Many changes

- Fixed UnifiedNLP not registering
- Inlined location provider patch
- Simplified generateBootAnimationShine
- Add notes about inclusion of other apps
- Replaced microG with just UnifiedNLP
This commit is contained in:
Tad 2018-06-25 14:19:38 -04:00
parent c914a655a5
commit ee4ea5072b
7 changed files with 15 additions and 35 deletions

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
From aff27a258e5585172781d4ba128294ffc7e84b82 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tad <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2018 09:58:29 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Add microG UnifiedNLP to available location providers
Change-Id: I4642308d5fd5e4230619b20b15eddf28dd193edd
core/res/res/values/config.xml | 2 ++
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
diff --git a/core/res/res/values/config.xml b/core/res/res/values/config.xml
index c29ff3c90a9..4e00c153a48 100755
--- a/core/res/res/values/config.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values/config.xml
@@ -1474,6 +1474,8 @@
<string-array name="config_locationProviderPackageNames" translatable="false">
<!-- The standard AOSP fused location provider -->
+ <!-- UnifiedNLP Location Provider -->
+ <item>org.microg.nlp</item>
<!-- This string array can be overriden to enable test location providers initially. -->

@ -16,3 +16,11 @@ PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \
# This is a shim, it is intended that F-Droid will update on first run to the real version of Fennec DOS
# Notes
# - Official F-Droid will be included once #843 is implemented
# - K-9 Mail will be included after 5.5xx release
# - OpenKeychain inclusion is undecided yet
# - Net Monitor will be included after #58 is merged
# - Orbot/Orfox will most likely never be included due to various reasons
# - Replacing HOSTS with DNS66 isn't ideal as it breaks regular VPN usage

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 612717a1453bbea093bfe076b51e831d0b5bba6d
Subproject commit 4909e6fcc7f0e41ab2216ad6829f1f6ba7fa9c32

@ -99,11 +99,8 @@ generateBootAnimationShine() {
if [ "$style" = "gradient" ]; then
convert -size 1024x128 -define gradient:angle=90 plasma:"$color" \( +clone -flop \) +append "$output";
elif [ "$style" = "plasma" ]; then
convert -size 2048x128 plasma:"$color" "$output";
#The colors need to be symmetrical in order to make the animation smooth and not have any noticble lines
convert -size 1024x128 -define gradient:angle=90 "$style":"$color" \( +clone -flop \) +append "$output";
export -f generateBootAnimationShine;

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ sed -i 's|config_permissionReviewRequired">false|config_permissionReviewRequired
patch -p1 < "$patches/android_frameworks_base/0001-Reduced_Resolution.patch"; #Allow reducing resolution to save power TODO: Add 800x480
if [ "$MICROG_INCLUDED" = "FULL" ]; then patch -p1 < "$patches/android_frameworks_base/0003-Signature_Spoofing.patch"; fi; #Allow packages to spoof their signature (microG)
if [ "$MICROG_INCLUDED" = "FULL" ]; then patch -p1 < "$patches/android_frameworks_base/0005-Harden_Sig_Spoofing.patch"; fi; #Restrict signature spoofing to system apps signed with the platform key
if [ "$MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then patch -p1 < "$patchesCommon/android_frameworks_base/0001-UnifiedNLP_Support.patch"; fi; #Add UnifiedNLP to location providers
if [ "$MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then sed -i '/<item><\/item>/a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ <item>org.microg.nlp</item>' core/res/res/values/config.xml; fi; #Add UnifiedNLP to location providers
#patch -p1 < "$patches/android_frameworks_base/0007-Connectivity.patch"; #Change connectivity check URLs to ours
patch -p1 < "$patches/android_frameworks_base/0008-Disable_Analytics.patch"; #Disable/reduce functionality of various ad/analytics libraries
@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ fi;
cp "$patchesCommon/android_vendor_divested/" config/;
if [ "$MICROG_INCLUDED" = "FULL" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += GmsCore GsfProxy FakeStore" >> config/; fi;
if [ "$MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += UnifiedNLP" >> config/; fi;
if [ "$MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then sed -i '/Google provider/!b;n;s/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml; fi;
if [ "$MICROG_INCLUDED" != "NONE" ]; then cp "$patchesCommon/android_vendor_divested/" config/; fi;
if [ "$MICROG_INCLUDED" != "NONE" ]; then echo "include vendor/cm/config/" >> config/; fi;
cp "$patches/android_vendor_cm/config.xml" overlay/common/vendor/cmsdk/cm/res/res/values/config.xml; #Per app performance profiles

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ sed -i 's/' core/res/res/values/co
sed -i 's|config_permissionReviewRequired">false|config_permissionReviewRequired">true|' core/res/res/values/config.xml;
if [ "$MICROG_INCLUDED" = "FULL" ]; then patch -p1 < "$patches/android_frameworks_base/0002-Signature_Spoofing.patch"; fi; #Allow packages to spoof their signature (microG)
if [ "$MICROG_INCLUDED" = "FULL" ]; then patch -p1 < "$patches/android_frameworks_base/0003-Harden_Sig_Spoofing.patch"; fi; #Restrict signature spoofing to system apps signed with the platform key
if [ "$MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then patch -p1 < "$patchesCommon/android_frameworks_base/0001-UnifiedNLP_Support.patch"; fi; #Add UnifiedNLP to location providers
if [ "$MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then sed -i '/<item><\/item>/a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ <item>org.microg.nlp</item>' core/res/res/values/config.xml; fi; #Add UnifiedNLP to location providers
#patch -p1 < "$patches/android_frameworks_base/0005-Connectivity.patch"; #Change connectivity check URLs to ours
patch -p1 < "$patches/android_frameworks_base/0006-Disable_Analytics.patch"; #Disable/reduce functionality of various ad/analytics libraries
@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ if [ "$DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_AUDIOFX" = true ]; then awk -i inplace '!/AudioFX/' conf
cp "$patchesCommon/android_vendor_divested/" config/;
if [ "$MICROG_INCLUDED" = "FULL" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += GmsCore GsfProxy FakeStore" >> config/; fi;
if [ "$MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += UnifiedNLP" >> config/; fi;
if [ "$MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then sed -i '/Google provider/!b;n;s/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml; fi;
if [ "$MICROG_INCLUDED" != "NONE" ]; then cp "$patchesCommon/android_vendor_divested/" config/; fi;
if [ "$MICROG_INCLUDED" != "NONE" ]; then echo "include vendor/lineage/config/" >> config/; fi;
cp -r "$patchesCommon/android_vendor_divested/firmware_deblobber" .;


@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ High Priority (Release blockers)
- Automate incremental update generation
- Switch HOSTS to release variant
- New signing keys
- Determine whether to ship microG or just UnifiedNLP
- Create cryptocurrency addresses
- Setup Stripe