Alexander J 99f9783b21
Merge pull request #15 from grogsaxle/master
SIEM and Random additions
2018-08-13 14:47:32 +02:00
2018-05-18 19:14:56 +02:00
2018-01-09 20:58:44 +01:00
2018-08-09 19:53:06 -04:00


A collective list of public JSON APIs for use in security. Learn about REST:



API Description Auth HTTPS Link Free / Commercial
Apility.IO API Threat Intelligence Anti-Abuse API apiKey Yes Link! Free
Alexa Alexa Top Sites apiKey Yes Link! ?
Bluecoat Site Review URL Analysis none Yes Link! Free Bgp monitoring ? Yes Link! ? Free for Researchers Threat Intel apiKey Yes Link! ?
Certly Certly Guard apiKey Yes Link! ?
CIRCL CVE Search CVE Search none Yes Link! Free
Cloidsploit Vuln Scanner apiKey Yes Link! Free
CrowdStrike API TI apiKey Yes Link! NO Open Threat Intel apiKey Yes Link! ?
Cybergreen How clean is a network apiKey Yes Link! ?
DDosMon DDos Monitoring apiKey Yes Link! ?
Domaintools Commercial Threat Intel apiKey Yes Link! Commercial
DShield Internet Storm Center API apiKey Yes Link! Free Domain / IP intelligence and reputation apiKey Yes Link! ?
Farsight DNSDB Passive DNS Passive DNS and more apiKey Yes Link! ?
Fireeye iSight Commercial Threat Intel apiKey Yes Link! Commercial Incident Response Teams API none Yes Link! ?
Flashpoint Intel Threat Intel apiKey Yes Link! ?
Flexera Vuln Management apiKey Yes Link! ?
HackerOne Query HackerOne reports apiKey Yes Link! ?
have i been pwned unofficial endpoints apiKey Yes Link! ?
Hybrid Analysis Online Sandbox none Yes Link! Free Malware analysis apiKey Yes Link! ?
MAlshare Malware Sharing apiKey Yes Link! ?
Mac Vendor Lookup Threat Intel apiKey Yes Link! ?
MaxMind GeoIP and More apiKey Yes Link! ?
NeutrinoAPI IP Blocklist API apiKey Yes Link! ?
Passive Total Threat Intel apiKey Yes Link! ?
Pastebin apiKey Yes Link! ?
Qualys SSLLabs Test SSL and more apiKey Yes Link! ?
Spamhaus Domain / IP intelligence and reputation ? Yes Link! ?
Tenable ? ? Yes Link! ?
Team Cymru Threat Intel apiKey Yes Link! Both
VirusTotal VirusTotal File/URL Analysis apiKey Yes Link! ?
vulners vulners Vuln Database apiKey Yes Link! ? Whois APIs apiKey Yes Link! Commercial
Zoomeye CVE Search apiKey Yes Link! ?


API Description Auth HTTPS Link Free / Commercial
Carbon Black Endpoint Security apiKey Yes Link! Commercial
Cuckoo Cuckoo Sandbox apiKey Yes Link! OpenSource
CRITS TI System apiKey Yes Link! ?
CrowdStrike falcon-orchestrator Orchestrator apiKey Yes Link! yes
Cymetria Maze Runner - apiKey Yes Link! ?
emlrender EML file rendering tool password Yes Link! OpenSource
FireEye Endpoint Security apiKey Yes Link! ?
GRR Endpoint Incident Response tool apiKey Yes Link! OpenSource
Kolide Fleet osQuery fleet management ? Yes Link! OpenSource
Lastline Lastline Enterprise ApiKey Yes Link! Commercial
MISP Open Source Threat Intelligence Platform apiKey Yes Link! OpenSource
Metadefender MultiAV apiKey Yes Link! Commercial
Metasploit Exploiting apiKey Yes Link! Commercial
OTRS Open Ticket Relay System apiKey Yes Link! ?
Plaso Plaso Langar Að Safna Öllu apiKey Yes Link! OpenSource
Recorded Future Threat Intelligence Platform apiKey Yes Link! ?
Request Tracker Ticketing System apiKey Yes Link! ?
Scot SCOT - Sandia Cyber Omni Tracker Ticketing System apiKey Yes Link! Free
TheHive Security Incident Response Platform apiKey Yes Link! Free Viper malware repository API apiKey Yes Link! OpenSource
VMRay VMRay Sandbox apiKey Yes Link! ?


API Description Auth HTTPS Link Free / Commercial
ArcSight HP ArcSight API None No Link! Commercial
AlienVault AlienVault API Yes Yes Link! Commercial
ELK ELK Stack API None No Link! OpenSource
Gravwell Gravwell API Yes Yes Link! Community / Commercial
Humio Humio API Yes Yes Link! Community / Commercial
QRadar IBM QRadar API None No Link! Commercial
Splunk Splunk API None No Link! Commercial


API Description Auth HTTPS Link Free / Commercial
AlienVault Open Threat Exchange (OTX) IP/domain/URL reputation apiKey Yes Link! ?
Certly Certly Link/Domain Flagging apiKey Yes Link! ?
Cisco ISE ISE is an identity and access control policy platform apiKey Yes Link! ?
Cisco PXGrid Cisco Platform Exchange Grid apiKey Yes Link! ?
Cisco Security APIs Cisco Developer Page `` ? Link! ?
Cisco Umbrella Cisco Umbrella Enforcement API apiKey Yes Link! ?
Cyphon Open Source INcident Management tool apiKey Yes Link! ?
Google Safe Browsing Google Link/Domain Flagging apiKey Yes Link! ?
Metacert Metacert Link Flagging apiKey Yes Link! ?
National Software Reference Library (NSRL) - apiKey Yes Link! ?
PaloAlto PaloAlto FW API Yes Yes Link! Commercial
RSA Secure ID Metacert Link Flagging apiKey Yes Link! ?
ServiceNow ServiceNow API apiKey Yes Link! Commercial
Web Of Trust (WOT) Website reputation apiKey Yes Link! ?
A collective list of public APIs for use in security. Contributions welcome
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