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synced 2025-03-10 17:20:04 -04:00

Took a copy of the current AMITT github repository - we'll be updating this and merging the SPICE branch back in Rebranded to DISARM Moved generated pages to their own folder, to make looking at the repository less confusing
283 lines
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283 lines
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''' Manage AMITT counters
Create a page for each of the AMITT counter objects.
Don't worry about creating notes etc for these - they'll be in the generating spreadsheet
Reads 1 excel file: ../AMITT_MASTER_DATA/AMITT_Counters_MASTER.xlsx with sheets
* AMITT_objects: tactics, responses, actors, techniques
* Countermeasures
Creates markdown files
* ../counter_tactic_counts.md
* ../counter_tactics/{}counters.md
* ../counter_metatag_counts.md
* ../counter_metatag/{1}counters.md
* ../counter_resource_counts.md
* ../counter_resource/{1}counters.md
* {}/{}counters.md
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
class Counter:
def __init__(self, infile = '../AMITT_MASTER_DATA/AMITT_Counters_MASTER.xlsx'):
# Create counters cross-tables
crossidtechs = self.splitcol(self.dfcounters[['ID', 'Techniques']],
'Techniques', 'Techs', '\n')
crossidtechs = crossidtechs[crossidtechs['Techs'].notnull()]
crossidtechs['TID'] = crossidtechs['Techs'].str.split(' ').str[0]
crossidtechs.drop('Techs', axis=1, inplace=True)
self.idtechnique = crossidtechs
crossidres = self.splitcol(self.dfcounters[['ID', 'Resources needed']],
'Resources needed', 'Res', ',')
crossidres = crossidres[crossidres['Res'].notnull()]
self.idresource = crossidres
def analyse_counter_text(self, col='Title'):
# Analyse text in counter descriptions
alltext = (' ').join(self.dfcounters[col].to_list()).lower()
count_vect = CountVectorizer(stop_words='english')
word_counts = count_vect.fit_transform([alltext])
dfw = pd.DataFrame(word_counts.A, columns=count_vect.get_feature_names()).transpose()
dfw.columns = ['count']
dfw = dfw.sort_values(by='count', ascending=False)
def splitcol(self, df, col, newcol, divider=','):
# Thanks https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17116814/pandas-how-do-i-split-text-in-a-column-into-multiple-rows?noredirect=1
return (df.join(df[col]
.str.split(divider, expand=True).stack()
.rename(newcol)).drop(col, axis=1))
# Print list of counters for each square of the COA matrix
# Write HTML version of framework diagram to markdown file
def write_counters_tactics_markdown(self, outfile = '../counter_tactic_counts.md'):
coacounts = pd.pivot_table(self.dfcounters[['Tactic', 'Response',
'ID']], index='Response', columns='Tactic', aggfunc=len, fill_value=0)
html = '''# AMITT Courses of Action matrix:
<table border="1">
<td> </td>
#Table heading = Tactic names
for col in coacounts.columns.get_level_values(1):
tid = self.create_tactic_file(col)
html += '<td><a href="counter_tactics/{0}counters.md">{1}</a></td>\n'.format(
tid, col)
html += '</tr><tr>\n'
# number of counters per response type
for response, counts in coacounts.iterrows():
html += '<td>{}</td>\n'.format(response)
for val in counts.values:
html += '<td>{}</td>\n'.format(val)
html += '</tr>\n<tr>\n'
# Total per tactic
html += '<td>TOTALS</td>\n'
for val in coacounts.sum().values:
html += '<td>{}</td>\n'.format(val)
html += '</tr>\n</table>\n'
with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
print('updated {}'.format(outfile))
def create_tactic_file(self, tname):
if not os.path.exists('../counter_tactics'):
tid = tname[:tname.find(' ')]
html = '''# Tactic {} counters\n\n'''.format(tname)
html += '## by action\n\n'
for resp, counters in self.dfcounters[self.dfcounters['Tactic'] == tname].groupby('Response'):
html += '\n### {}\n'.format(resp)
for c in counters.iterrows():
html += '* {}: {} (needs {})\n'.format(c[1]['ID'], c[1]['Title'],
c[1]['Resources needed'])
html += '\n## by technique\n\n'
tactecs = self.techniques[self.techniques['phase'] == tid]['Id'].to_list()
