# Counter C00153: Take pre-emptive action against actors' infrastructure * **Summary**: Align offensive cyber action with information operations and counter disinformation approaches, where appropriate. * **Playbooks**: * **Metatechnique**: M013 - targeting * **Resources needed:** * **Belongs to tactic stage**: TA01 | Actor types | Sectors | | ----------- | ------- | | [A027 information security](../generated_pages/actortypes/A027.md) | S008 | | Counters these Tactics | | ---------------------- | | Counters these Techniques | | ------------------------- | | [T0008 Create fake or imposter news sites](../generated_pages/techniques/T0008.md) | | [T0007 Create fake Social Media Profiles / Pages / Groups](../generated_pages/techniques/T0007.md) | | [T0011 Hijack legitimate account](../generated_pages/techniques/T0011.md) | | [T0013 Create fake websites](../generated_pages/techniques/T0013.md) | | [T0014 Create funding campaigns](../generated_pages/techniques/T0014.md) | | [T0017 Promote online funding](../generated_pages/techniques/T0017.md) | | [T0018 Paid targeted ads](../generated_pages/techniques/T0018.md) | | [T0056 Dedicated channels disseminate information pollution](../generated_pages/techniques/T0056.md) | | [T0049 Flooding](../generated_pages/techniques/T0049.md) | | [T0052 Tertiary sites amplify news](../generated_pages/techniques/T0052.md) | | [T0054 Twitter bots amplify](../generated_pages/techniques/T0054.md) | | [T0053 Twitter trolls amplify and manipulate](../generated_pages/techniques/T0053.md) | | [T0058 Legacy web content](../generated_pages/techniques/T0058.md) | | [T0057 Organise remote rallies and events](../generated_pages/techniques/T0057.md) | | [T0061 Sell merchandising](../generated_pages/techniques/T0061.md) | | Seen in incidents | | ----------------- | DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE - PLEASE ADD NOTES BELOW