# Counter C00156: Better tell your country or organization story
* **Summary**: Civil engagement activities conducted on the part of EFP forces. In Latvia, for example, U.S. soldiers have reportedly conducted numerous civil engagements with the local populations. In one example, soldiers cut firewood for local Russian-speaking Latvians. Locals were reportedly overheard saying, “A Russian soldier wouldn’t do that.” NATO should likewise provide support and training, where needed, to local public affairs and other communication personnel. Local government and military public affairs personnel can play their part in creating and disseminating entertaining and sharable content that supports the EFP mission.
* **Playbooks**:
* **Metatechnique**: M010 - countermessaging
* **Resources needed:**
* **Belongs to tactic stage**: TA02
| Actor types | Sectors |
| ----------- | ------- |
| [A018 government ](../generated_pages/actortypes/A018.md) | S003 |
| [A019 military ](../generated_pages/actortypes/A019.md) | S003 |