**Summary**: Use a dedicated, existing hashtag for the campaign/incident. This Technique covers behaviours previously documented by T0104.005: Use Hashtags, which has since been deprecated.
| Incident | Descriptions given for this incident |
| -------- | -------------------- |
| Counters | Response types |
| -------- | -------------- |
# Technique T0015.001: Use Existing Hashtag
**Summary**: Use a dedicated, existing hashtag for the campaign/incident. This Technique covers behaviours previously documented by T0104.005: Use Hashtags, which has since been deprecated.
| Incident | Descriptions given for this incident |
| -------- | -------------------- |
| Counters | Response types |
| -------- | -------------- |
# Technique T0015.001: Use Existing Hashtag
**Summary**: Use a dedicated, existing hashtag for the campaign/incident. This Technique covers behaviours previously documented by T0104.005: Use Hashtags, which has since been deprecated.