Updated subtechniques so that now all have a description. Also made slight name changes to a few techniques and subtechniques but retained the disarm_id and overall nature of all of them
Added framework objects:
- Added technique T0066 "Degrade adversary" to TA02
- Added technique T0067 "Plan to discredit credible sources" to TA02
- Added technique T0068 "respond to breaking news event" to TA02
- Added technique T0069 "respond to active crisis" to TA02
- Added technique T0070 "Analyze existing communities" to TA02
- Added technique T0071 "Find echo chambers" to TA13
- Added technique T0072 "Segment audiences" to TA13
Added STIX generator from repo DISARM-stix2, and added code to generate github files, databases, and STIX from the same Jupyter notebook.