    "type": "bundle",
    "id": "bundle--1d8616ee-7364-4497-84df-ab4881152510",
    "objects": [
            "type": "x-mitre-tactic",
            "spec_version": "2.1",
            "id": "x-mitre-tactic--fd1e7dd3-63d0-4040-808e-3e61b9ddca86",
            "created_by_ref": "identity--f1a0f560-2d9e-4c5d-bf47-7e96e805de82",
            "created": "2023-09-28T21:25:13.187521Z",
            "modified": "2023-09-28T21:25:13.187521Z",
            "name": "Develop Narratives",
            "description": "The promotion of beneficial master narratives is perhaps the most effective method for achieving long-term strategic narrative dominance. From a \"\"whole of society\"\" perspective the promotion of the society's core master narratives should occupy a central strategic role. From a misinformation campaign / cognitive security perpectve the tactics around master narratives centre more precisely on the day-to-day promotion and reinforcement of this messaging. In other words, beneficial, high-coverage master narratives are a central strategic goal and their promotion constitutes an ongoing tactical struggle carried out at a whole-of-society level. Tactically, their promotion covers a broad spectrum of activities both on- and offline.",
            "external_references": [
                    "source_name": "DISARM",
                    "url": "https://github.com/DISARMFoundation/DISARMframeworks/blob/main/generated_pages/tactics/TA14.md",
                    "external_id": "TA14"
            "object_marking_refs": [
            "x_mitre_shortname": "develop-narratives"