# Technique T0030: Backstop personas * **Summary**: Create other assets/dossier/cover/fake relationships and/or connections or documents, sites, bylines, attributions, to establish/augment/inflate crediblity/believability * **Belongs to tactic stage**: TA07 | Incident | Descriptions given for this incident | | -------- | -------------------- | | [I00005 Brexit vote](../generated_pages/incidents/I00005.md) | Backstop personas | | [I00017 US presidential elections](../generated_pages/incidents/I00017.md) | Backstop personas | | Counters | Response types | | -------- | -------------- | | [C00034 Create more friction at account creation](../generated_pages/counters/C00034.md) | D04 | | [C00036 Infiltrate the in-group to discredit leaders (divide)](../generated_pages/counters/C00036.md) | D02 | | [C00052 Infiltrate platforms](../generated_pages/counters/C00052.md) | D04 | | [C00053 Delete old accounts / Remove unused social media accounts](../generated_pages/counters/C00053.md) | D04 | | [C00097 Require use of verified identities to contribute to poll or comment](../generated_pages/counters/C00097.md) | D02 | | [C00099 Strengthen verification methods](../generated_pages/counters/C00099.md) | D02 | DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE - PLEASE ADD NOTES BELOW