diff --git a/Scripts/LineageOS-19.1/Patch.sh b/Scripts/LineageOS-19.1/Patch.sh index 7681f3c9..a5c77ebe 100644 --- a/Scripts/LineageOS-19.1/Patch.sh +++ b/Scripts/LineageOS-19.1/Patch.sh @@ -446,6 +446,7 @@ awk -i inplace '!/_lookup/' overlay/common/lineage-sdk/packages/LineageSettingsP echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += vendor.lineage.trust@1.0-service" >> packages.mk; #Add deny usb service, all of our kernels have the necessary patch echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += eSpeakNG" >> packages.mk; #PicoTTS needs work to compile on 18.1, use eSpeak-NG instead sed -i 's/OpenCamera/SecureCamera/' packages.mk #Use the GrapheneOS camera app +echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += SecureCamera" >> packages.mk; awk -i inplace '!/speed-profile/' build/target/product/lowram.mk; #breaks compile on some dexpreopt devices awk -i inplace '!/persist.traced.enable/' build/target/product/lowram.mk; #breaks compile due to duplicate sed -i 's/wifi,cell/internet/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/res/values/config.xml; #Use the modern quick tile