# Counter C00178: Fill information voids with non-disinformation content * **Summary**: 1) Pollute the data voids with wholesome content (Kittens! Babyshark!). 2) fill data voids with relevant information, e.g. increase Russian-language programming in areas subject to Russian disinformation. Examples include using Current Time videos (viewed 40 million times online) to draw viewers away from Russian TV programming in RT and Sputnik. POtential content for this includes conventional entertainment programming (source: The conomist, “America’s Answer to Russian Propaganda TV,” 2017). * **Playbooks**: * **Metatechnique**: M009 - dilution, M008 - data pollution * **Resources needed:** * **Belongs to tactic stage**: TA05 | Actor types | Sectors | | ----------- | ------- | | Counters these Tactics | | ---------------------- | | Counters these Techniques | | ------------------------- | | [T0016 Clickbait](../generated_pages/techniques/T0016.md) | | [T0017 Conduct Fundraising Campaigns](../generated_pages/techniques/T0017.md) | | [T0018 Purchase advertisements](../generated_pages/techniques/T0018.md) | | [T0020 Trial content](../generated_pages/techniques/T0020.md) | | Seen in incidents | | ----------------- | DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE - PLEASE ADD NOTES BELOW