2021-03-22 19:59:15 -04:00
#DivestOS: A privacy focused mobile distribution
#Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Divested Computing Group
#This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#(at your option) any later version.
#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#Last verified: 2021-03-22
patchAllKernels( ) {
2021-05-06 14:37:51 -04:00
startPatcher "kernel_essential_msm8998 kernel_fxtec_msm8998 kernel_google_coral kernel_google_msm kernel_google_msm-4.9 kernel_google_wahoo kernel_htc_msm8974 kernel_lge_g3 kernel_lge_mako kernel_lge_msm8974 kernel_lge_msm8996 kernel_moto_shamu kernel_motorola_msm8974 kernel_nextbit_msm8992 kernel_oneplus_msm8996 kernel_oneplus_msm8998 kernel_oneplus_sdm845 kernel_oneplus_sm8150 kernel_oppo_msm8974 kernel_razer_msm8998 kernel_samsung_jf kernel_samsung_msm8974 kernel_xiaomi_sdm845" ;
2021-03-22 19:59:15 -04:00
export -f patchAllKernels;
resetWorkspace( ) {
repo forall -c 'git add -A && git reset --hard' && rm -rf out && repo sync -j20 --force-sync;
export -f resetWorkspace;
scanWorkspaceForMalware( ) {
local scanQueue = " $DOS_BUILD_BASE /android $DOS_BUILD_BASE /art $DOS_BUILD_BASE /bionic $DOS_BUILD_BASE /bootable $DOS_BUILD_BASE /build $DOS_BUILD_BASE /dalvik $DOS_BUILD_BASE /device $DOS_BUILD_BASE /hardware $DOS_BUILD_BASE /libcore $DOS_BUILD_BASE /libnativehelper $DOS_BUILD_BASE /packages $DOS_BUILD_BASE /pdk $DOS_BUILD_BASE /platform_testing $DOS_BUILD_BASE /sdk $DOS_BUILD_BASE /system " ;
scanQueue = $scanQueue " $DOS_BUILD_BASE /lineage-sdk $DOS_BUILD_BASE /vendor/lineage " ;
scanForMalware true " $scanQueue " ;
export -f scanWorkspaceForMalware;
buildDevice( ) {
cd " $DOS_BUILD_BASE " ;
2021-03-29 17:09:12 -04:00
breakfast " lineage_ $1 -user " && mka target-files-package otatools && processRelease $1 true $2 ;
2021-03-22 19:59:15 -04:00
export -f buildDevice;
buildDeviceDebug( ) {
cd " $DOS_BUILD_BASE " ;
brunch " lineage_ $1 -eng " ;
export -f buildDeviceDebug;
buildAll( ) {
cd " $DOS_BUILD_BASE " ;
if [ " $DOS_MALWARE_SCAN_ENABLED " = true ] ; then scanWorkspaceForMalware; fi ;
if [ " $DOS_OPTIMIZE_IMAGES " = true ] ; then optimizeImagesRecursive " $DOS_BUILD_BASE " ; fi ;
buildDevice flox;
2021-06-11 23:10:31 -04:00
buildDevice mako; #broken radio
2021-03-22 19:59:15 -04:00
buildDevice jfltexx;
buildDevice d802;
buildDevice bacon;
2021-04-14 12:30:55 -04:00
buildDevice d852;
buildDevice d855;
2021-04-14 20:48:15 -04:00
buildDevice klte;
2021-05-10 09:12:13 -04:00
buildDevice m8; #unb18
2021-04-15 06:19:32 -04:00
buildDevice victara;
2021-03-22 19:59:15 -04:00
buildDevice shamu verity;
buildDevice ether;
buildDevice h850;
buildDevice rs988;
buildDevice h990;
buildDevice us996;
2021-05-10 12:09:58 -04:00
