# DISARM Incidents:
disarm_id name objecttype year_started found_in_country found_via
I00001 Blacktivists facebook group incident 2016.0 USA
I00002 #VaccinateUS campaign 2014.0 World
I00003 Beyonce protest rallies incident 2016.0 USA
I00004 #Macrongate incident 2017.0 France
I00005 Brexit vote campaign 2016.0 UK
I00006 Columbian Chemicals incident 2014.0 USA
I00007 Incirlik terrorists incident 2016.0 USA
I00008 Bujic incident 2017.0 Serbia
I00009 PhilippinesExpert incident 2017.0 Philippines
I00010 ParklandTeens incident 2018.0 USA
I00011 CovingtonTeen incident 2019.0 USA
I00012 ChinaSmog incident 2011.0 China
I00013 FranceBlacktivists incident 2014.0 France
I00014 GiletsJaunePileon incident 2018.0 France
I00015 ConcordDiscovery incident 2019.0 USA
I00016 LithuanianElves campaign 2014.0 Lithuania
I00017 US presidential elections campaign 2016.0 USA OII
I00018 DNC email leak incident tactic 2016.0 USA OII
I00019 MacronTiphaine incident 2017.0 France OII
I00020 3000 tanks incident 2017.0 World OII
I00021 Armenia elections campaign 2017.0 Armenia OII
I00022 #Macronleaks incident 2017.0 France OII
I00023 #dislikemacron incident 2017.0 France OII
I00024 #syriahoax incident 2017.0 USA OII
I00025 EU Army incident 2018.0 EU OII
I00026 Netherlands referendum on Ukraine incident 2016.0 Netherlands OII
I00027 crucifiedboy incident 2014.0 Ukraine OII
I00028 mh17 downed incident 2014.0 Ukraine OII
I00029 MH17 investigation campaign 2016.0 Ukraine OII
I00030 LastJedi incident 2018.0 World OII
I00031 antivax apt 2018.0 World OII
I00032 Kavanaugh incident 2018.0 USA OII
I00033 China 50cent Army apt 2014.0 China OII
I00034 DibaFacebookExpedition incident 2016.0 Taiwan OII
I00035 Brazilelections campaign 2014.0 Brazil OII
I00036 BrazilPresDebate incident 2014.0 Brazil OII
I00037 Rioelections incident 2016.0 Brazil OII
I00038 Brazilimpeachment incident 2016.0 Brazil OII
I00039 MerkelFacebook incident 2017.0 Germany OII
I00040 modamaniSelfie incident 2015.0 Germany OII
I00041 Refugee crime map incident 2017.0 Germany OII
I00042 Saudi/Qatar bot dispute incident 2017.0 Qatar MIS
I00043 FCC comments incident 2017.0 USA MIS
I00044 JadeHelm exercise incident 2015.0 USA MIS
I00045 Skripal incident 2018.0 UK
I00046 North Macedonia incident 2018.0 Macedonia
I00047 Sea of Azov incident 2018.0 World
I00048 White Helmets campaign 2015.0 World
I00049 White Helmets: Chemical Weapons incident 2017.0 World
I00050 #HandsOffVenezuela incident 2019.0 World
I00051 Integrity Initiative incident 2018.0 World
I00052 China overiew campaign 2015.0 World
I00053 China Huawei CFO Arrest incident 2018.0 World
I00054 China Muslims incident 2018.0 World
I00055 50 Cent Army campaign 2008.0 World
I00056 Iran Influence Operations campaign 2012.0 World
I00057 Mexico Election incident 2018.0 Mexico
I00058 Chemnitz incident 2018.0 Germany
I00059 Myanmar - Rohingya campaign 2014.0 Myanmar
I00060 White Genocide campaign 2018.0 World
I00061 Military veterans Targetting campaign 2017.0 US
I00062 Brexit/UK ongoing campaign 2015.0 UK
I00063 Olympic Doping Scandal campaign 2016.0 World
I00064 Tinder nightmares: the promise and peril of political bots incident 2017.0 UK
I00065 'Ghostwriter' Influence Campaign: Unknown Actors Leverage Website Compromises and Fabricated Content to Push Narratives Aligned With Russian Security Interests campaign 2020.0 Lithuania, Latvia, Poland
I00066 The online war between Qatar and Saudi Arabia incident 2017.0 Qatar
I00067 Understanding Information disorder
I00068 Attempted Audio Deepfake Call Targets LastPass Employee
I00069 Uncharmed: Untangling Iran's APT42 Operations
I00070 Eli Lilly Clarifies It’s Not Offering Free Insulin After Tweet From Fake Verified Account—As Chaos Unfolds On Twitter
I00071 Russia-aligned hacktivists stir up anti-Ukrainian sentiments in Poland
I00072 Behind the Dutch Terror Threat Video: The St. Petersburg "Troll Factory" Connection
I00073 Disinformation campaign removed by Facebook linked to Russia’s Internet Research Agency
I00074 The Tactics & Tropes of the Internet Research Agency
I00075 How Russia Meddles Abroad for Profit: Cash, Trolls and a Cult Leader
I00076 Network of Social Media Accounts Impersonates U.S. Political Candidates, Leverages U.S. and Israeli Media in Support of Iranian Interests
I00077 Fronts & Friends: An Investigation into Two Twitter Networks Linked to Russian Actors
I00078 Meta’s September 2020 Removal of Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior
I00079 Three thousand fake tanks
I00080 Hundreds Of Propaganda Accounts Targeting Iran And Qatar Have Been Removed From Facebook
I00081 Belarus KGB created fake accounts to criticize Poland during border crisis, Facebook parent company says
I00082 Meta’s November 2021 Adversarial Threat Report
I00083 Fake Think Tanks Fuel Fake News—And the President's Tweets
I00084 Russia turns its diplomats into disinformation warriors
I00085 China’s large-scale media push: Attempts to influence Swedish media
I00086 #WeAreNotSafe – Exposing How a Post-October 7th Disinformation Network Operates on Israeli Social Media
I00087 Challenging Truth and Trust: A Global Inventory of Organized Social Media Manipulation
I00088 Much Ado About ‘Somethings’ - China-Linked Influence Operation Endures Despite Takedown
I00089 Hackers Use Fake Facebook Profiles of Attractive Women to Spread Viruses, Steal Passwords
I00090 Fake: US Intelligence Officer Says Poland Contributes to Ukraine’s Armed Forces Destruction
I00091 Facebook uncovers Chinese network behind fake expert
I00092 The Most Influential Spreader of Coronavirus Misinformation Online
I00093 China Falsely Denies Disinformation Campaign Targeting Canada’s Prime Minister
I00094 A glimpse inside a Chinese influence campaign: How bogus news websites blur the line between true and false
I00095 Meta: Chinese disinformation network was behind London front company recruiting content creators