## Contributors 🙌 Thanks goes to these wonderful people





Alicia Sykes


Matthew Leeds


Jaimin Pandya


Alexandre G.-Raymond




Daniil Baturin







*This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) specification.* [Contributions](/CONTRIBUTING.md) of any kind welcome! Special Thanks to [Stefan Keim](https://github.com/indus) and [Matt (IPv4) Cowley](https://github.com/MattIPv4) from [JS.org](https://js.org), for providing the domain used for our GitHub Page ([security-list.js.org](https://security-list.js.org)). And of course, and huge thank you to the awesome developers behind the projects listed in the [Privacy-Respecting Software list](/5_Privacy_Respecting_Software.md). The effort, time and love they've put into each one of those applications is immediately apparent, they've done an amazing job 💞 ## References 📝
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**Above References apply to the Content in the Following Files**:
[TLDR](/2_TLDR_Short_List.md) | [Intro](/0_Why_It_Matters.md) | [The Personal Security Checklist](/README.md) | [Privacy-Respecting Software](/5_Privacy_Respecting_Software.md) | [Security Hardware](/6_Privacy_and-Security_Gadgets.md) | [Further Links](/4_Privacy_And_Security_Links.md) ## Stars 🌟 [![Stargazers over time](https://starchart.cc/Lissy93/personal-security-checklist.svg)](https://star-history.t9t.io/#Lissy93/personal-security-checklist) Thank you [@caarlos0](https://github.com/caarlos0) for the above [Star Chart](https://github.com/caarlos0/starcharts) ☺️ --- Licensed under [Creative Commons, CC BY 4.0](/LICENSE.md), © [Alicia Sykes](https://aliciasykes.com) 2020