# Technique T0018: Purchase advertisements * **Summary**: Create or fund advertisements targeted at specific populations * **Belongs to tactic stage**: TA05 | Incident | Descriptions given for this incident | | -------- | -------------------- | | [I00002 #VaccinateUS](../generated_pages/incidents/I00002.md) | buy FB targeted ads | | [I00005 Brexit vote](../generated_pages/incidents/I00005.md) | Targeted FB paid ads | | [I00017 US presidential elections](../generated_pages/incidents/I00017.md) | Targeted FB paid ads | | Counters | Response types | | -------- | -------------- | | [C00006 Charge for social media](../generated_pages/counters/C00006.md) | D02 | | [C00010 Enhanced privacy regulation for social media](../generated_pages/counters/C00010.md) | D02 | | [C00012 Platform regulation](../generated_pages/counters/C00012.md) | D02 | | [C00016 Censorship](../generated_pages/counters/C00016.md) | D02 | | [C00065 Reduce political targeting](../generated_pages/counters/C00065.md) | D03 | | [C00076 Prohibit images in political discourse channels](../generated_pages/counters/C00076.md) | D02 | | [C00105 Buy more advertising than misinformation creators](../generated_pages/counters/C00105.md) | D03 | | [C00107 Content moderation](../generated_pages/counters/C00107.md) | D02 | | [C00122 Content moderation](../generated_pages/counters/C00122.md) | D02 | | [C00129 Use banking to cut off access ](../generated_pages/counters/C00129.md) | D02 | | [C00153 Take pre-emptive action against actors' infrastructure](../generated_pages/counters/C00153.md) | D03 | | [C00176 Improve Coordination amongst stakeholders: public and private](../generated_pages/counters/C00176.md) | D07 | | [C00178 Fill information voids with non-disinformation content](../generated_pages/counters/C00178.md) | D04 | | [C00195 Redirect searches away from disinformation or extremist content ](../generated_pages/counters/C00195.md) | D02 | | [C00216 Use advertiser controls to stem flow of funds to bad actors](../generated_pages/counters/C00216.md) | D02 | DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE - PLEASE ADD NOTES BELOW