mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 12:56:28 -04:00
Cleanup: Drop UnifiedNlp, FDroidPrivExt, and Silence
These haven't been included for a while +remove some old cruft from 20.0 Signed-off-by: Tad <tad@spotco.us>
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,7 +25,12 @@
<remove-project name="LineageOS/lineage_wiki" />
<remove-project name="LineageOS/mirror" />
<remove-project name="LineageOS/www" />
<remove-project name="platform/packages/apps/Browser2" />
<remove-project name="platform/packages/apps/Music" />
<remove-project name="platform/packages/apps/MusicFX" />
<remove-project name="platform/packages/apps/QuickSearchBox" />
<remove-project name="platform/packages/apps/SampleLocationAttribution" />
<!--<remove-project name="platform/packages/modules/AdServices" />-->
<remove-project name="platform/prebuilts/clang/host/darwin-x86" />
<remove-project name="platform/prebuilts/go/darwin-x86" />
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
<!-- UnifiedNLP -->
<!-- microG (in this case) -->
<!-- Play/microG -->
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit fa94060cbd20cea42492cbb3dbcda36b015ba0c1
Subproject commit e5fd92d14e918cf4db2a2b5f9284474914d0d353
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ git revert --no-edit a47d7ee7027ecb50e217c5e4d6ea7e201d7ea033; #Re-enable the do
applyPatch "$DOS_PATCHES/android_build/0001-OTA_Keys.patch"; #Add correct keys to recovery for OTA verification (DivestOS)
sed -i '50i$(my_res_package): PRIVATE_AAPT_FLAGS += --auto-add-overlay' core/aapt2.mk; #Enable auto-add-overlay for packages, this allows the vendor overlay to easily work across all branches.
sed -i '296iLOCAL_AAPT_FLAGS += --auto-add-overlay' core/package_internal.mk;
if [ "$DOS_SILENCE_INCLUDED" = true ]; then sed -i 's/messaging/Silence/' target/product/aosp_base_telephony.mk; fi; #Replace the Messaging app with Silence
awk -i inplace '!/Email/' target/product/core.mk; #Remove Email
awk -i inplace '!/Exchange2/' target/product/core.mk;
sed -i 's/2021-06-05/2022-10-05/' core/version_defaults.mk; #Bump Security String #n-asb-2022-10 #XXX
@ -417,11 +416,9 @@ if [ "$DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_AUDIOFX" = true ]; then
awk -i inplace '!/AudioService/' config/common.mk;
awk -i inplace '!/def_backup_transport/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml; #Unset default backup provider
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then sed -i '/Google provider/!b;n;s/com.google.android.gms/org.microg.nlp/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml; fi; #Adjust the fused providers
sed -i 's/CM_BUILDTYPE := UNOFFICIAL/CM_BUILDTYPE := dos/' config/common.mk; #Change buildtype
echo 'include vendor/divested/divestos.mk' >> config/common.mk; #Include our customizations
cp -f "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/apns-conf.xml" prebuilt/common/etc/apns-conf.xml; #Update APN list
if [ "$DOS_SILENCE_INCLUDED" = true ]; then sed -i 's/messaging/Silence/' config/telephony.mk; fi; #Replace the Messaging app with Silence
awk -i inplace '!/Eleven/' config/common.mk; #Remove Music Player
awk -i inplace '!/Exchange2/' config/common.mk; #Remove Email
@ -433,8 +430,6 @@ sed -i 's/shouldUseOptimizations(weight)/true/' cm/lib/main/java/org/cyanogenmod
if enter "vendor/divested"; then
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" != "NONE" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += DejaVuNlpBackend IchnaeaNlpBackend NominatimNlpBackend" >> packages.mk; fi; #Include UnifiedNlp backends
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += UnifiedNLP" >> packages.mk; fi; #Include UnifiedNlp
sed -i 's/TalkBack/TalkBackLegacy/' packages.mk;
awk -i inplace '!/downgrade_after_inactive_days/' build/target/product/lowram.mk; #exceeds length limit
@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ git revert --no-edit ceb64cd86b1cf6be3b1214ace80d8260971f8877; #Re-enable the do
applyPatch "$DOS_PATCHES/android_build/0001-OTA_Keys.patch"; #Add correct keys to recovery for OTA verification (DivestOS)
applyPatch "$DOS_PATCHES/android_build/0002-Enable_fwrapv.patch"; #Use -fwrapv at a minimum (GrapheneOS)
sed -i '57i$(my_res_package): PRIVATE_AAPT_FLAGS += --auto-add-overlay' core/aapt2.mk; #Enable auto-add-overlay for packages, this allows the vendor overlay to easily work across all branches.
