] external/dtc HEAD is now at 6c6634a Add metadata am: f0b88bfe14 am: bde5afd27d am: eaac31b636 From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_external_dtc * branch refs/changes/96/342096/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 80c2efe] FROMGIT: libfdt: fdt_offset_ptr(): Fix comparison warnings Author: Andre Przywara Date: Mon Sep 21 17:52:50 2020 +0100 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_external_dtc * branch refs/changes/61/344161/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 7ace7b5] Fix integer wrap sanitisation. Author: Mike McTernan Date: Fri Jul 22 11:44:33 2022 +0100 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_external_dtc * branch refs/changes/91/345891/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 8c3c3d4] libfdt: fdt_path_offset_namelen: Reject empty paths Author: Pierre-Clément Tosi Date: Tue Sep 13 16:58:15 2022 +0100 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+) ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] external/expat HEAD is now at 9a9c9b09 Merge "Upgrade to expat 2.2.5." am: 9204094d45 am: 61b40d53d7 am: 922ad2ac06 From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_external_expat * branch refs/changes/53/338353/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 640b3ff2] Prevent integer overflow in copyString Author: Sadaf Ebrahimi Date: Mon May 23 22:34:43 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_external_expat * branch refs/changes/54/338354/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 92ee0390] Prevent XML_GetBuffer signed integer overflow Author: Sadaf Ebrahimi Date: Thu Jun 2 19:32:22 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_external_expat * branch refs/changes/55/338355/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD a0fb80df] Prevent integer overflow in function doProlog Author: Sadaf Ebrahimi Date: Fri Jun 3 03:40:21 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_external_expat * branch refs/changes/56/338356/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD c5f65e66] Prevent more integer overflows Author: Sadaf Ebrahimi Date: Wed Jun 15 04:14:33 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 150 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) From https://github.com/LineageOS/android_external_expat * branch refs/changes/28/349328/1 -> FETCH_HEAD [detached HEAD 55dd54d5] [CVE-2022-43680] Fix overeager DTD destruction (fixes #649) Author: Sadaf Ebrahimi Date: Wed Nov 16 16:31:05 2022 +0000 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] external/hardened_malloc HEAD is now at 464bfd4 temporary workarounds for Pixel 3 Applying: workaround for audio service sorting bug Applying: Expand workaround to all camera executables ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] external/svox HEAD is now at c5a33e4 Merge "CTS cases fail due to NE in SVOX TTS library" [detached HEAD f5f0a61] Revert "Disable external/svox." Date: Fri Mar 31 11:47:12 2023 -0400 21 files changed, 388 insertions(+) create mode 100755 Android.mk create mode 100644 CleanSpec.mk create mode 100755 PicoLangInstallerDeuDeu/Android.mk create mode 100755 PicoLangInstallerEngGbr/Android.mk create mode 100755 PicoLangInstallerEngUsa/Android.mk create mode 100755 PicoLangInstallerFraFra/Android.mk create mode 100755 PicoLangInstallerItaIta/Android.mk create mode 100755 PicoLangInstallerSpaEsp/Android.mk create mode 100755 pico/Android.mk create mode 100755 pico/compat/jni/Android.mk create mode 100644 pico/lang/PicoLangDeDeInSystem.mk create mode 100644 pico/lang/PicoLangDefaultInSystem.mk create mode 100644 pico/lang/PicoLangEnGBInSystem.mk create mode 100644 pico/lang/PicoLangEnUsInSystem.mk create mode 100644 pico/lang/PicoLangEsEsInSystem.mk create mode 100644 pico/lang/PicoLangFrFrInSystem.mk create mode 100644 pico/lang/PicoLangItItInSystem.mk create mode 100644 pico/lang/all_pico_languages.mk create mode 100644 pico/lib/Android.mk create mode 100644 pico/tts/Android.mk create mode 100644 picolanginstaller/Android.mk ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] frameworks/av HEAD is now at 994d955019 move MediaCodec metrics processing to looper thread Applying: avoid setting RLIMIT_AS with hardened malloc ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] frameworks/base HEAD is now at fb505cf2a58e Reconcile WorkSource parcel and unparcel code. Applying: always set deprecated Build.SERIAL to UNKNOWN Applying: stop auto-granting location to system browsers Applying: allow SystemUI to directly manage Bluetooth/WiFi Applying: add exec-based spawning support Applying: add parameter for avoiding full preload with exec Applying: disable OpenGL preloading for exec spawning Applying: disable resource preloading for exec spawning Applying: disable ICU cache pinning for exec spawning Applying: disable class preloading for exec spawning Applying: disable WebView reservation for exec spawning Applying: disable JCA provider warm up for exec spawning Applying: avoid AssetManager errors with exec spawning Applying: disable exec spawning when using debugging options Applying: exec spawning: don't close the binder connection when the app crashes Applying: SUPL: Don't send IMSI / Phone number to SUPL server Applying: use permanent fingerprint lockout immediately Applying: enable secondary user logout support by default Applying: support new special runtime permissions Applying: make INTERNET into a special runtime permission Applying: add a NETWORK permission group for INTERNET Applying: add special runtime permission for other sensors Applying: constify JNINativeMethod tables Applying: don't crash apps that depend on missing Gservices provider Enhanced location services for /mnt/dos//Build/LineageOS-16.0/ ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] frameworks/native HEAD is now at af9b25edb0 Check if the window is partially obscured for slippery enters Applying: require OTHER_SENSORS permission for sensors ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] frameworks/opt/net/wifi HEAD is now at 7752ca6d0 Merge tag 'android-security-9.0.0_r66' into staging/lineage-16.0_merge_android-security-9.0.0_r66 Applying: constify JNINativeMethod table ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] hardware/qcom/display HEAD is now at 4ddd15141 Revert "sdm: core: Use upstream DRM_MODE_REFLECT_ defines" Applying: Gralloc: Validate buffer parameters during importBuffer call Applying: Gralloc: Validate buffer parameters during importBuffer call Applying: Gralloc: Validate buffer parameters during importBuffer call Applying: Gralloc: Validate buffer parameters during importBuffer call Applying: Gralloc: Validate buffer parameters during importBuffer call ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] hardware/qcom/display-caf/apq8084 HEAD is now at dfd2336ce hwc: Handle validateAndSet failures in AD prepare call Applying: Gralloc: Validate buffer parameters during importBuffer call ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8916 HEAD is now at 197a40e18 hwc: Remove _vendor from libbfqio Applying: Gralloc: Validate buffer parameters during importBuffer call ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8952 HEAD is now at f38874231 hwc: Remove _vendor from libbfqio Applying: Gralloc: Validate buffer parameters during importBuffer call ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8960 HEAD is now at b90f1719c Revert "Don't force GPU composite for older devices" Applying: Gralloc: Validate buffer parameters during importBuffer call ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8974 HEAD is now at 0cc9709b8 hwc: Remove _vendor from libbfqio Applying: Gralloc: Validate buffer parameters during importBuffer call ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8994 HEAD is now at 4523303d9 hwc: Remove _vendor from libbfqio Applying: Gralloc: Validate buffer parameters during importBuffer call ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8996 HEAD is now at 44a0b38f9 hwc: Remove _vendor from libbfqio Applying: Gralloc: Validate buffer parameters during importBuffer call ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8998 HEAD is now at 7e778780e gralloc: Add option for YCrCb venus camera preview Applying: Gralloc: Validate buffer parameters during importBuffer call ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] libcore HEAD is now at b15391565d3 DO NOT MERGE Track TZDB 2022a rev. 2 changes. [P] Applying: don't throw SecurityException when INTERNET permission is revoked Applying: constify JNINativeMethod tables ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] lineage-sdk HEAD is now at 087e056d Automatic translation import ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/Bluetooth HEAD is now at 90e0fb025 Fix OPP comparison Applying: constify JNINativeMethod tables ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/Contacts HEAD is now at 5055718d9 No longer export CallSubjectDialog Applying: remove useless no-op privacy policy / terms of use Applying: Don't prompt to add account when creating a contact Applying: Use common intent for directions instead of Google Maps URL ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/Dialer HEAD is now at 71701cfc7 No longer export CallSubjectDialog Applying: Show privacy warning on in-call screen ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/LineageParts HEAD is now at 3890464 Automatic translation import Applying: Remove analytics ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/Nfc HEAD is now at 48b3f345 DO NOT MERGE OOBW in Mfc_Transceive() Applying: constify JNINativeMethod tables ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/PackageInstaller HEAD is now at 79fbc97fa Hide overlays on ReviewPermissionsAtivity Applying: always treat INTERNET as a runtime permission Applying: add NETWORK permission group Applying: add OTHER_SENSORS permission group Applying: always treat OTHER_SENSORS as a runtime permission ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/Settings HEAD is now at 718126925d Add DISALLOW_APPS_CONTROL check into uninstall app for all users [detached HEAD a9cead4d94] Revert "DevelopmentSettings: Hide OEM unlock by default" Date: Fri Mar 31 11:47:19 2023 -0400 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-) Applying: Network & Internet Settings: Add option to switch off Captive portal check ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/SetupWizard HEAD is now at 9669948 Automatic translation import Applying: Remove analytics ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/Trebuchet HEAD is now at a9b9417d82 Automatic translation import ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/Updater HEAD is now at 27c0ffe Automatic translation import Applying: Switch to our update server Applying: Add support for routing over Tor ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/inputmethods/LatinIME HEAD is now at 28aa82a0a Automatic translation import Applying: Remove voice input key Applying: disable personalized dicts by default ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/providers/DownloadProvider HEAD is now at 6a33c2d8 Automatic translation import Applying: remove legacy NETWORK permission group reference ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/services/Telephony HEAD is now at d596467cc prevent overlays on the phone settings Auto-merging res/values/strings.xml [detached HEAD de73ff3bd] Revert "DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE 1x