# Technique T0153.004: QR Code Asset **Summary**: A QR Code allows people to use cameras on their smartphones to open a URL. **Tactic**: TA07 Select Channels and Affordances **Parent Technique:** T0153 Digital Content Delivery Asset | Associated Technique | Description | | --------- | ------------------------- | | Incident | Descriptions given for this incident | | -------- | -------------------- | | [I00128 #TrollTracker: Outward Influence Operation From Iran](../../generated_pages/incidents/I00128.md) | [Meta removed a network of assets for coordinated inauthentic behaviour. One page] in the network, @StopMEK, was promoting views against the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK), the largest and most active political opposition group against the Islamic Republic of Iran Leadership.

The content on the page drew narratives showing parallels between the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and the MEK.

Apart from images and memes, the @StopMEK page shared a link to an archived report on how the United States was monitoring the MEK’s movement in Iran in the mid-1990’s. The file was embedded as a QR code on one of the page’s images.

In this example a Facebook page presented itself as focusing on a political cause (T0097.208: Social Cause Persona, T0151.001: Social Media Platform, T0151.002: Online Community Group). Within the page it embedded a QR code (T0122: Direct Users to Alternative Platforms, T0153.004: QR Code Asset), which took users to a document hosted on another website (T0152.004: Website Asset). | | Counters | Response types | | -------- | -------------- | DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE - PLEASE ADD NOTES BELOW