if [ "$DOS_SILENCE_INCLUDED" = true ]; then sed -i 's/messaging/Silence/' target/product/aosp_base_telephony.mk target/product/treble_common.mk; fi; #Replace the Messaging app with Silence
awk -i inplace '!/Email/' target/product/core.mk; #Remove Email
sed -i 's/2021-10-05/2022-09-05/' core/version_defaults.mk; #Bump Security String #XXX
@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ sed -i 's/entry == null/entry == null || true/' core/java/android/os/RecoverySys
sed -i 's/!Build.isBuildConsistent()/false/' services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.java; #Disable partition fingerprint mismatch warnings XXX: TEMPORARY FIX
hardenLocationFWB "$DOS_BUILD_BASE"; #Harden the default GPS config
changeDefaultDNS; #Change the default DNS servers
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" != "FULL" ]; then rm -rf packages/CompanionDeviceManager; fi; #Used to support Android Wear (which hard depends on GMS)
rm -rf packages/CompanionDeviceManager; #Used to support Android Wear (which hard depends on GMS)
rm -rf packages/Osu packages/Osu2; #Automatic Wi-Fi connection non-sense
rm -rf packages/PrintRecommendationService; #Creates popups to install proprietary print apps
@ -360,19 +359,12 @@ awk -i inplace '!/security\/lineage/' config/common.mk; #Remove Lineage extra ke
awk -i inplace '!/WeatherProvider/' config/common.mk; #Remove Weather
awk -i inplace '!/def_backup_transport/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml; #Unset default backup provider
if [ "$DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_AUDIOFX" = true ]; then awk -i inplace '!/AudioFX/' config/common.mk; fi; #Remove AudioFX
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then sed -i '/Google provider/!b;n;s/com.google.android.gms/org.microg.nlp/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml; fi; #Adjust the fused providers
sed -i 's/LINEAGE_BUILDTYPE := UNOFFICIAL/LINEAGE_BUILDTYPE := dos/' config/common.mk; #Change buildtype
echo 'include vendor/divested/divestos.mk' >> config/common.mk; #Include our customizations
cp -f "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/apns-conf.xml" prebuilt/common/etc/apns-conf.xml; #Update APN list
if [ "$DOS_SILENCE_INCLUDED" = true ]; then sed -i 's/messaging/Silence/' config/telephony.mk; fi; #Replace the Messaging app with Silence
awk -i inplace '!/Eleven/' config/common.mk; #Remove Music Player
awk -i inplace '!/Exchange2/' config/common.mk; #Remove Email
if enter "vendor/divested"; then
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" != "NONE" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += DejaVuNlpBackend IchnaeaNlpBackend NominatimNlpBackend" >> packages.mk; fi; #Include UnifiedNlp backends
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += UnifiedNLP" >> packages.mk; fi; #Include UnifiedNlp
@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ git revert --no-edit 271f6ffa045064abcac066e97f2cb53ccb3e5126 61f7ee9386be426fd4
applyPatch "$DOS_PATCHES/android_build/0001-OTA_Keys.patch"; #Add correct keys to recovery for OTA verification (DivestOS)
applyPatch "$DOS_PATCHES/android_build/0002-Enable_fwrapv.patch"; #Use -fwrapv at a minimum (GrapheneOS)
sed -i '74i$(my_res_package): PRIVATE_AAPT_FLAGS += --auto-add-overlay' core/aapt2.mk; #Enable auto-add-overlay for packages, this allows the vendor overlay to easily work across all branches.
