{ "type": "bundle", "id": "bundle--b78b03de-b682-4d55-a341-33c92144e388", "objects": [ { "type": "attack-pattern", "spec_version": "2.1", "id": "attack-pattern--faa5450d-6d1f-4700-93bd-fd2d59a79e60", "created_by_ref": "identity--f1a0f560-2d9e-4c5d-bf47-7e96e805de82", "created": "2024-08-02T17:12:32.391786Z", "modified": "2024-08-02T17:12:32.391786Z", "name": "Business Persona", "description": "An institution with a business persona presents itself as a for-profit organisation which provides goods or services for a price.

While presenting as a business is not an indication of inauthentic behaviour, business personas may be used by threat actors as a front for their operational activity (T0143.002: Fabricated Persona, T0097.205: Business Persona).

Threat actors may also impersonate existing businesses (T0143.003: Impersonated Persona, T0097.205: Business Persona) to exploit their brand or cause reputational damage.

Legitimate businesses could use their persona for malicious purposes, or be exploited by threat actors (T0143.001: Authentic Persona, T0097.205: Business Persona). For example, a business could take money for using their position to provide legitimacy to a false narrative, or be tricked into doing so without their knowledge.", "kill_chain_phases": [ { "kill_chain_name": "mitre-attack", "phase_name": "establish-legitimacy" } ], "external_references": [ { "source_name": "mitre-attack", "url": "https://github.com/DISARMFoundation/DISARMframeworks/blob/main/generated_pages/techniques/T0097.205.md", "external_id": "T0097.205" } ], "object_marking_refs": [ "marking-definition--f79f25d2-8b96-4580-b169-eb7b613a7c31" ], "x_mitre_is_subtechnique": true, "x_mitre_platforms": [ "Windows", "Linux", "Mac" ], "x_mitre_version": "2.1" } ] }