## Documentation for the GitHub Docs Site
## Installing Simply clone the repo, navigate into the new directory, install dependencies, build, and your ready to go! ```console git clone https://github.com/Lissy93/voronoi-site-template.git cd voronoi-site-template yarn ``` ## Building, Developing and Deploying - [**`npm run build`**](package.json#L9) *Triggers complete webpack build* - [**`npm run start`**](package.json#L7) *Opens the standalone version* - [**`npm run serve`**](package.json#L8) *Runs app on a lightweight node server* - [**`npm run dev`**](package.json#L10) *Starts webpack-dev-server, for live changes* - [**`npm run clean`**](package.json#L12) *Removes all generated files and libraries* - [**`npm run test`**](package.json#L11) *Executes the test scripts* *__Note:__ You should only need to modify files within the [`/src`](src/) directory, and the [`*.md`](pages/) files. Anything else will be overidden when webpack builds.* ## Credits - This project uses [Docsify](https://github.com/QingWei-Li/docsify/) to display MD docs and for navigation - The homepage Vonoroi visualisation was based on Mike Bostock's origional D3.js [voronoi](https://github.com/d3/d3-voronoi) script. ## License Licensed under MIT, (C) [Alicia Sykes](https://aliciasykes.com) 2018. [Read full License](LICENSE.md). [](LICENSE.md)