if [ "$DOS_SILENCE_INCLUDED" = true ]; then sed -i 's/messaging/Silence/' target/product/aosp_base_telephony.mk target/product/treble_common.mk; fi; #Replace the Messaging app with Silence
sed -i 's/PLATFORM_MIN_SUPPORTED_TARGET_SDK_VERSION := 17/PLATFORM_MIN_SUPPORTED_TARGET_SDK_VERSION := 28/' core/version_defaults.mk; #Set the minimum supported target SDK to Pie (GrapheneOS)
awk -i inplace '!/Email/' target/product/core.mk; #Remove Email
sed -i 's/2022-01-05/2022-09-05/' core/version_defaults.mk; #Bump Security String #P_asb_2022-09 #XXX
@ -181,7 +180,7 @@ sed -i 's/DEFAULT_STRONG_AUTH_TIMEOUT_MS = 72 \* 60 \* 60 \* 1000;/DEFAULT_STRON
hardenLocationFWB "$DOS_BUILD_BASE"; #Harden the default GPS config
changeDefaultDNS; #Change the default DNS servers
sed -i '301i\ if(packageList != null && packageList.length() > 0) { packageList += ","; } packageList += "net.sourceforge.opencamera";' core/java/android/hardware/Camera.java; #Add Open Camera to aux camera allowlist
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" != "FULL" ]; then rm -rf packages/CompanionDeviceManager; fi; #Used to support Android Wear (which hard depends on GMS)
rm -rf packages/CompanionDeviceManager; #Used to support Android Wear (which hard depends on GMS)
rm -rf packages/PrintRecommendationService; #Creates popups to install proprietary print apps
@ -363,18 +362,14 @@ awk -i inplace '!/security\/lineage/' config/*.mk; #Remove Lineage extra keys
awk -i inplace '!/WeatherProvider/' config/*.mk; #Remove Weather
awk -i inplace '!/def_backup_transport/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml; #Unset default backup provider
if [ "$DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_AUDIOFX" = true ]; then awk -i inplace '!/AudioFX/' config/*.mk; fi; #Remove AudioFX
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then sed -i '/Google provider/!b;n;s/com.google.android.gms/org.microg.nlp/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml; fi; #Adjust the fused providers
sed -i 's/LINEAGE_BUILDTYPE := UNOFFICIAL/LINEAGE_BUILDTYPE := dos/' config/*.mk; #Change buildtype
echo 'include vendor/divested/divestos.mk' >> config/common.mk; #Include our customizations
cp -f "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/apns-conf.xml" prebuilt/common/etc/apns-conf.xml; #Update APN list
if [ "$DOS_SILENCE_INCLUDED" = true ]; then sed -i 's/messaging/Silence/' config/telephony.mk; fi; #Replace the Messaging app with Silence
awk -i inplace '!/Eleven/' config/common_mobile.mk; #Remove Music Player
awk -i inplace '!/Exchange2/' config/common_mobile.mk; #Remove Email
if enter "vendor/divested"; then
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" != "NONE" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += DejaVuNlpBackend IchnaeaNlpBackend NominatimNlpBackend" >> packages.mk; fi; #Include UnifiedNlp backends
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += UnifiedNLP" >> packages.mk; fi; #Include UnifiedNlp
echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += vendor.lineage.trust@1.0-service" >> packages.mk; #Add deny usb service, all of our kernels have the necessary patch
@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ applyPatch "$DOS_PATCHES/android_build/0001-Restore_TTS.patch"; #Add back PicoTT
applyPatch "$DOS_PATCHES/android_build/0002-OTA_Keys.patch"; #Add correct keys to recovery for OTA verification (DivestOS)
applyPatch "$DOS_PATCHES/android_build/0003-Enable_fwrapv.patch"; #Use -fwrapv at a minimum (GrapheneOS)
sed -i '75i$(my_res_package): PRIVATE_AAPT_FLAGS += --auto-add-overlay' core/aapt2.mk; #Enable auto-add-overlay for packages, this allows the vendor overlay to easily work across all branches.
