# Counter C00142: Platform adds warning label and decision point when sharing content * **Summary**: Includes “this has been disproved: do you want to forward it”. Includes “"Hey this story is old" popup when messaging with old URL” - this assumes that this technique is based on visits to an URL shortener or a captured news site that can publish a message of our choice. Includes “mark clickbait visually”. * **Playbooks**: * **Metatechnique**: M004 - friction * **Resources needed:** R004 - platform algorithms * **Belongs to tactic stage**: TA06 | Actor types | Sectors | | ----------- | ------- | | [A031 social media platform adminstrator](../generated_pages/actortypes/A031.md) | S007 | | Counters these Tactics | | ---------------------- | | Counters these Techniques | | ------------------------- | | [T0016 Create Clickbait](../generated_pages/techniques/T0016.md) | | Seen in incidents | | ----------------- | DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE - PLEASE ADD NOTES BELOW