# Counter C00012: Platform regulation * **Summary**: Empower existing regulators to govern social media. Also covers Destroy. Includes: Include the role of social media in the regulatory framework for media. The U.S. approach will need to be carefully crafted to protect First Amendment principles, create needed transparency, ensure liability, and impose costs for noncompliance. Includes Create policy that makes social media police disinformation. Includes: Use fraud legislation to clean up social media * **Playbooks**: * **Metatechnique**: M007 - metatechnique * **Resources needed:** * **Belongs to tactic stage**: TA01 | Actor types | Sectors | | ----------- | ------- | | [A018 government ](../../generated_pages/actortypes/A018.md) | S003 | | [A020 policy maker](../../generated_pages/actortypes/A020.md) | S003 | | [A033 social media platform owner](../../generated_pages/actortypes/A033.md) | S007 | | Counters these Tactics | | ---------------------- | | Counters these Techniques | | ------------------------- | | [T0002 Facilitate State Propaganda](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0002.md) | | [T0049 Flooding the Information Space](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0049.md) | | [T0048 Harass](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0048.md) | | [T0047 Censor Social Media as a Political Force](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0047.md) | | [T0046 Use Search Engine Optimization](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0046.md) | | [T0045 Use Fake Experts](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0045.md) | | [T0043 Chat Apps](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0043.md) | | [T0022 Leverage Conspiracy Theory Narratives](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0022.md) | | [T0057 Organize Events](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0057.md) | | [T0018 Purchase Targeted Advertisements](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0018.md) | | [T0016 Create Clickbait](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0016.md) | | [T0015 Create Hashtags and Search Artifacts](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0015.md) | | [T0014 Prepare Fundraising Campaigns](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0014.md) | | [T0013 Create Inauthentic Websites](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0013.md) | | [T0009 Create Fake Experts](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0009.md) | | [T0007 Create Inauthentic Social Media Pages and Groups](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0007.md) | | [T0003 Leverage Existing Narratives](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0003.md) | | [T0017 Conduct Fundraising](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0017.md) | | [T0061 Sell Merchandise](../../generated_pages/techniques/T0061.md) | | Seen in incidents | | ----------------- | DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE - PLEASE ADD NOTES BELOW