if [ "$DOS_SILENCE_INCLUDED" = true ]; then sed -i 's/messaging/Silence/' target/product/aosp_base_telephony.mk target/product/gsi_common.mk; fi; #Replace the Messaging app with Silence
awk -i inplace '!/updatable_apex.mk/' target/product/mainline_system.mk; #Disable APEX
sed -i 's/PLATFORM_MIN_SUPPORTED_TARGET_SDK_VERSION := 23/PLATFORM_MIN_SUPPORTED_TARGET_SDK_VERSION := 28/' core/version_defaults.mk; #Set the minimum supported target SDK to Pie (GrapheneOS)
#sed -i 's/PRODUCT_OTA_ENFORCE_VINTF_KERNEL_REQUIREMENTS := true/PRODUCT_OTA_ENFORCE_VINTF_KERNEL_REQUIREMENTS := false/' core/product_config.mk; #broken by hardenDefconfig
@ -180,7 +179,7 @@ sed -i 's/return 16;/return 64;/' core/java/android/app/admin/DevicePolicyManage
sed -i 's/DEFAULT_STRONG_AUTH_TIMEOUT_MS = 72 \* 60 \* 60 \* 1000;/DEFAULT_STRONG_AUTH_TIMEOUT_MS = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000;/' core/java/android/app/admin/DevicePolicyManager.java; #Decrease the strong auth prompt timeout to occur more often
hardenLocationConf services/core/java/com/android/server/location/gps_debug.conf; #Harden the default GPS config
changeDefaultDNS; #Change the default DNS servers
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" != "FULL" ]; then rm -rf packages/CompanionDeviceManager; fi; #Used to support Android Wear (which hard depends on GMS)
rm -rf packages/CompanionDeviceManager; #Used to support Android Wear (which hard depends on GMS)
#sed -i '295i\ if(packageList != null && packageList.size() > 0) { packageList.add("net.sourceforge.opencamera"); }' core/java/android/hardware/Camera.java; #Add Open Camera to aux camera allowlist XXX: needs testing, broke boot last time
rm -rf packages/OsuLogin; #Automatic Wi-Fi connection non-sense
rm -rf packages/PrintRecommendationService; #Creates popups to install proprietary print apps
@ -398,19 +397,15 @@ awk -i inplace '!/security\/lineage/' config/*.mk; #Remove Lineage extra keys
awk -i inplace '!/WeatherProvider/' config/*.mk; #Remove Weather
awk -i inplace '!/def_backup_transport/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml; #Unset default backup provider
if [ "$DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_AUDIOFX" = true ]; then awk -i inplace '!/AudioFX/' config/*.mk; fi; #Remove AudioFX
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then sed -i '/Google provider/!b;n;s/com.google.android.gms/org.microg.nlp/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml; fi; #Adjust the fused providers
sed -i 's/LINEAGE_BUILDTYPE := UNOFFICIAL/LINEAGE_BUILDTYPE := dos/' config/*.mk; #Change buildtype
echo 'include vendor/divested/divestos.mk' >> config/common.mk; #Include our customizations
cp -f "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/apns-conf.xml" prebuilt/common/etc/apns-conf.xml; #Update APN list
if [ "$DOS_SILENCE_INCLUDED" = true ]; then sed -i 's/messaging/Silence/' config/telephony.mk; fi; #Replace the Messaging app with Silence
awk -i inplace '!/Eleven/' config/common_mobile.mk; #Remove Music Player
awk -i inplace '!/Email/' config/common_mobile.mk; #Remove Email
awk -i inplace '!/Exchange2/' config/common_mobile.mk;
if enter "vendor/divested"; then
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" != "NONE" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += DejaVuNlpBackend IchnaeaNlpBackend NominatimNlpBackend" >> packages.mk; fi; #Include UnifiedNlp backends
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += UnifiedNLP" >> packages.mk; fi; #Include UnifiedNlp
echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += vendor.lineage.trust@1.0-service" >> packages.mk; #Add deny usb service, all of our kernels have the necessary patch
awk -i inplace '!/speed-profile/' build/target/product/lowram.mk; #breaks compile on some dexpreopt devices
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ applyPatch "$DOS_PATCHES/android_build/0001-Enable_fwrapv.patch"; #Use -fwrapv a
applyPatch "$DOS_PATCHES/android_build/0002-OTA_Keys.patch"; #Add correct keys to recovery for OTA verification (DivestOS)
if [ "$DOS_GRAPHENE_EXEC" = true ]; then applyPatch "$DOS_PATCHES/android_build/0003-Exec_Based_Spawning.patch"; fi; #Add exec-based spawning support (GrapheneOS) #XXX: most devices override this
sed -i '75i$(my_res_package): PRIVATE_AAPT_FLAGS += --auto-add-overlay' core/aapt2.mk; #Enable auto-add-overlay for packages, this allows the vendor overlay to easily work across all branches.