options be removed from specific preferred network list." Date: Fri Mar 31 11:47:20 2023 -0400 6 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 res/values-mcc311-mnc220/strings.xml delete mode 100644 res/values-mcc311-mnc225/strings.xml delete mode 100644 res/values-mcc311-mnc580/strings.xml Applying: Change UpdateEnabledNetworksValueAndSummary to handle all modes Applying: More preferred network modes ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] system/core HEAD is now at 976019d07 Backport of Win-specific suppression of potentially rogue construct that can engage in directory traversal on the host. Auto-merging rootdir/init.rc [detached HEAD 7067a35cf] Revert "init: update recovery when enabled in settings" Date: Fri Mar 31 11:47:20 2023 -0400 1 file changed, 6 deletions(-) Applying: Harden Applying: increase max_map_count for hardened malloc Applying: zero sensitive information with explicit_bzero ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] system/extras HEAD is now at 3b4b5a8d Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/pie-gsi' into lineage-16.0-pie-gsi Applying: ext4_crypt: pad filenames to 32 bytes, not 16 or 4 ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] system/sepolicy HEAD is now at 04e2cd1b1 neverallows: Adjust check neverallow rules to use actual TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT Applying: label protected_{fifos,regular} as proc_security Applying: Fix -user builds for many LGE devices Warning: an existing sandbox was detected. /usr/bin/patch will run without any additional sandboxing features patching file public/domain.te Warning: an existing sandbox was detected. /usr/bin/patch will run without any additional sandboxing features patching file public/domain.te Hunk #1 succeeded at 486 with fuzz 2 (offset -111 lines). Hunk #2 succeeded at 503 (offset -112 lines). Warning: an existing sandbox was detected. /usr/bin/patch will run without any additional sandboxing features patching file public/domain.te Hunk #1 succeeded at 482 with fuzz 2 (offset -115 lines). Hunk #2 succeeded at 499 with fuzz 2 (offset -116 lines). ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] vendor/lineage HEAD is now at cae3647d repopick: Use project revision if available ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] vendor/divested ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] device/lge/hammerhead HEAD is now at 512a72b hammerhead: Add privapp permissions Applying: sepolicy: Resolve surfaceflinger access to qdisplay service Applying: sepolicy: Resolve healthd denials Applying: sepolicy: Resolve storaged denials Applying: sepolicy: Label sysfs_net Applying: sepolicy: Resolve init denials Applying: sepolicy: Resolve surfaceflinger denials Applying: sepolicy: Resolve nfc denial ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] device/wileyfox/kipper HEAD is now at 675a3ae Revert "kipper: Update gps configs from TOS125B" Enabled ramdisk compression xargs: warning: options --max-args and --replace/-I/-i are mutually exclusive, ignoring previous --max-args value Enhanced location services for hardware/qcom/gps/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for hardware/qcom/gps/msm8084/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for hardware/qcom/gps/msm8909/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for hardware/qcom/gps/msm8909w_3100/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for hardware/qcom/gps/msm8960/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for hardware/qcom/gps/msm8974/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for hardware/qcom/gps/msm8994/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for hardware/qcom/gps/msm8996/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for hardware/qcom/gps/msm8998/etc/gps.conf xargs: warning: options --max-args and --replace/-I/-i are mutually exclusive, ignoring previous --max-args value Enhanced location services for device/common/gps/gps.conf_AS Enhanced location services for device/common/gps/gps.conf_EU Enhanced location services for device/common/gps/gps.conf_AS_SUPL Enhanced location services for device/common/gps/gps.conf_EU_SUPL Enhanced location services for device/common/gps/gps.conf_US Enhanced location services for device/common/gps/gps.conf_US_SUPL Enhanced location services for device/google/yellowstone/gps/gps.conf Enhanced location services for device/lge/hammerhead/gps.conf Enhanced location services for device/wileyfox/kipper/gps/gps.conf Enhanced location services for device/samsung/apq8084-common/configs/gps.conf Enhanced location services for device/xiaomi/msm8937-common/gps/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for device/zuk/ham/gps/gps.conf xargs: warning: options --max-args and --replace/-I/-i are mutually exclusive, ignoring previous --max-args value Enhanced location services for vendor/samsung/apexqtmo/proprietary/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for vendor/samsung/captivatemtd/proprietary/gps.conf Enhanced location services for vendor/samsung/celox/proprietary/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for vendor/samsung/epicmtd/proprietary/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for vendor/samsung/espressovzw/proprietary/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for vendor/samsung/fascinatemtd/proprietary/gps.conf Enhanced location services for vendor/samsung/galaxysbmtd/proprietary/gps.conf Enhanced location services for vendor/samsung/galaxysmtd/proprietary/gps.conf Enhanced location services for vendor/samsung/gts4lv-common/proprietary/vendor/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for vendor/samsung/picassowifi/proprietary/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for