buildDevice oneplus3 verity; #needs manual patching - broken yyloc
2021-03-22 19:59:15 -04:00
buildDevice cheryl verity;
2021-04-14 20:48:15 -04:00
buildDevice cheeseburger verity; #needs manual patching - vendor common makefile
buildDevice dumpling verity;
2021-03-22 19:59:15 -04:00
buildDevice mata verity;
buildDevice taimen avb;
buildDevice walleye avb;
buildDevice beryllium; #needs manual patching in vendor
buildDevice pro1 avb;
2021-05-10 09:15:17 -04:00
buildDevice crosshatch avb;
buildDevice blueline avb;
2021-05-06 14:37:51 -04:00
buildDevice enchilada avb;
buildDevice fajita avb;
2021-03-22 19:59:15 -04:00
2021-05-06 14:37:51 -04:00
buildDevice guacamole avb;
2021-03-22 19:59:15 -04:00
buildDevice coral avb;
buildDevice flame avb;
2021-04-12 21:24:57 -04:00
buildDevice bonito avb; #error: ln: cannot create symbolic link from '/data/vendor/rfs/mpss' to 'out/target/product/bonito/vendor/rfs/msm/mpss//readwrite':
2021-03-22 19:59:15 -04:00
buildDevice sargo avb;
export -f buildAll;
patchWorkspace( ) {
if [ " $DOS_MALWARE_SCAN_ENABLED " = true ] ; then scanForMalware false " $DOS_PREBUILT_APPS $DOS_BUILD_BASE /build $DOS_BUILD_BASE /device $DOS_BUILD_BASE /vendor/lineage " ; fi ;
2021-06-14 16:43:04 -04:00
#source build/envsetup.sh;
2021-03-22 19:59:15 -04:00
source " $DOS_SCRIPTS /Patch.sh " ;
source " $DOS_SCRIPTS_COMMON /Copy_Keys.sh " ;
source " $DOS_SCRIPTS /Defaults.sh " ;
source " $DOS_SCRIPTS /Rebrand.sh " ;
source " $DOS_SCRIPTS_COMMON /Optimize.sh " ;
source " $DOS_SCRIPTS_COMMON /Deblob.sh " ;
source " $DOS_SCRIPTS_COMMON /Patch_CVE.sh " ;
source build/envsetup.sh;
#Deblobbing fixes
##setup-makefiles doesn't execute properly for some devices, running it twice seems to fix whatever is wrong
#none yet
export -f patchWorkspace;
enableDexPreOpt( ) {
cd " $DOS_BUILD_BASE $1 " ;
if [ -f BoardConfig.mk ] ; then
echo "WITH_DEXPREOPT := true" >> BoardConfig.mk;
echo "WITH_DEXPREOPT_DEBUG_INFO := false" >> BoardConfig.mk;
2021-05-30 01:55:29 -04:00
#m8: /system partition too small
if [ " $1 " != "device/htc/m8" ] && [ " $1 " != "device/samsung/jfltexx" ] ; then
echo " Enabled full dexpreopt for $1 " ;
echo " Enabled core dexpreopt for $1 " ;
fi ;
2021-03-22 19:59:15 -04:00
fi ;
cd " $DOS_BUILD_BASE " ;
export -f enableDexPreOpt;
enableLowRam( ) {
cd " $DOS_BUILD_BASE $1 " ;
2021-03-24 00:57:59 -04:00
if [ -f lineage.mk ] ; then echo -e '\n$(call inherit-product, vendor/divested/build/target/product/lowram.mk)' >> lineage.mk; fi ;
2021-03-22 19:59:15 -04:00
if [ -f BoardConfig.mk ] ; then echo 'MALLOC_SVELTE := true' >> BoardConfig.mk; fi ;
if [ -f BoardConfigCommon.mk ] ; then echo 'MALLOC_SVELTE := true' >> BoardConfigCommon.mk; fi ;
echo " Enabled lowram for $1 " ;
cd " $DOS_BUILD_BASE " ;
export -f enableLowRam;