if [ "$DOS_SILENCE_INCLUDED" = true ]; then sed -i 's/messaging/Silence/' target/product/aosp_base_telephony.mk target/product/aosp_product.mk; fi; #Replace the Messaging app with Silence
awk -i inplace '!/updatable_apex.mk/' target/product/mainline_system.mk; #Disable APEX
sed -i 's/PLATFORM_MIN_SUPPORTED_TARGET_SDK_VERSION := 23/PLATFORM_MIN_SUPPORTED_TARGET_SDK_VERSION := 28/' core/version_defaults.mk; #Set the minimum supported target SDK to Pie (GrapheneOS)
#sed -i 's/PRODUCT_OTA_ENFORCE_VINTF_KERNEL_REQUIREMENTS := true/PRODUCT_OTA_ENFORCE_VINTF_KERNEL_REQUIREMENTS := false/' core/product_config.mk; #broken by hardenDefconfig
@ -176,7 +175,7 @@ sed -i 's/!Build.isBuildConsistent()/false/' services/core/java/com/android/serv
sed -i 's/MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 16/MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 64/' core/java/android/app/admin/DevicePolicyManager.java; #Increase default max password length to 64 (GrapheneOS)
sed -i 's/DEFAULT_STRONG_AUTH_TIMEOUT_MS = 72 \* 60 \* 60 \* 1000;/DEFAULT_STRONG_AUTH_TIMEOUT_MS = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000;/' core/java/android/app/admin/DevicePolicyManager.java; #Decrease the strong auth prompt timeout to occur more often
#sed -i '301i\ if(packageList != null && packageList.size() > 0) { packageList.add("net.sourceforge.opencamera"); }' core/java/android/hardware/Camera.java; #Add Open Camera to aux camera allowlist XXX: needs testing, broke boot last time
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" != "FULL" ]; then rm -rf packages/CompanionDeviceManager; fi; #Used to support Android Wear (which hard depends on GMS)
rm -rf packages/CompanionDeviceManager; #Used to support Android Wear (which hard depends on GMS)
rm -rf packages/PrintRecommendationService; #Creates popups to install proprietary print apps
@ -394,7 +393,7 @@ patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_system_sepolicy/0001-LGE_Fixes.patch" --direct
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_system_sepolicy/0001-LGE_Fixes.patch" --directory="prebuilts/api/27.0";
patch -p1 < "$DOS_PATCHES/android_system_sepolicy/0001-LGE_Fixes.patch" --directory="prebuilts/api/26.0";
awk -i inplace '!/true cannot be used in user builds/' Android.mk; #Allow ignoring neverallows under -user
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" != "FULL" ]; then awk -i inplace '!/domain=gmscore_app/' private/seapp_contexts prebuilts/api/*/private/seapp_contexts; fi; #Disable unused gmscore_app domain (GrapheneOS)
awk -i inplace '!/domain=gmscore_app/' private/seapp_contexts prebuilts/api/*/private/seapp_contexts; #Disable unused gmscore_app domain (GrapheneOS)
if enterAndClear "system/update_engine"; then
@ -416,11 +415,9 @@ awk -i inplace '!/security\/lineage/' config/*.mk; #Remove Lineage extra keys
awk -i inplace '!/WeatherProvider/' config/*.mk; #Remove Weather
awk -i inplace '!/def_backup_transport/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml; #Unset default backup provider
if [ "$DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_AUDIOFX" = true ]; then sed -i '25d' config/common_mobile.mk && awk -i inplace '!/AudioFX/' config/*.mk; fi; #Remove AudioFX
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then sed -i '/Google provider/!b;n;s/com.google.android.gms/org.microg.nlp/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml; fi; #Adjust the fused providers
sed -i 's/LINEAGE_BUILDTYPE := UNOFFICIAL/LINEAGE_BUILDTYPE := dos/' config/*.mk; #Change buildtype
echo 'include vendor/divested/divestos.mk' >> config/common.mk; #Include our customizations
