- Drops Calendar, Eleven, and Email
- Adds a variable for Silence inclusion
- Adds a NONE option for microG inclusion flag to disable NLP inclusion
Signed-off-by: Tad <tad@spotco.us>
Rely on the HOSTS to do any blocking.
With the last update this causes app crashes, due to boolean/string mismatch.
Need to figure out exactly how string in manifest can become a boolean when wanted.
Signed-off-by: Tad <tad@spotco.us>
- 16.0: drop wallpaper optimization patch, questionable source
- deblobber: don't remove libmmparser_lite.so, potentially used by camera
- 17.1: pick Q_asb_2021-12, excluding a broken patch
- clark 17.1: some camera denial fixes
- alioth: unmark broken
- 17.1: switch to upstream glibc fix
- 17.1/18.1: disable per app sensors permission patchset, potential camera issues
Signed-off-by: Tad <tad@spotco.us>
Based off of patches from CalyxOS as noted in each included patch.
Tested and verified working on klte and mata 18.1
Signed-off-by: Tad <tad@spotco.us>
- disable disablement of PROC_PAGE_MONITOR to fix memory stats calculation
- enable slub_nomerge, similar to slab_nomerge for pre 3.18 kernels
slub_nomerge was already default enabled on many 3.10 devices via:
Signed-off-by: Tad <tad@spotco.us>
- Include TalkBack
- Fixup hosts inclusion, due to path mismatch
- 14.1: bump patch level to match the picked ASB
- 14.1: m7-common: deblobber fix
Signed-off-by: Tad <tad@spotco.us>
- Remove some changes that have been commented for a while
- Don't remove the QCOM VR repos
- Adjust the default quick tiles
- Don't force hardware layers for recents
- Only generate deltas for update_engine devices
- Cherrypick: Update WebView to 90.0.4430.66
- Adjust yylloc sed line
- Add comments to 17.1 devices explaining why they aren't removed for 18.1 yet