diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md index ae3270c..ff936b3 100644 --- a/readme.md +++ b/readme.md @@ -171,15 +171,26 @@ search engines do not use this meta tag * **[The Art of SEO, 3rd Edition](//shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920032908.do):** Mastering Search Engine Optimization ## Courses +* **[Analyzing Your Website to Improve SEO](//www.lynda.com/Marketing-Small-Business-Marketing-tutorials/Analyzing-Your-Website-Improve-SEO/82409-2.html):** Walks step-by-step through the process of reviewing the content and markup of a web site to improve its ranking in search engine results. With Peter Kent by Lynda.com * **[ClickMinded Search Engine Optimization Training](//www.udemy.com/seo-training/):** ClickMinded Search Engine Optimization Training with Tommy Griffith by udemy * **[Ecommerce SEO 101 Video Series](//www.shopify.com/videos/ecommerce-seo-101):** Ecommerce SEO 101 Video Series with Helen Overland by shopify +* **[Improving SEO Using Accessibility Techniques](//www.lynda.com/HTML-5-tutorials/Improving-SEO-Using-Accessibility-Techniques/89051-6.html):** Make web sites more accessible and search engine friendly through proper markup and web standards compliance. With Morten Rand-Hendriksen by Lynda.com +* **[International SEO Fundamentals](//www.lynda.com/Analytics-tutorials/International-SEO-Fundamentals/377449-6.html):** Attract international visitors to your websites with these SEO tips. Learn how to determine target markets and optimize your website's technical aspects and content for countries and languages around the world. With David Booth by Lynda.com * **[Learning Search Engine Optimization (SEO): A Video Introduction](//www.video2brain.com/en/courses/learning-search-engine-optimization-seo-a-video-introduction):** Learning Search Engine Optimization (SEO): A Video Introduction with Matt Bailey by video2brain * **[Learning Web Analytics](//www.video2brain.com/en/courses/learning-web-analytics):** Learning Web Analytics with Matt Bailey by video2brain * **[SEO Fundamentals](//www.lynda.com/Analytics-tutorials/SEO-Fundamentals/187858-2.html):** SEO Fundamentals with David Booth by Lynda.com * **[SEO Fundamentals](//www.pluralsight.com/courses/seo-fundamentals):** SEO Fundamentals with Paul Wilson by Pluralsight +* **[SEO Tools Fundamentals](//www.lynda.com/Buzzstream-tutorials/SEO-Tools-Fundamentals/368917-2.html):** Learn about today's top SEO tools for technical optimization, content optimization, offsite optimization, and competitive research. With Brad Batesole by Lynda.com * **[SEO Training Course by Moz](//www.udemy.com/whiteboard-seo/):** SEO Training Course with Moz by udemy * **[SEO for Beginners](//seoforbeginners.com/):** SEO for Beginners: A Video Guide Introduction +* **[SEO for Ecommerce](//www.lynda.com/Google-Analytics-tutorials/SEO-Ecommerce/386884-2.html):** SEO for ecommerce is different. Get strategies tailored for optimizing an online store to improve page rankings and build traffic. With Steven Harris by Lynda.com +* **[SEO for Local Visibility](//www.lynda.com/Google-Maps-tutorials/SEO-Local-Visibility/178132-2.html):** Achieve maximum visibility in search rankings with these local SEO strategies. With Brad Batesole by Lynda.com * **[SEO for Web Designers](//webdesign.tutsplus.com/courses/seo-for-web-designers):** SEO for Web Designers with Craig Campbell by TutsPlus +* **[SEO: Keyword Strategy in Depth](//www.lynda.com/Business-Online-Marketing-tutorials/SEO-Keyword-Strategy-Depth/147030-6.html):** Learn how to research keywords, apply them to your website, and create ad campaigns around keywords. Increase your site traffic and better understand your user's intent with keywords. With Matt Bailey by Lynda.com +* **[SEO: Link Building in Depth](//www.lynda.com/Business-Online-Marketing-tutorials/SEO-Link-Building-Depth/95253-6.html):** Investigates the anatomy of a link, how links affect page ranking, and the properties that make an excellent inbound link. With Peter Kent by Lynda.com +* **[Spying with SEO Tools](//www.lynda.com/Marketing-PPC-tutorials/Spying-SEO-Tools/371730-6.html):** Learn how to use SEO tools and techniques to research the competition online. Find out what keywords your competitors are optimizing for—and then outrank them on search engine results pages. With Anson Alexander by Lynda.com +* **[Video SEO Basics](//www.lynda.com/Business-Web-Video-tutorials/Video-SEO-Basics/118217-6.html):** Optimize your videos for search engines and convert the traffic to achieve your business goals. With Ian Lurie by Lynda.com +* **[WordPress Plugins: SEO](//www.lynda.com/WordPress-tutorials/WordPress-Plugins-SEO/140779-2.html):** Drive more visitors to your WordPress site by performing search engine optimization, or SEO, with the help of two powerful plugins. With Morten Rand-Hendriksen by Lynda.com ## License [![CC0](https://i.creativecommons.org/p/zero/1.0/88x31.png)](//creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)