2014-11-29 16:18:21 +01:00
# Nginx Resources
A growing collection of resources covering Nginx, Nginx + Lua, OpenResty and Tengine.
This list is maintained by [Frederic Cambus ](http://www.cambus.net ). For updates and/or suggestions, follow me on Twitter : [@fcambus ](https://twitter.com/fcambus )
2014-12-27 10:20:58 +01:00
## Nginx Configuration
- [Beginner's Guide ](http://nginx.org/en/docs/beginners_guide.html )
- [Alphabetical index of variables ](http://nginx.org/en/docs/varindex.html )
- [Nginx Pitfalls ](http://wiki.nginx.org/Pitfalls )
- [Nginx Secure Web Server with HTTP, HTTPS SSL and Reverse Proxy Examples ](https://calomel.org/nginx.html )
- [Useful Rewrites for Nginx ](https://blog.engineyard.com/2011/useful-rewrites-for-nginx/ )
- [Nginx Configuration Primer ](http://blog.martinfjordvald.com/2010/07/nginx-primer/ )
- [Nginx Primer 2: From Apache to Nginx ](http://blog.martinfjordvald.com/2011/02/nginx-primer-2-from-apache-to-nginx/ )
- [Understanding the Nginx Configuration Inheritance Model ](http://blog.martinfjordvald.com/2012/08/understanding-the-nginx-configuration-inheritance-model/ )
- [Nginx HTTP server boilerplate configs ](https://github.com/h5bp/server-configs-nginx )
- [Nginx Boilerplate - Configuration template and a set of handy must-have snippets ](https://github.com/Umkus/nginx-boilerplate )
2014-11-29 16:29:19 +01:00
## Nginx architecture
- [The Architecture of Open Source Applications (Volume 2): nginx ](http://aosabook.org/en/nginx.html )
2014-12-27 10:14:49 +01:00
- [Nginx Guts - Shedding light on Nginx internals ](http://www.nginxguts.com/category/nginx/ )
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- [Nginx discovery journey ](http://www.nginx-discovery.com/ )
2014-12-06 23:36:48 +01:00
- [Nginx Internals ](http://www.slideshare.net/joshzhu/nginx-internals )
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2014-11-29 16:30:17 +01:00
## Modules development
- [Guide to Nginx Module Development ](http://www.evanmiller.org/nginx-modules-guide.html )
- [Advanced Topics In Nginx Module Development ](http://www.evanmiller.org/nginx-modules-guide-advanced.html )
- [Developing Nginx Modules ](http://www.airpair.com/nginx/extending-nginx-tutorial )
2014-12-06 23:40:47 +01:00
## SSL / TLS
- [Optimizing NGINX TLS Time To First Byte (TTTFB) ](https://www.igvita.com/2013/12/16/optimizing-nginx-tls-time-to-first-byte/ )
- [SSL session caching in Nginx ](http://www.hezmatt.org/~mpalmer/blog/2011/06/28/ssl-session-caching-in-nginx.html )
2014-11-29 16:42:59 +01:00
## Nginx Conference 2014
- [NGINX Conference 2014 ](http://nginx.com/nginxconf/ )
- [Making HTTPS Fast(er): Ilya Grigorik @ nginx.conf 2014 ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHxD-G0YjiU )
- [The Latest and Greatest from ngx_lua: New Features & Tools: Yichun Zhang ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0fQabvVhIk )
- [Scaleable NGINX Configuration: Igor Sysoev ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWRYbLKsS0I )
- [Making Sense of SDN and NFV for NGINX: Christian Buerger ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vQpalH8VlE )
- [NGINX Plus Serving Breaking News for InkaBinka: Chris Brahmer ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxUUEvRLpH8 )
- [The LAMP Just Died, Follow the Light: NGINX and PHP-FPM: Bernard Rosset ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WR1aZcA1UXs )
- [Building a low-latency WAF inside NGINX using Lua: John Graham-Cumming ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlt4XKhucS4 )
2014-12-25 15:32:29 +01:00
