> This checklist of privacy and security tips, is a summarized version of [The Complete Personal Security Checklist](https://github.com/Lissy93/personal-security-checklist/blob/master/README.md). It lays out the most essential steps you should take to protect your digital life.
- Use a secure [password manager](https://github.com/Lissy93/awesome-privacy#password-managers), to encrypt, store and fill credentials, such as [BitWarden](https://bitwarden.com) or [KeePass](https://keepass.info) / [KeePassXC](https://keepassxc.org)
- Enable 2-Factor authentication where available, and use an [authenticator app](https://github.com/Lissy93/awesome-privacy#2-factor-authentication) or [hardware token](/6_Privacy_and-Security_Gadgets.md#fido-u2f-keys)
- When you enable multi-factor authentication, you will usually be given several codes that you can use if your 2FA method is lost, broken or unavailable. You should store these on paper or in a safe place on disk (e.g. in offline storage or as in an encrypted file/drive).
- Sign up for breach alerts (with [Firefox Monitor](https://monitor.firefox.com) or [HaveIBeenPwned](https://haveibeenpwned.com)), and update passwords of compromised accounts
- Use a Privacy-Respecting Browser, [Brave](https://brave.com) and [Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/exp/firefox/new) are good options. Set your default search to a non-tracking engine, such as [DuckDuckGo](https://duckduckgo.com)
- Do not enter any information on a non-HTTPS website (look for the lock icon). Firefox, Chrome, Edge and Safari now have integrated HTTPS security features; if you do not know if it's enabled, check out this [guide](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/09/https-actually-everywhere) to learn where to look.
- Block invasive 3rd-party trackers and ads using an extension like [Privacy Badger](https://privacybadger.org) or [uBlock](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock)
- Keep your browser up-to-date, explore the privacy settings and remove unnecessary add-ons/ extensions
- Consider using compartmentalization to separate different areas of your browsing (such as work, social, shopping etc), in order to reduce tracking. This can be done with [Firefox Containers](https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/containers), or by using separate browsers or browser profiles
- Don't allow your browser to save your passwords or auto-fill personal details (instead use a [password manager](https://github.com/Lissy93/awesome-privacy#password-managers), and [disable your browsers own auto-fill](https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch001377.htm))
- Clear your cookies, session data and cache regularly. An extension such as [Cookie-Auto-Delete](https://github.com/Cookie-AutoDelete/Cookie-AutoDelete) can be used to automate this
- Don't sign into your browser, as it can link further data to your identity. If you need to, you can use an open source [bookmark sync](https://github.com/Lissy93/awesome-privacy#browser-sync) app
- Test your browser using a tool like [Panopticlick](https://panopticlick.eff.org) to ensure there are no major issues. [BrowserLeaks](https://browserleaks.com) and [Am I Unique](https://amiunique.org/fp) are also useful for exploring what device info you are exposing to websites
- Encrypt your device, in order to keep your data safe from physical access. To enable, for Android: `Settings --> Security --> Encryption`, or for iOS: `Settings --> TouchID & Passcode --> Data Protection`
- Keep device up-to-date. System updates often contain patches for recently-discovered security vulnerabilities. You should install updates when prompted
- Review application permissions. Don't grant access permissions to apps that do not need it. (For Android, see also [Bouncer](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samruston.permission&hl=en_US) - an app that allows you to grant temporary permissions)
- Disable connectivity features that aren't being used, and 'forget' WiFi networks that you no longer need
- Disable location tracking. By default, both Android and iOS logs your GPS location history. You can disable this, for Android: `Maps --> Settings --> Location History`, and iOS: `Settings --> Privacy --> Location Services --> System Services --> Places`. Be aware that third-party apps may still log your position, and that there are other methods of determining your location other than GPS (Cell tower, WiFi, Bluetooth etc)
- Use an application firewall to block internet connectivity for apps that shouldn't need it. Such as [NetGuard](https://www.netguard.me/) (Android) or [Lockdown](https://apps.apple.com/in/app/lockdown-apps/id1469783711) (iOS)
- Understand that apps contain trackers that collect, store and sometimes share your data. For Android, you could use [Exodus](https://exodus-privacy.eu.org/en/page/what/) to reveal which trackers your installed apps are using.
It's important to protect your email account, as if a hacker gains access to it they will be able to pose as you, and reset the passwords for your other online accounts. One of the biggest threats to digital security is still phishing, and it can sometimes be incredibly convincing, so remain vigilant, and understand [how to spot malicious emails](https://heimdalsecurity.com/blog/abcs-detecting-preventing-phishing), and avoid publicly sharing your email address
- Consider switching to a secure and encrypted mail provider using, such as [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.com) or [Tutanota](https://tutanota.com)
- Use email aliasing to protect your real mail address, with a provider such as [Anonaddy](https://anonaddy.com) or [SimpleLogin](https://simplelogin.io/?slref=bridsqrgvrnavso). This allows you to keep your real address private, yet still have all messages land in your primary inbox
- Disable automatic loading of remote content, as it is often used for detailed tracking but can also be malicious
- Using a custom domain, will mean you will not lose access to your email address if your current provider disappears. If you need to back up messages, use a secure IMAP client [Thunderbird](https://www.thunderbird.net)
- Use a [secure messaging app](https://github.com/Lissy93/awesome-privacy#encrypted-messaging) that is both fully open source and end-to-end encrypted with perfect forward secrecy (e.g. [Signal](https://www.signal.org/))
- Opt for a stable and actively maintained messaging platform, that is backed by reputable developers and have a transparent revenue model or are able to account for where funding has originated from. It should ideally be based in a friendly jurisdiction and have undergone an independent security audit.
- In some situations, it may be appropriate to use an app that supports disappearing messages, and/ or allows for anonymous sign up (without any PII: phone number, email address etc). A [decentralized platform](https://github.com/Lissy93/awesome-privacy#p2p-messaging) can offer additional security and privacy benefits in some circumstances, as there is no single entity governing it, e.g. [Matrix](https://matrix.org/), [Session](https://getsession.org/), [Tox](https://tox.chat/) or [Briar](https://briarproject.org/)
- Use a reputable VPN to keep your IP protected and reduce the amount of browsing data your ISP can log, but understand their [limitations](5_Privacy_Respecting_Software.md#word-of-warning-4). Good options include [ProtonVPN](https://protonvpn.com) and [Mullvad](https://mullvad.net), see [thatoneprivacysite.net](https://thatoneprivacysite.net/) for detailed comparisons
- Change your routers default password. Anyone connected to your WiFi is able to listen to network traffic, so in order to prevent people you don't know from connecting, use WPA2 and set a strong password.
- Use a [secure DNS](https://github.com/Lissy93/awesome-privacy#dns) provider, (such as [Cloudflare's]( to reduce tracking. Ideally configure this on your router, but if that's not possible, then it can be done on each device.
There's no need to spend money - Most of these products can be made at home with open source software. Here's a list of [DIY Security Gadgets](/6_Privacy_and-Security_Gadgets.md#diy-security-products).
*Thanks for visiting, hope you found something useful here :) Contributions are welcome, and much appreciated - to propose an edit [raise an issue](https://github.com/Lissy93/personal-security-checklist/issues/new/choose), or [open a PR](https://github.com/Lissy93/personal-security-checklist/pull/new/master). See: [`CONTRIBUTING.md`](/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md).*