#!/bin/bash #DivestOS: A privacy oriented Android distribution #Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Divested Computing, Inc. # #This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #(at your option) any later version. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program. If not, see . #Sets settings used by all other scripts #START OF USER CONFIGURABLE OPTIONS export androidWorkspace="/mnt/Drive-3/"; #XXX: THIS MUST BE CORRECT TO BUILD! export DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_AUDIOFX=true; #Set true to remove AudioFX export DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_IMS=false; #Set true to remove all IMS blobs export DEBLOBBER_REPLACE_TIME=false; #Set true to replace Qualcomm Time Services with the open source Sony TimeKeep reimplementation export DEFAULT_DNS_PRESET="OpenNIC"; #Sets default DNS. Options: Cloudflare, OpenNIC, DNSWATCH, Google, OpenDNS, Quad9, Quad9U, Verisign export GLONASS_FORCED_ENABLE=true; #Enables GLONASS on all devices export MALWARE_SCAN_ENABLED=true; #Set true to perform a fast scan on patchWorkspace() and a through scan on buildAll() export MALWARE_SCAN_SETTING="quick"; #buildAll() scan speed. Options: quick, extra, slow, full export MICROG_INCLUDED="NLP"; #Determines inclusion of microG. Options: NONE, NLP, FULL export HOSTS_BLOCKING=true; #Switch to false to prevent inclusion of our HOSTS file export HOSTS_BLOCKING_LIST="https://spotco.us/hosts"; #Must be in the format " bad.domain.tld". XXX: /hosts is built from non-commercial use files, switch to /hsc for release export OVERCLOCKS_ENABLED=true; #Switch to false to disable overclocks export STRONG_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED=false; #Switch to true to enable AES-256bit encryption XXX: THIS WILL **DESTROY** EXISTING INSTALLS! export NON_COMMERCIAL_USE_PATCHES=false; #Switch to false to prevent inclusion of non-commercial use patches export REBRAND_NAME="DivestOS"; export REBRAND_ZIP_PREFIX="divested"; export REBRAND_BOOTANIMATION_FONT="Fira-Sans-Bold"; #Options: $ convert -list font export REBRAND_BOOTANIMATION_STYLE="plasma"; #Options: gradient, plasma #export REBRAND_BOOTANIMATION_COLOR="#FF5722-#FF8A65"; #gradient export REBRAND_BOOTANIMATION_COLOR="#FF5722-#03A9F4"; #plasma export REBRAND_LINK_ABOUT="https://divestos.xyz/index.php?page=about"; export REBRAND_LINK_PRIVACY="https://divestos.xyz/index.php?page=privacy_policy"; export REBRAND_SERVER_OTA="https://divestos.xyz/updater.php"; #END OF USER CONFIGURABLE OPTIONS BUILD_WORKING_DIR=${PWD##*/}; if [ -d ".repo" ]; then echo "Detected $BUILD_WORKING_DIR"; else echo "Not a valid workspace!"; return 1; fi; export base=$androidWorkspace"Build/$BUILD_WORKING_DIR/"; if [ ! -d "$base" ]; then echo "Path mismatch! Please update init.sh!"; return 1; fi; export prebuiltApps=$androidWorkspace"PrebuiltApps/"; export patchesCommon=$androidWorkspace"Patches/Common/"; export patches=$androidWorkspace"Patches/$BUILD_WORKING_DIR/"; export overclocks=$androidWorkspace"Patches/Overclocks/"; export cvePatchesLinux=$androidWorkspace"Patches/Linux/"; export cvePatchesAndroid=$androidWorkspace"Patches/Android/"; export dosWallpapers=$androidWorkspace"Patches/Wallpapers/"; export scriptsCommon=$androidWorkspace"Scripts/Common/"; export scripts=$androidWorkspace"Scripts/$BUILD_WORKING_DIR/"; if [ ! -d "$scripts" ]; then echo "$BUILD_WORKING_DIR is not supported!"; return 1; fi; export cveScripts=$scripts"CVE_Patchers/"; export SIGNING_KEY_DIR=$androidWorkspace"Signing_Keys"; export OTA_PACKAGE_SIGNING_KEY=$SIGNING_KEY_DIR"/releasekey"; export ANDROID_HOME="/home/$USER/Android/Sdk"; export KBUILD_BUILD_USER="emy"; export KBUILD_BUILD_HOST="dosbm"; export ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS="-Xmx6144m -Xms512m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation"; export JACK_SERVER_VM_ARGUMENTS="${ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS}"; export GRADLE_OPTS="-Xmx2048m"; source "$scriptsCommon/Functions.sh"; source "$scripts/Functions.sh"; export LC_ALL=C; unalias cp &>/dev/null || true; unalias mv &>/dev/null || true; unalias rm &>/dev/null || true; unalias ln &>/dev/null || true;