# Tactic TA14: Develop Narratives * **Summary:** The promotion of beneficial master narratives is perhaps the most effective method for achieving long-term strategic narrative dominance. From a ""whole of society"" perspective the promotion of the society's core master narratives should occupy a central strategic role. From a misinformation campaign / cognitive security perpectve the tactics around master narratives center more precisely on the day-to-day promotion and reinforcement of this messaging. In other words, beneficial, high-coverage master narratives are a central strategic goal and their promotion constitutes an ongoing tactical struggle carried out at a whole-of-society level. Tactically, their promotion covers a broad spectrum of activities both on- and offline. * **Belongs to phase:** P02 | Tasks | | ----- | | Techniques | | ---------- | | [T0003 Leverage Existing Narratives](techniques/T0003.md) | | [T0004 Develop Competing Narratives](techniques/T0004.md) | | [T0022 Leverage Conspiracy Theory Narratives](techniques/T0022.md) | | [T0040 Demand insurmountable proof](techniques/T0040.md) | | [T0068 Respond to Breaking News Event or Active Crisis](techniques/T0068.md) | | [T0082 Develop New Narratives](techniques/T0082.md) | | [T0083 Integrate Target Audience Vulnerabilities into Narrative](techniques/T0083.md) | | Counters | Response types | | -------- | -------------- | DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE - PLEASE ADD NOTES BELOW