# DISARM Red framework: Latest Framework
TA01 Strategic Planning TA02 Objective Planning TA13 Conduct Center of Gravity Analysis TA03 Develop People TA04 Develop Networks TA05 Microtargeting TA06 Develop Content TA07 Channel Selection TA08 Pump Priming TA09 Exposure TA10 Drive Offline Activity TA11 Persistence TA12 Measure Effectiveness
T0001 5Ds (dismiss, distort, distract, dismay, divide) T0006 Develop Narrative Concepts T0071 Find echo chambers T0007 Create fake Social Media Profiles / Pages / Groups T0010 Cultivate ignorant agents T0016 Clickbait T0019 Generate information pollution T0029 Manipulate online polls T0039 Bait legitimate influencers T0047 Muzzle social media as a political force T0057 Organise remote rallies and events T0058 Legacy web content T0062 Behaviour changes
T0002 Facilitate State Propaganda T0066 Degrade adversary T0072 Segment audiences T0008 Create fake or imposter news sites T0011 Compromise legitimate account T0017 Conduct Fundraising Campaigns T0020 Trial content T0030 Backstop personas T0040 Demand unsurmountable proof T0048 Cow online opinion leaders T0061 Sell merchandising T0059 Play the long game T0063 Message reach
T0003 Leverage Existing Narratives T0067 Plan to discredit credible sources T0009 Create fake experts T0012 Use concealment T0018 Purchase advertisements T0021 Memes T0031 YouTube T0041 Deny involvement T0049 Flooding T0060 Continue to amplify T0064 Social media engagement
T0004 Devise Competing Narratives T0068 Respond to breaking news event T0013 Create fake websites T0022 Conspiracy narratives T0032 Reddit T0042 Kernel of Truth T0050 Cheerleading domestic social media ops
T0069 Respond to active crisis T0014 Prepare fundraising campaigns T0023 Distort facts T0033 Instagram T0043 Use SMS/ WhatsApp/ Chat apps T0051 Fabricate social media comment
T0070 Analyze existing communities T0015 Create hashtags T0024 Create fake videos and images T0034 LinkedIn T0044 Seed distortions T0052 Tertiary sites amplify news
T0065 Use physical broadcast capabilities T0025 Leak altered documents T0035 Pinterest T0045 Use fake experts T0053 Twitter trolls amplify and manipulate
T0026 Create pseudoscientific or disingenuous research T0036 WhatsApp T0046 Search Engine Optimization T0054 Twitter bots amplify
T0027 Adapt existing narratives T0037 Facebook T0055 Use hashtag
T0028 Create competing narratives T0038 Twitter T0056 Dedicated channels disseminate information pollution