vendor/samsung/p1-common/proprietary/gps.conf Enhanced location services for vendor/samsung/vibrantmtd/proprietary/gps.conf Enhanced location services for vendor/samsung/ypg1/proprietary/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for vendor/xiaomi/armani/proprietary/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for vendor/xiaomi/beryllium/proprietary/vendor/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for vendor/xiaomi/dipper/proprietary/vendor/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for vendor/xiaomi/equuleus/proprietary/vendor/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for vendor/xiaomi/polaris/proprietary/vendor/etc/gps.conf Enhanced location services for vendor/xiaomi/ursa/proprietary/vendor/etc/gps.conf xargs: warning: options --max-args and --replace/-I/-i are mutually exclusive, ignoring previous --max-args value Enhanced location services for device/generic/car/emulator/audio/overlay Enhanced location services for device/generic/x86/overlay Enhanced location services for device/generic/armv7-a-neon/overlay Enhanced location services for device/cyanogen/msm8916-common/overlay Enhanced location services for device/google/yellowstone/overlay Enhanced location services for device/samsung/kccat6/overlay Enhanced location services for device/samsung/lentislte/overlay Enhanced location services for device/samsung/apq8084-common/overlay Enhanced location services for device/lge/hammerhead/overlay Enhanced location services for device/wileyfox/kipper/overlay Enhanced location services for device/google/atv/overlay Enhanced location services for device/samsung/qcom-common/overlay Enhanced location services for device/zuk/ham/overlay Enhanced location services for device/xiaomi/msm8937-common/overlay xargs: warning: options --max-args and --replace/-I/-i are mutually exclusive, ignoring previous --max-args value Set VoLTE override in system.prop for device/samsung/apq8084-common xargs: warning: options --max-args and --replace/-I/-i are mutually exclusive, ignoring previous --max-args value Enabled full dexpreopt for device/generic/arm64 Enabled full dexpreopt for device/generic/armv7-a-neon Enabled full dexpreopt for device/generic/uml Enabled full dexpreopt for device/generic/x86 Enabled full dexpreopt for device/generic/x86_64 Enabled full dexpreopt for device/google/yellowstone Enabled full dexpreopt for device/lge/hammerhead Enabled full dexpreopt for device/samsung/kccat6 Enabled full dexpreopt for device/samsung/lentislte Enabled full dexpreopt for device/wileyfox/kipper Enabled full dexpreopt for device/xiaomi/land Enabled full dexpreopt for device/xiaomi/santoni Enabled full dexpreopt for device/zuk/ham xargs: warning: options --max-args and --replace/-I/-i are mutually exclusive, ignoring previous --max-args value Hardened /data for device/common/gps Hardened /data for device/cyanogen/msm8916-common Hardened /data for device/generic/arm64 Hardened /data for device/generic/armv7-a-neon Hardened /data for device/generic/car Hardened /data for device/generic/common Hardened /data for device/generic/uml Hardened /data for device/generic/x86 Hardened /data for device/generic/x86_64 Hardened /data for device/google/atv Hardened /data for device/google/contexthub Hardened /data for device/google/yellowstone Hardened /data for device/lineage/atv Hardened /data for device/lge/hammerhead Hardened /data for device/lineage/sepolicy Hardened /data for device/qcom/sepolicy-legacy Hardened /data for device/qcom/sepolicy Hardened /data for device/sample/apps Hardened /data for device/sample/etc Hardened /data for device/sample/frameworks Hardened /data for device/sample/overlays Hardened /data for device/sample/products Hardened /data for device/sample/sdk_addon Hardened /data for device/sample/skins Hardened /data for device/samsung/kccat6 Hardened /data for device/samsung/lentislte Hardened /data for device/samsung/apq8084-common Hardened /data for device/samsung/qcom-common Hardened /data for device/wileyfox/kipper Hardened /data for device/xiaomi/land Hardened /data for device/xiaomi/msm8937-common Hardened /data for device/xiaomi/santoni Hardened /data for device/zuk/ham xargs: warning: options --max-args and --replace/-I/-i are mutually exclusive, ignoring previous --max-args value Hardened defconfig for kernel/configs/p Hardened defconfig for kernel/configs/o-mr1 Hardened defconfig for kernel/configs/o Hardened defconfig for kernel/cyanogen/msm8916 Hardened defconfig for kernel/cyanogen/msm8974 Hardened defconfig for kernel/lge/hammerhead Hardened defconfig for kernel/tests/devicetree Hardened defconfig for kernel/tests/net Hardened defconfig for kernel/samsung/apq8084 Hardened defconfig for kernel/google/yellowstone Hardened defconfig for kernel/xiaomi/msm8937 xargs: warning: options --max-args and --replace/-I/-i are mutually exclusive, ignoring previous --max-args value regdb: updated for kernel/xiaomi/msm8937 xargs: warning: options --max-args and --replace/-I/-i are mutually exclusive, ignoring previous --max-args value Disabled enforced RRO for device/common/gps Disabled enforced RRO for device/generic/arm64 Disabled enforced RRO for device/cyanogen/msm8916-common Disabled enforced RRO for device/generic/armv7-a-neon Disabled enforced RRO for device/generic/car Disabled enforced RRO for device/generic/common Disabled enforced RRO for device/generic/uml Disabled enforced RRO for device/generic/x86 Disabled enforced RRO for device/generic/x86_64 Disabled enforced RRO for device/google/atv Disabled enforced RRO for device/lineage/sepolicy Disabled enforced RRO for device/sample/etc Disabled enforced RRO for device/google/contexthub Disabled enforced RRO for device/google/yellowstone Disabled enforced RRO for