import { $, component$, useSignal, useOnWindow, useContext } from ""; import { Chart, registerables } from 'chart.js'; import { useLocalStorage } from "~/hooks/useLocalStorage"; import { ChecklistContext } from "~/store/checklist-context"; import type { Priority, Sections, Section } from '~/types/PSC'; import Icon from '~/components/core/icon'; /** * Component for client-side user progress metrics. * Combines checklist data with progress from local storage, * calculates percentage completion for each priority level, * and renders some pretty pie charts to visualize results */ export default component$(() => { // All checklist data, from store const checklists = useContext(ChecklistContext); // Completed items, from local storage const [checkedItems] = useLocalStorage('PSC_PROGRESS', {}); // Ignored items, from local storage const [ignoredItems] = useLocalStorage('PSC_IGNORED', {}); // Local storage for closing and ignoring the welcome dialog const [ignoreDialog, setIgnoreDialog] = useLocalStorage('PSC_CLOSE_WELCOME', false); // Store to hold calculated progress results const totalProgress = useSignal({ completed: 0, outOf: 0 }); // Ref to the radar chart canvas const radarChart = useSignal(); // Completion data for each section const sectionCompletion = useSignal([]); /** * Calculates the users progress over specified sections. * Given an array of sections, reads checklists in each, * counts total number of checklist items * counts the number of completed items from local storage * and returns the percentage of completion */ const calculateProgress = $((sections: Sections): { completed: number, outOf: number } => { if (!checkedItems.value || !sections.length) { return { completed: 0, outOf: 0 }; } let totalItems = sections.reduce((total: number, section: Section) => total + section.checklist.length, 0); let totalComplete = 0; sections.forEach((section: Section) => { section.checklist.forEach((item) => { const id = item.point.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-'); const isComplete = checkedItems.value[id]; const isIgnored = ignoredItems.value[id]; if (isComplete) { totalComplete++; } if (isIgnored) { totalItems--; } }); }); return { completed: totalComplete, outOf: totalItems }; // return Math.round((totalComplete / totalItems) * 100); }); /** * Filters the checklist items in a given array of sections, * so only the ones of a given priority are returned * @param sections - Array of sections to filter * @param priority - The priority to filter by */ const filterByPriority = $((sections: Sections, priority: Priority): Sections => { const normalize = (pri: string) => pri.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-'); return => ({ ...section, checklist: section.checklist.filter(item => normalize(item.priority) === normalize(priority)) })); }); /** * Draws a completion chart using ProgressBar.js * Illustrating a given percent rendered to a given target element * @param percentage - The percentage of completion (0-100) * @param target - The ID of the element to draw the chart in * @param color - The color of the progress chart, defaults to Tailwind primary */ const drawProgress = $((percentage: number, target: string, color?: string) => { // Get a given color value from Tailwind CSS variable const getCssVariableValue = (variableName: string, fallback = '') => { return getComputedStyle(document.documentElement) .getPropertyValue(variableName) .trim() || fallback; } // Define colors and styles for progress chart const primaryColor = color || 'hsl(var(--pf, 220, 13%, 69%))'; const foregroundColor = 'hsl(var(--nc, 220, 13%, 69%))'; const red = `hsl(${getCssVariableValue('--er', '0 91% 71%')})`; const green = `hsl(${getCssVariableValue('--su', '158 64% 52%')})`; const labelStyles = { color: foregroundColor, position: 'absolute', right: '0.5rem', top: '2rem' }; // Animations to occur on each step of the progress bar const stepFunction = (state: any, bar: any) => { const value = Math.round(bar.value() * 100); bar.path.setAttribute('stroke', state.color); bar.setText(value ? `${value}%` : ''); if (value >= percentage) { bar.path.setAttribute('stroke', primaryColor); } }; // Define config settings for progress chart const progressConfig = { strokeWidth: 6, trailWidth: 3, color: primaryColor, trailColor: foregroundColor, text: { style: labelStyles }, from: { color: red }, to: { color: green }, step: stepFunction, }; // Initiate ProgressBar.js passing in