import { component$, useResource$, Resource } from ""; import type { DocumentHead } from ""; import Icon from "~/components/core/icon"; import { projects, socials, intro, contributing, license } from './about-content'; import { marked } from "marked"; export default component$(() => { interface Contributor { login: string; avatar_url: string; avatarUrl: string; html_url: string; contributions: number; name: string; } const parseMarkdown = (text: string | undefined): string => { return marked.parse(text || '', { async: false }) as string || ''; }; const contributorsResource = useResource$(async () => { const url = ''; const response = await fetch(url); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Failed to fetch contributors'); } return await response.json(); }); const sponsorsResource = useResource$(async () => { const url = ''; const response = await fetch(url); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Failed to fetch sponsors'); } return await response.json(); }); return (

About the Security Checklist

{, index) => (




{, index) => (




Huge thanks to the following sponsors, for their ongoing support 💖


} onResolved={(contributors: Contributor[]) => ( Contributor) => ( {contributor.login}

{ || contributor.login}

)) )} />


This project exists thanks to all the people who've helped build and maintain it.
Special thanks to the below, top-100 contributors 🌟


} onResolved={(contributors: Contributor[]) => ( Contributor) => ( {contributor.login}


)) )} />

About the Author

This project was originally started by me, Alicia Sykes - with a lot of help from the community.

Alicia Sykes
{, index) => ( )) }

I write apps which aim to help people escape big tech, secure their data, and protect their privacy.

I have a particular interest in self-hosting, Linux, security and OSINT.
So if this type of stuff interests you, check out these other projects:

For a more open source apps I've published, see, or follow me on GitHub


This project is split-licensed, with the checklist content (located in personal-security-checklist.yml ) being licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. And everything else (including all the code), licensed under MIT.


What does this means for you?

This means that for everything (except the checklist YAML file), you have almost unlimited freedom to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of this software. All that we ask is that you include the original copyright notice and permission notice in any copies of the software

And for the security-list content you can share and adapt this content as long as you give appropriate credit, don't use it for commercial purposes, and distribute your contributions under the same license.

); }); export const head: DocumentHead = { title: "About | Digital Defense", meta: [ { name: "description", content: "This project aims to give you practical guidance on how to improve your digital security, and protect your privacy online", }, ], };