device/sample/apps Disabled enforced RRO for device/sample/frameworks Disabled enforced RRO for device/qcom/sepolicy-legacy Disabled enforced RRO for device/qcom/sepolicy Disabled enforced RRO for device/lineage/atv Disabled enforced RRO for device/lge/hammerhead Disabled enforced RRO for device/sample/overlays Disabled enforced RRO for device/sample/sdk_addon Disabled enforced RRO for device/sample/skins Disabled enforced RRO for device/sample/products Disabled enforced RRO for device/samsung/apq8084-common Disabled enforced RRO for device/samsung/kccat6 Disabled enforced RRO for device/samsung/qcom-common Disabled enforced RRO for device/samsung/lentislte Disabled enforced RRO for device/wileyfox/kipper Disabled enforced RRO for device/xiaomi/land Disabled enforced RRO for device/xiaomi/santoni Disabled enforced RRO for device/xiaomi/msm8937-common Disabled enforced RRO for device/zuk/ham Deblobbed audio! Removed stock build fingerprints sed: can't read device/*/*/overlay/CarrierConfigResCommon/res/xml/vendor.xml: No such file or directory sed: can't read device/*/*/rro_overlays/CarrierConfigOverlay/res/xml/vendor.xml: No such file or directory sed: can't read device/*/*/overlay/CarrierConfigResCommon/res/xml/vendor.xml: No such file or directory sed: can't read device/*/*/rro_overlays/CarrierConfigOverlay/res/xml/vendor.xml: No such file or directory Can't open device/*/*/overlay/CarrierConfigResCommon/res/xml/vendor.xml: No such file or directory, <> chunk 520. Can't open device/*/*/rro_overlays/CarrierConfigOverlay/res/xml/vendor.xml: No such file or directory, <> chunk 520. sed: can't read device/*/*/overlay/CarrierConfigResCommon/res/xml/vendor.xml: No such file or directory sed: can't read device/*/*/rro_overlays/CarrierConfigOverlay/res/xml/vendor.xml: No such file or directory sed: can't read device/*/*/overlay/CarrierConfigResCommon/res/xml/vendor.xml: No such file or directory sed: can't read device/*/*/rro_overlays/CarrierConfigOverlay/res/xml/vendor.xml: No such file or directory rm: cannot remove 'kernel/*/*/drivers/staging/greybus/tools/Android.mk': No such file or directory [SCRIPT COMPLETE] Primary patching finished Enabling verity... [SCRIPT COMPLETE] Verity enablement complete Copying verity/avb public keys to kernels... [SCRIPT COMPLETE] Copied keys to kernels Changing default settings... ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] frameworks/base ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/Dialer ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/Nfc ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/Settings ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/SetupWizard ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/Trebuchet ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/Updater ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] vendor/lineage [SCRIPT COMPLETE] Default settings changed Rebranding... ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] bootable/recovery Auto-merging screen_ui.cpp [detached HEAD db3d4386] Revert "recovery: Scale logo image if necessary" Date: Fri Mar 31 11:47:24 2023 -0400 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 15 deletions(-) [detached HEAD 5803af04] Revert "recovery: New install/progress animation" Date: Fri Mar 31 11:47:24 2023 -0400 455 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00030.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00031.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00032.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00033.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00034.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00035.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00036.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00037.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00038.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00039.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00040.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00041.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00042.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00043.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00044.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00045.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00046.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00047.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00048.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00049.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00050.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00051.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00052.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00053.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00054.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00055.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00056.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00057.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00058.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00059.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00060.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00061.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00062.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00063.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00064.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00065.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00066.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00067.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00068.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00069.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00070.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00071.