# Counter C00017: Repair broken social connections * **Summary**: For example, use a media campaign to promote in-group to out-group in person communication / activities . Technique could be in terms of forcing a reality-check by talking to people instead of reading about bogeymen. * **Playbooks**: * **Metatechnique**: M010 - countermessaging * **Resources needed:** * **Belongs to tactic stage**: TA01 | Actor types | Sectors | | ----------- | ------- | | [A021 media organisation](../generated_pages/actortypes/A021.md) | S010 | | Counters these Tactics | | ---------------------- | | Counters these Techniques | | ------------------------- | | [T0001 5Ds (dismiss, distort, distract, dismay, divide)](../generated_pages/techniques/T0001.md) | | [T0002 Facilitate State Propaganda](../generated_pages/techniques/T0002.md) | | [T0003 Leverage Existing Narratives](../generated_pages/techniques/T0003.md) | | [T0027 Adapt existing narratives](../generated_pages/techniques/T0027.md) | | [T0028 Create competing narratives](../generated_pages/techniques/T0028.md) | | [T0022 Conspiracy narratives](../generated_pages/techniques/T0022.md) | | [T0023 Distort facts](../generated_pages/techniques/T0023.md) | | Seen in incidents | | ----------------- | DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE - PLEASE ADD NOTES BELOW