# Counter C00162: Unravel/target the Potemkin villages * **Summary**: Kremlin’s narrative spin extends through constellations of “civil society” organizations, political parties, churches, and other actors. Moscow leverages think tanks, human rights groups, election observers, Eurasianist integration groups, and orthodox groups. A collection of Russian civil society organizations, such as the Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation, together receive at least US$100 million per year, in addition to government-organized nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), at least 150 of which are funded by Russian presidential grants totaling US$70 million per year. * **Playbooks**: * **Metatechnique**: M013 - targeting * **Resources needed:** * **Belongs to tactic stage**: TA04 | Actor types | Sectors | | ----------- | ------- | | Counters these Tactics | | ---------------------- | | Counters these Techniques | | ------------------------- | | [T0010 Cultivate ignorant agents](../generated_pages/techniques/T0010.md) | | [T0022 Conspiracy narratives](../generated_pages/techniques/T0022.md) | | [T0027 Adapt existing narratives](../generated_pages/techniques/T0027.md) | | [T0002 Facilitate State Propaganda](../generated_pages/techniques/T0002.md) | | [T0003 Leverage Existing Narratives](../generated_pages/techniques/T0003.md) | | [T0004 Competing Narratives](../generated_pages/techniques/T0004.md) | | [T0039 Bait legitimate influencers](../generated_pages/techniques/T0039.md) | | [T0052 Tertiary sites amplify news](../generated_pages/techniques/T0052.md) | | [T0056 Dedicated channels disseminate information pollution](../generated_pages/techniques/T0056.md) | | [T0050 Cheerleading domestic social media ops](../generated_pages/techniques/T0050.md) | | Seen in incidents | | ----------------- | DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE - PLEASE ADD NOTES BELOW