cp -f "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/apns-conf.xml" prebuilt/common/etc/apns-conf.xml; #Update APN list
if [ "$DOS_SILENCE_INCLUDED" = true ]; then sed -i 's/messaging/Silence/' config/telephony.mk; fi; #Replace the Messaging app with Silence
awk -i inplace '!/Eleven/' config/common_mobile.mk; #Remove Music Player
awk -i inplace '!/Email/' config/common_mobile.mk; #Remove Email
awk -i inplace '!/Exchange2/' config/common_mobile.mk;
@ -428,8 +425,6 @@ fi;
if enter "vendor/divested"; then
awk -i inplace '!/_lookup/' overlay/common/lineage-sdk/packages/LineageSettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml; #Remove all lookup provider overrides
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" != "NONE" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += DejaVuNlpBackend IchnaeaNlpBackend NominatimNlpBackend" >> packages.mk; fi; #Include UnifiedNlp backends
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += UnifiedNLP" >> packages.mk; fi; #Include UnifiedNlp
echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += vendor.lineage.trust@1.0-service" >> packages.mk; #Add deny usb service, all of our kernels have the necessary patch
echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += eSpeakNG" >> packages.mk; #PicoTTS needs work to compile on 18.1, use eSpeak-NG instead
awk -i inplace '!/speed-profile/' build/target/product/lowram.mk; #breaks compile on some dexpreopt devices
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ sed -i 's/!Build.isBuildConsistent()/false/' services/core/java/com/android/serv
sed -i 's/MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 16/MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 64/' core/java/android/app/admin/DevicePolicyManager.java; #Increase default max password length to 64 (GrapheneOS)
sed -i 's/DEFAULT_STRONG_AUTH_TIMEOUT_MS = 72 \* 60 \* 60 \* 1000;/DEFAULT_STRONG_AUTH_TIMEOUT_MS = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000;/' core/java/android/app/admin/DevicePolicyManager.java; #Decrease the strong auth prompt timeout to occur more often
#sed -i '282i\ if(packageList != null && packageList.size() > 0) { packageList.add("net.sourceforge.opencamera"); }' core/java/android/hardware/Camera.java; #Add Open Camera to aux camera allowlist XXX: needs testing, broke boot last time
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" != "FULL" ]; then rm -rf packages/CompanionDeviceManager; fi; #Used to support Android Wear (which hard depends on GMS)
rm -rf packages/CompanionDeviceManager; #Used to support Android Wear (which hard depends on GMS)
rm -rf packages/PrintRecommendationService; #Creates popups to install proprietary print apps
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ if enterAndClear "system/sepolicy"; then
applyPatch "$DOS_PATCHES/android_system_sepolicy/0002-protected_files.patch"; #Label protected_{fifos,regular} as proc_security (GrapheneOS)
applyPatch "$DOS_PATCHES/android_system_sepolicy/0003-ptrace_scope-1.patch"; #Allow init to control kernel.yama.ptrace_scope (GrapheneOS)
applyPatch "$DOS_PATCHES/android_system_sepolicy/0003-ptrace_scope-2.patch"; #Allow system to use persist.native_debug (GrapheneOS)
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" != "FULL" ]; then awk -i inplace '!/domain=gmscore_app/' private/seapp_contexts prebuilts/api/*/private/seapp_contexts; fi; #Disable unused gmscore_app domain (GrapheneOS)
awk -i inplace '!/domain=gmscore_app/' private/seapp_contexts prebuilts/api/*/private/seapp_contexts; #Disable unused gmscore_app domain (GrapheneOS)
if enterAndClear "system/update_engine"; then