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00072.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00073.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00074.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00075.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00076.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00077.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00078.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00079.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00080.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00081.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00082.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00083.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00084.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00085.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00086.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00087.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00088.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00089.png create mode 100644 res-hdpi/images/loop00090.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00030.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00031.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00032.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00033.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00034.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00035.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00036.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00037.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00038.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00039.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00040.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00041.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00042.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00043.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00044.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00045.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00046.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00047.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00048.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00049.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00050.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00051.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00052.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00053.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00054.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00055.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00056.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00057.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00058.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00059.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00060.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00061.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00062.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00063.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00064.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00065.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00066.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00067.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00068.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00069.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00070.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00071.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00072.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00073.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00074.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00075.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00076.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00077.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00078.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00079.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00080.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00081.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00082.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00083.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00084.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00085.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00086.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00087.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00088.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00089.png create mode 100644 res-mdpi/images/loop00090.png create mode 100644 res-xhdpi/images/loop00030.png create mode 100644 res-xhdpi/images/loop00031.png create mode 100644 res-xhdpi/images/loop00032.png create mode 100644 res-xhdpi/images/loop00033.png create mode 100644 res-xhdpi/images/loop00034.png create mode 100644 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create mode 100644 res-xxhdpi/images/loop00073.png create mode 100644 res-xxhdpi/images/loop00074.png create mode 100644 res-xxhdpi/images/loop00075.png create mode 100644 res-xxhdpi/images/loop00076.png create mode 100644 res-xxhdpi/images/loop00077.png create mode 100644 res-xxhdpi/images/loop00078.png create mode 100644 res-xxhdpi/images/loop00079.png create mode 100644 res-xxhdpi/images/loop00080.png create mode 100644 res-xxhdpi/images/loop00081.png create mode 100644 res-xxhdpi/images/loop00082.png create mode 100644 res-xxhdpi/images/loop00083.png create mode 100644 res-xxhdpi/images/loop00084.png create mode 100644 res-xxhdpi/images/loop00085.png create mode 100644 res-xxhdpi/images/loop00086.png create mode 100644 res-xxhdpi/images/loop00087.png create mode 100644 res-xxhdpi/images/loop00088.png create mode 100644 res-xxhdpi/images/loop00089.png create mode 100644 res-xxhdpi/images/loop00090.