  • Joined on 2023-02-01
Curated list of links, references, books videos, tutorials (Free or Paid), Exploit, CTFs, Hacking Practices etc. which are related to AWS Security
Updated 2024-02-18 13:59:45 +00:00
A curated list of delightful Bash scripts and resources.
Updated 2024-02-09 08:00:33 +00:00
Useful resources for using IPFS and building things on top of it
Updated 2024-01-31 17:34:56 +00:00
A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
Updated 2024-01-16 18:51:08 +00:00
A curated list of awesome Kubernetes tools and resources.
Updated 2024-01-16 17:06:37 +00:00
A curated list of awesome qubes os links
Updated 2023-12-23 21:21:13 +00:00
A curated list of awesome Kubernetes security resources
Updated 2023-12-15 05:19:27 +00:00
A curated collection of awesome resources, tools, and other shiny things for cybersecurity blue teams.
Updated 2023-11-10 01:08:30 +00:00
A curated list of awesome embedded and IoT security resources.
Updated 2023-10-17 12:23:14 +00:00
A curated list of cryptography resources and links.
Updated 2023-09-19 06:10:08 +00:00