@ -402,7 +402,6 @@ awk -i inplace '!/PRODUCT_EXTRA_RECOVERY_KEYS/' config/*.mk; #Remove Lineage ext
awk -i inplace '!/security\/lineage/' config/*.mk; #Remove Lineage extra keys
awk -i inplace '!/def_backup_transport/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml; #Unset default backup provider
if [ "$DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_AUDIOFX" = true ]; then sed -i '20d' config/common_mobile.mk && awk -i inplace '!/AudioFX/' config/*.mk; fi; #Remove AudioFX
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then sed -i '/Google provider/!b;n;s/com.google.android.gms/org.microg.nlp/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml; fi; #Adjust the fused providers
sed -i 's/LINEAGE_BUILDTYPE := UNOFFICIAL/LINEAGE_BUILDTYPE := dos/' config/*.mk; #Change buildtype
echo 'include vendor/divested/divestos.mk' >> config/common.mk; #Include our customizations
cp -f "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/apns-conf.xml" prebuilt/common/etc/apns-conf.xml; #Update APN list
@ -411,8 +410,6 @@ fi;
if enter "vendor/divested"; then
awk -i inplace '!/_lookup/' overlay/common/lineage-sdk/packages/LineageSettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml; #Remove all lookup provider overrides
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" != "NONE" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += DejaVuNlpBackend IchnaeaNlpBackend NominatimNlpBackend" >> packages.mk; fi; #Include UnifiedNlp backends
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += UnifiedNLP" >> packages.mk; fi; #Include UnifiedNlp
echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += vendor.lineage.trust@1.0-service" >> packages.mk; #Add deny usb service, all of our kernels have the necessary patch
echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += eSpeakNG" >> packages.mk; #PicoTTS needs work to compile on 18.1, use eSpeak-NG instead
sed -i 's/OpenCamera/SecureCamera/' packages.mk #Use the GrapheneOS camera app
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ buildAll() {
buildDevice barbet avb;
#TODO: oriole, raven, bluejay
#TODO: panther, cheetah
export -f buildAll;
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ sed -i 's/entry == null/entry == null || true/' core/java/android/os/RecoverySys
sed -i 's/!Build.isBuildConsistent()/false/' services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/ActivityTaskManagerService.java; #Disable partition fingerprint mismatch warnings XXX: TEMPORARY FIX
sed -i 's/MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 16/MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 64/' core/java/android/app/admin/DevicePolicyManager.java; #Increase default max password length to 64 (GrapheneOS)
sed -i 's/DEFAULT_STRONG_AUTH_TIMEOUT_MS = 72 \* 60 \* 60 \* 1000;/DEFAULT_STRONG_AUTH_TIMEOUT_MS = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000;/' core/java/android/app/admin/DevicePolicyManager.java; #Decrease the strong auth prompt timeout to occur more often
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" != "FULL" ]; then rm -rf packages/CompanionDeviceManager; fi; #Used to support Android Wear (which hard depends on GMS)
rm -rf packages/CompanionDeviceManager; #Used to support Android Wear (which hard depends on GMS)
rm -rf packages/PrintRecommendationService; #Creates popups to install proprietary print apps
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ if enterAndClear "system/sepolicy"; then
applyPatch "$DOS_PATCHES/android_system_sepolicy/0002-protected_files.patch"; #Label protected_{fifos,regular} as proc_security (GrapheneOS)