## Nginx interviews
- [Interview with creator of NGINX Igor Sysoev ](http://www.webhostingskills.com/open_source/articles/interview_with_creator_of_nginx_igor_sysoev/ )
- [Interview with Igor Sysoev, author of Apache's competitor NGINX ](http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/interview_igor_sysoev_author_apaches_competitor_nginx )
2014-12-06 23:57:08 +01:00
## Nginx and APIs
- [Telize is a JSON IP and GeoIP REST API (IP Geolocation) built on Nginx and Lua ](http://www.telize.com )
- [GIN JSON-API framework ](http://gin.io/ )
- [Outbound API rate limits: the nginx way ](http://codetunes.com/2011/07/26/outbound-api-rate-limits-the-nginx-way )
2014-12-27 10:21:41 +01:00
- [Using Nginx to comply with a third-party API's rate limits ](http://vitobotta.com/nginx-proxy-comply-api-rate-limits/ )
- [Simple API with Nginx and PostgreSQL ](http://rny.io/nginx/postgresql/2013/07/26/simple-api-with-nginx-and-postgresql.html )
2014-12-06 23:57:08 +01:00
2014-12-25 15:21:14 +01:00
## Nginx Hacks
- [Nginx JSON hacks ](http://www.gabrielweinberg.com/blog/2011/07/nginx-json-hacks.html )
- [Using Environment Variables In Nginx.conf ](https://docs.apitools.com/blog/2014/07/02/using-environment-variables-in-nginx-conf.html )
- [JSONP Proxy - Get JSONP from APIs not supporting it natively ](https://github.com/fcambus/jsonp-proxy )
- [Log rotation directly within Nginx configuration file ](http://www.cambus.net/log-rotation-directly-within-nginx-configuration-file/ )
2014-12-27 10:18:28 +01:00
## Nginx tips
- [A/B testing using ngx_http_split_clients_module ](https://twitter.com/maximkonovalov/statuses/354907254216065024 )
- [Logging $tcpinfo_rtt to measure typical RTT ](https://twitter.com/maximkonovalov/statuses/352436564934148096 )
2014-12-06 23:49:47 +01:00
## Nginx + Lua
- [Nginx, Lua, and beyond ](http://agentzh.org/misc/slides/nginx-lua-and-beyond.pdf )
- [Pushing Nginx to its limit with Lua ](http://blog.cloudflare.com/pushing-nginx-to-its-limit-with-lua/ )
- [Scripting Nginx with Lua ](http://www.londonlua.org/scripting_nginx_with_lua/ )
- [Augmenting APIs with Nginx and Lua ](http://tech.3scale.net/2013/01/09/augment-your-api-without-touching-it/ )
2014-12-27 10:14:49 +01:00
- [Adding OAuth Support to Nginx via Lua ](http://chairnerd.seatgeek.com/oauth-support-for-nginx-with-lua/ )
- [Scripting libdrizzle with Lua inside Nginx ](http://agentzh.org/misc/slides/libdrizzle-lua-nginx.pdf )
- [Nginx and Lua ](http://devblog.mixlr.com/2012/09/01/nginx-lua/ )
- [Writing an Nginx authentication module in Lua ](http://www.stavros.io/posts/writing-an-nginx-authentication-module-in-lua/ )
- [Scaling TextRazor in the Cloud with Nginx and Lua ](http://www.textrazor.com/blog/2013/03/scaling-textrazor-in-the-cloud-with-nginx-and-lua.html )
2014-12-06 23:49:47 +01:00
2014-12-06 23:45:19 +01:00
## OpenResty
- [OpenResty a fast web app server by extending nginx ](http://openresty.org/ )
- [Lapis - A web framework for Lua or MoonScript powered by OpenResty ](http://leafo.net/lapis/ )
- [Nginx image processing server with OpenResty and Lua ](http://leafo.net/posts/creating_an_image_server.html )
- [A small router for Openresty ](https://docs.apitools.com/blog/2014/04/24/a-small-router-for-openresty.html )
- [Building an OpenResty events server ](https://github.com/cagerton/dropthat/ )
2014-12-06 23:38:58 +01:00
## Tengine
- [Tengine Web Server ](http://tengine.taobao.org )
- [Difference between OpenResty and Tengine ](https://github.com/openresty/ngx_openresty/issues/54 )
2014-11-29 16:18:21 +01:00
## Additional Information
This resource collection is maintained by Frederic Cambus
- Site : http://www.cambus.net
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/fcambus