Below are the license mappings for all of the files found in this repository.
All attempts have been made to ensure accuracy of the corresponding license files.
If you've found an issue please file an issue or pull request.

Checklists/ - GPL-3.0-or-later
Manifests/ - GPL-3.0-or-later
	aosp-cves/ - Apache-2.0
	pubring.kbx - non-copyrightable?
	[Everything Else] - GPL-3.0-or-later
		android_external_hardened_malloc/ - MIT
		android_kernel_*/ - GPL-2.0-only
		android_system_ca-certificates/ - See special METADATA file
			default_wallpaper.png - Unsplash, Pawel Czerwinski
			mms_config.xml - Google
			vvm_config.xml - Google
			[Everything Else] - GPL-3.0-or-later
		wireless-regdb/ - See LICENSE included (ISC)
		[Everything Else] - Apache-2.0
		android_external_hardened_malloc/ - MIT
		android_kernel_*/ - GPL-2.0-only
		[Everything Else] - Apache-2.0
	Linux/ - See COPYING included (GPL-2.0-only)
	Wallpapers/ - See LICENSE included (Unsplash)
PrebuiltApps/ - See LICENSE included
Scripts/ - GPL-3.0-or-later

Please see the included LICENSE.* files for the corresponding full license texts.