applyPatch "$DOS_PATCHES/android_system_sepolicy/0003-ptrace_scope-1.patch"; #Allow init to control kernel.yama.ptrace_scope (GrapheneOS)
applyPatch "$DOS_PATCHES/android_system_sepolicy/0003-ptrace_scope-2.patch"; #Allow system to use persist.native_debug (GrapheneOS)
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" != "FULL" ]; then awk -i inplace '!/domain=gmscore_app/' private/seapp_contexts prebuilts/api/*/private/seapp_contexts; fi; #Disable unused gmscore_app domain (GrapheneOS)
awk -i inplace '!/domain=gmscore_app/' private/seapp_contexts prebuilts/api/*/private/seapp_contexts; #Disable unused gmscore_app domain (GrapheneOS)
if enterAndClear "system/update_engine"; then
@ -387,7 +387,6 @@ awk -i inplace '!/PRODUCT_EXTRA_RECOVERY_KEYS/' config/*.mk; #Remove Lineage ext
awk -i inplace '!/security\/lineage/' config/*.mk; #Remove Lineage extra keys
awk -i inplace '!/def_backup_transport/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/packages/SettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml; #Unset default backup provider
if [ "$DOS_DEBLOBBER_REMOVE_AUDIOFX" = true ]; then sed -i '20d' config/common_mobile.mk && awk -i inplace '!/AudioFX/' config/*.mk; fi; #Remove AudioFX
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then sed -i '/Google provider/!b;n;s/com.google.android.gms/org.microg.nlp/' overlay/common/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml; fi; #Adjust the fused providers
sed -i 's/LINEAGE_BUILDTYPE := UNOFFICIAL/LINEAGE_BUILDTYPE := dos/' config/*.mk; #Change buildtype
echo 'include vendor/divested/divestos.mk' >> config/common.mk; #Include our customizations
cp -f "$DOS_PATCHES_COMMON/apns-conf.xml" prebuilt/common/etc/apns-conf.xml; #Update APN list
@ -397,8 +396,6 @@ fi;
if enter "vendor/divested"; then
awk -i inplace '!/_lookup/' overlay/common/lineage-sdk/packages/LineageSettingsProvider/res/values/defaults.xml; #Remove all lookup provider overrides
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" != "NONE" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += DejaVuNlpBackend IchnaeaNlpBackend NominatimNlpBackend" >> packages.mk; fi; #Include UnifiedNlp backends
if [ "$DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED" = "NLP" ]; then echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += UnifiedNLP" >> packages.mk; fi; #Include UnifiedNlp
echo "PRODUCT_PACKAGES += eSpeakNG" >> packages.mk; #PicoTTS needs work to compile on 18.1, use eSpeak-NG instead
sed -i 's/OpenCamera/SecureCamera/' packages.mk #Use the GrapheneOS camera app
awk -i inplace '!/speed-profile/' build/target/product/lowram.mk; #breaks compile on some dexpreopt devices
@ -64,8 +64,6 @@ export DOS_GRAPHENE_MALLOC=true; #Enables use of GrapheneOS' hardened memory all
export DOS_GRAPHENE_EXEC=true; #Enables use of GrapheneOS' exec spawning feature on 16.0+17.1+18.1+19.1
export DOS_HOSTS_BLOCKING=true; #Set false to prevent inclusion of a HOSTS file
export DOS_HOSTS_BLOCKING_LIST="https://divested.dev/hosts-wildcards"; #Must be in the format " bad.domain.tld"
export DOS_MICROG_INCLUDED="NONE"; #Determines inclusion of microG. Options: NONE, NLP, FULL (removed)
export DOS_SILENCE_INCLUDED=false; #Set false to disable inclusion of Silence SMS app
export DOS_SENSORS_PERM=false; #Set true to provide a per-app sensors permission for 14.1/15.1 #XXX: can break things like camera
export DOS_STRONG_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED=false; #Set true to enable AES 256-bit FDE encryption on 14.1+15.1 XXX: THIS WILL **DESTROY** EXISTING INSTALLS!
export DOS_WEBVIEW_LFS=true; #Whether to `git lfs pull` in the WebView repository
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