--- name: Addition to List about: Suggest a point to be added to the list title: "[CONTENT-CHANGE]" labels: enhancement assignees: Lissy93 --- ### Put "Add ____" as Title ### Explain why it should be added [A clear and concise description of the point and why it should be added to the list.] ### Additional Context [Provide some context, with a bit of detail. Specify which of the 10 categories this point should be listed under] ### Content (optional) [Suggest some content, including links, written in clear English for the point you'd like added] --- ### NOTES: - Before submitting, check that there isn't a similar open issue already - Please create a new issue for each separate/ stand-alone point you'd like added to the list - If you are confident in your abilities, you can also write the point yourself, and submit it as a PR - Thank you for your suggestion, it's because of contributors like yourself that this project can exist