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00030.png create mode 100644 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res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00069.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00070.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00071.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00072.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00073.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00074.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00075.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00076.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00077.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00078.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00079.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00080.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00081.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00082.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00083.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00084.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00085.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00086.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00087.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00088.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00089.png create mode 100644 res-xxxhdpi/images/loop00090.png Applying: Remove logo rm: cannot remove 'res-xxxhdpi/images/logo_image.png': No such file or directory ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] build/make ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] frameworks/base ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] lineage-sdk ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/LineageParts ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/Settings ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/SetupWizard ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] packages/apps/Updater ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] system/core ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] vendor/lineage [SCRIPT COMPLETE] Rebranding complete Optimizing... ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] frameworks/base ================================================================================================ [ENTERING] kernel Starting zram tweaks Finished zram tweaks [SCRIPT COMPLETE] Optimizing complete Deblobbing... xargs: warning: options --max-args and --replace/-I/-i are mutually exclusive, ignoring previous --max-args value grep: BoardConfig*.mk: No such file or directory grep: BoardConfig*.mk: No such file or directory grep: BoardConfig*.mk: No such file or directory grep: BoardConfig*.mk: No such file or directory grep: BoardConfig*.mk: No such file or directory grep: BoardConfig*.mk: No such file or directory grep: BoardConfig*.mk: No such file or directory grep: BoardConfig*.mk: No such file or directory grep: BoardConfig*.mk: No such file or directory grep: BoardConfig*.mk: No such file or directory grep: BoardConfig*.mk: No such file or directory grep: BoardConfig*.mk: No such file or directory grep: BoardConfig*.mk: No such file or directory grep: BoardConfig*.mk: No such file or directory grep: BoardConfig*.mk: No such file or directory grep: BoardConfig*.mk: No such file or directory $DEVICE must be set before including this script! xargs: warning: options --max-args and --replace/-I/-i are mutually exclusive, ignoring previous --max-args value xargs: warning: options --max-args and --replace/-I/-i are mutually exclusive, ignoring previous --max-args value xargs: warning: options --max-args and --replace/-I/-i are mutually exclusive, ignoring previous --max-args value [SCRIPT COMPLETE] Deblobbing complete Patching CVEs... Running /mnt/dos//Scripts/LineageOS-16.0//CVE_Patchers//android_kernel_cyanogen_msm8916.sh Running /mnt/dos//Scripts/LineageOS-16.0//CVE_Patchers//android_kernel_cyanogen_msm8974.sh warning: sound/soc/msm/qdsp6v2/q6asm.c has type 100644, expected 100755 /mnt/dos//Patches/Linux//CVE-2021-Misc2/ANY/0032.patch:30: trailing whitespace. warning: drivers/staging/prima/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg80211.c has type 100644, expected 100755 warning: 1 line adds whitespace errors. Running /mnt/dos//Scripts/LineageOS-16.0//CVE_Patchers//android_kernel_google_yellowstone.sh error: patch failed: net/rds/connection.c:177 error: net/rds/connection.c: patch does not apply warning: drivers/staging/android/ion/ion.c has type 100755, expected 100644 Running /mnt/dos//Scripts/LineageOS-16.0//CVE_Patchers//android_kernel_lge_hammerhead.sh warning: sound/soc/msm/qdsp6v2/q6asm.c has type 100644, expected 100755 warning: drivers/media/platform/msm/camera_v2/sensor/actuator/msm_actuator.c has type 100755, expected 100644 Running /mnt/dos//Scripts/LineageOS-16.0//CVE_Patchers//android_kernel_samsung_apq8084.sh Running /mnt/dos//Scripts/LineageOS-16.0//CVE_Patchers//android_kernel_xiaomi_msm8937.sh warning: drivers/staging/qcacld-2.0/CORE/SYS/legacy/src/utils/src/dot11f.c has type 100644, expected 100755 [SCRIPT COMPLETE] Patched CVEs Post tweaks... [SCRIPT COMPLETE] Post tweaks complete including device/generic/car/vendorsetup.sh including device/generic/uml/vendorsetup.sh including device/google/yellowstone/vendorsetup.sh including device/lge/hammerhead/vendorsetup.sh including device/samsung/kccat6/vendorsetup.sh including device/samsung/lentislte/vendorsetup.sh including vendor/lineage/vendorsetup.sh including sdk/bash_completion/adb.bash