config, to draw the progress chart import('progressbar.js').then((ProgressBar) => { const line = new ProgressBar.SemiCircle(target, progressConfig); line.animate(percentage / 100); }); }); /** * Given a priority, filters the checklist, calculates data, renders chart * @param priority - The priority to filter by * @param color - The color override for the chart */ const makeDataAndDrawChart = $((priority: Priority, color?: string) => { filterByPriority(checklists.value, priority) .then((sections: Sections) => { calculateProgress(sections) .then((progress) => { const { completed, outOf } = progress; const percent = Math.round((completed / outOf) * 100) drawProgress(percent, `#${priority}-container`, color) }) }); }); /** * When the window has loaded (client-side only) * Initiate the filtering, calculation and rendering of progress charts */ useOnWindow('load', $(() => { calculateProgress(checklists.value) .then((progress) => { totalProgress.value = progress; }) makeDataAndDrawChart('essential', 'hsl(var(--su, 158 64% 52%))'); makeDataAndDrawChart('optional', 'hsl(var(--wa, 43 96% 56%))'); makeDataAndDrawChart('advanced', 'hsl(var(--er, 0 91% 71%))'); })); /** * Calculates the percentage of completion for each section */ useOnWindow('load', $(async () => { sectionCompletion.value = await Promise.all( => { return calculateProgress([section]).then( (progress) => Math.round(progress.completed / progress.outOf * 100) ); })); })); interface RadarChartData { labels: string[]; datasets: { label: string; data: number[]; [key: string]: any; // Anything else goes! }[]; } /** * Builds the multi-dimensional data used for the radar chart * based on each section, each level of priority, and the progress * @param sections - The sections to build data from */ const makeRadarData = $((sections: Sections): Promise => { // The labels for the corners of the chart, based on sections const labels = Section) => section.title); // Items applied to every dataset const datasetTemplate = { borderWidth: 1, }; // Helper function to asynchronously calculate percentage const calculatePercentage = async (section: Section, priority: Priority) => { const filteredSections = await filterByPriority([section], priority); const progress = await calculateProgress(filteredSections); return progress.outOf > 0 ? (progress.completed / progress.outOf) * 100 : 0; }; // Asynchronously build data for each priority level const buildDataForPriority = (priority: Priority, color: string) => { return Promise.all( => calculatePercentage(section, priority))) .then(data => ({ ...datasetTemplate, label: priority.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + priority.slice(1), data: data, backgroundColor: color, })); }; // Wait on each set to resolve, and return the final data object return Promise.all([ buildDataForPriority('advanced', 'hsl(0 91% 71%/75%)'), buildDataForPriority('optional', 'hsl(43 96% 56%/75%)'), buildDataForPriority('essential', 'hsl(158 64% 52%/75%)'), ]).then(datasets => ({ labels, datasets, })); }); useOnWindow('load', $(() => { Chart.register(...registerables); makeRadarData(checklists.value).then((data) => { if (radarChart.value) { new Chart(radarChart.value, { type: 'radar', data, options: { responsive: true, scales: { r: { angleLines: { display: true, color: '#7d7d7da1', }, suggestedMin: 0, suggestedMax: 100, ticks: { stepSize: 25, callback: (value) => `${value}%`, color: '#ffffffbf', backdropColor: '#ffffff3b', }, grid: { display: true, color: '#7d7d7dd4', }, }, }, plugins: { legend: { position: 'bottom', labels: { font: { size: 10, }, }, }, tooltip: { callbacks: { label: (ctx) => `Completed ${Math.round(ctx.parsed.r)}% of ${ctx.dataset.label || ''} items`, } } }, } }); } }); })); const items = [ { id: 'essential-container', label: 'Essential' }, { id: 'optional-container', label: 'Optional' }, { id: 'advanced-container', label: 'Advanced' }, ]; // Beware, some god-awful markup ahead (thank Tailwind for that!) return (
{(!ignoreDialog.value && (!Object.keys(checkedItems.value).length) ) && (

No stats yet

You'll see your progress here, once you start ticking items off the checklists

Get started, by selecting a checklist below

{/* Progress Percent */}

Your Progress

You've completed {totalProgress.value.completed} out of {totalProgress.value.outOf} items

{/* Completion per level */} {/* Something ??? */}

Coming Soon!

{/* Radar Chart showing total progress per category and level */}
); });