for tech in [tid] + tactecs:
if tech == tid:
html += '\n### {}\n'.format(tech)
techname = self.techniques[self.techniques['Id']==tech]['longname']
html += '\n### {}\n'.format(techname)
taccounts = self.idtechnique[self.idtechnique['TID'] == tech]
# html += '\n{}\n'.format(taccounts)
for c in self.dfcounters[self.dfcounters['ID'].isin(taccounts['ID'])].iterrows():
html += '* {}: {} (needs {})\n'.format(c[1]['ID'], c[1]['Title'],
c[1]['Resources needed'])
datafile = '../counter_tactics/{}counters.md'.format(tid)
print('Writing {}'.format(datafile))
with open(datafile, 'w') as f:
def create_object_file(self, index, rowtype, datadir):
oid = index
html = '''# {} counters: {}\n\n'''.format(rowtype, index)
html += '## by action\n\n'
for resp, clist in self.dfcounters[self.dfcounters[rowtype] == index].groupby('Response'):
html += '\n### {}\n'.format(resp)
for c in clist.iterrows():
html += '* {}: {} (needs {})\n'.format(c[1]['ID'], c[1]['Title'],
c[1]['Resources needed'])
datafile = '{}/{}counters.md'.format(datadir, oid)
print('Writing {}'.format(datafile))
with open(datafile, 'w') as f:
def write_counters_metacounts_markdown(self, outfile = '../counter_metatag_counts.md'):
coltype = 'Response'
rowtype = 'metatechnique'
rowname = 'metatag'
mtcounts = pd.pivot_table(self.dfcounters[[coltype, rowtype,'ID']],
index=rowtype, columns=coltype, aggfunc=len,
mtcounts['TOTALS'] = mtcounts.sum(axis=1)
html = '''# AMITT {} courses of action
<table border="1">
<td> </td>
# Table heading row
for col in mtcounts.columns.get_level_values(1)[:-1]:
html += '<td>{}</td>\n'.format(col)
html += '<td>TOTALS</td></tr><tr>\n'
# Data rows
datadir = '../counters_{}'.format(rowname)
if not os.path.exists(datadir):
for index, counts in mtcounts.iterrows():
tid = self.create_object_file(index, rowtype, datadir)
html += '<td><a href="counter_{0}/{1}counters.md">{2}</a></td>\n'.format(
rowname, tid, index)
for val in counts.values:
html += '<td>{}</td>\n'.format(val)
html += '</tr>\n<tr>\n'
# Column sums
html += '<td>TOTALS</td>\n'
for val in mtcounts.sum().values:
html += '<td>{}</td>\n'.format(val)
html += '</tr>\n</table>\n'
with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
print('updated {}'.format(outfile))
def create_resource_file(self, index, rowtype, datadir):
oid = index
counterrows = self.idresource[self.idresource['Res'] == index]['ID'].to_list()
html = '''# {} counters: {}\n\n'''.format(rowtype, index)
html += '## by action\n\n'
omatrix = self.dfcounters[self.dfcounters['ID'].isin(counterrows)].groupby('Response')
for resp, clist in omatrix:
html += '\n### {}\n'.format(resp)
for c in clist.iterrows():
html += '* {}: {} (needs {})\n'.format(c[1]['ID'], c[1]['Title'],
c[1]['Resources needed'])
datafile = '{}/{}counters.md'.format(datadir, oid)
print('Writing {}'.format(datafile))
with open(datafile, 'w') as f:
return(oid, omatrix)
def write_counters_resource_markdown(self, outfile = '../counter_resource_counts.md'):
coltype = 'Response'
rowtype = 'resource'
rowname = 'resource'
html = '''# AMITT {} courses of action
<table border="1">
<td> </td>
# Table heading row
colvals = self.dfcounters[coltype].value_counts().sort_index().index
for col in colvals:
html += '<td>{}</td>\n'.format(col)
html += '<td>TOTALS</td></tr><tr>\n'
# Data rows
datadir = '../counter_{}'.format(rowname)
if not os.path.exists(datadir):
for index in self.idresource['Res'].value_counts().sort_index().index:
(oid, omatrix) = self.create_resource_file(index, rowtype, datadir) #self
row = pd.DataFrame(omatrix.apply(len), index=colvals).fillna(' ')
html += '<td><a href="counter_{0}/{1}counters.md">{2}</a></td>\n'.format(
rowname, oid, index)
if len(row.columns) > 0:
for val in row[0].to_list():
html += '<td>{}</td>\n'.format(val)
html += '<td>{}</td></tr>\n<tr>\n'.format('')
html += '</tr>\n</table>\n'
with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
print('updated {}'.format(outfile))
def main():
counter = Counter()
if __name__ == "__main__":