Potentially fixup manta

- Deblobber: don't remove mfc_fw.bin, used for media decode
- Deblobber: don't remove es305_fw.bin, used for audio processing
- don't force dexpreopt on manta, likely breaks Wi-Fi
- fix some SELinux denials on manta
This commit is contained in:
Tad 2021-03-26 16:32:02 -04:00
parent 4d902672df
commit 38ad988924
4 changed files with 7 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -132,7 +132,6 @@ echo "Deblobbing...";
#DivX (DRM) [DivX]
#DPM (Data Power Management) [Qualcomm]
#https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/la/platform/vendor/qcom-opensource/dpm/ [headers]
@ -500,7 +499,7 @@ echo "Deblobbing...";
#blobs=$blobs"|es305_fw.bin"; #XXX: breaks audio
#blobs=$blobs"|aonvr1.bin|aonvr2.bin"; #XXX: required by adspd, likely for more than VR

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@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ export -f patchWorkspace;
enableDexPreOpt() {
#Some devices won't compile, or have too small of a /system partition, or Wi-Fi breaks
if [ "$1" != "device/amazon/thor" ] && [ "$1" != "device/samsung/i9100" ] && [ "$1" != "device/samsung/maguro" ] && [ "$1" != "device/samsung/toro" ] && [ "$1" != "device/samsung/toroplus" ] && [ "$1" != "device/samsung/tuna" ] && [ "$1" != "device/asus/grouper" ]; then
if [ "$1" != "device/amazon/thor" ] && [ "$1" != "device/asus/grouper" ] && [ "$1" != "device/samsung/i9100" ] && [ "$1" != "device/samsung/maguro" ] && [ "$1" != "device/samsung/manta" ] && [ "$1" != "device/samsung/toro" ] && [ "$1" != "device/samsung/toroplus" ] && [ "$1" != "device/samsung/tuna" ]; then
if [ -f BoardConfig.mk ]; then
echo "WITH_DEXPREOPT := true" >> BoardConfig.mk;
echo "WITH_DEXPREOPT_PIC := true" >> BoardConfig.mk;

View File

@ -265,8 +265,12 @@ rm board-info.txt; #Never restrict installation
enterAndClear "device/samsung/exynos5420-common";
awk -i inplace '!/shell su/' sepolicy/shell.te; #neverallow
#enterAndClear "device/samsung/manta";
enterAndClear "device/samsung/manta";
#git revert --no-edit e55bbff1c8aa50e25ffe39c8936ea3dc92a4a575; #restore releasetools #TODO
echo "allow audioserver sensorservice_service:service_manager find;" >> sepolicy/audioserver.te;
echo "allow mediacodec audio_device:chr_file getattr;" >> sepolicy/mediacodec.te;
echo "allow mediacodec camera_device:chr_file getattr;" >> sepolicy/mediacodec.te;
echo "allow mediacodec sysfs:file read;" >> sepolicy/mediacodec.te;
enterAndClear "device/samsung/toroplus";
awk -i inplace '!/additional_system_update/' overlay/packages/apps/Settings/res/values*/*.xml;

View File

@ -249,7 +249,6 @@ sed -i '3itypeattribute hwaddrs misc_block_device_exception;' sepolicy/hwaddrs.t
awk -i inplace '!/TARGET_RELEASETOOLS_EXTENSIONS/' BoardConfigCommon.mk; #broken releasetools
enterAndClear "device/lge/mako";
git revert --no-edit 6081a4436b3d20536650cb11c37e64709bd33159; #Fix vibrator logspam
echo "pmf=0" >> wifi/wpa_supplicant_overlay.conf; #Wi-Fi chipset doesn't support PMF
awk -i inplace '!/TARGET_RELEASETOOLS_EXTENSIONS/' BoardConfig.mk; #broken releasetools