Commit Graph

  • 4746f1e29c Add: delvelabs/vane2 to AppSec section pe3zx 2022-02-19 22:08:39 +0700
  • abca55658e Add: delvelabs/tachyon to AppSec section pe3zx 2022-02-19 22:07:07 +0700
  • 3304886fc8 Add: 0xZDH/o365spray to Credential Access section pe3zx 2022-02-19 22:05:45 +0700
  • 7f1ec6936b Add: 0xC01DF00D/Collabfiltrator to Exfiltration section pe3zx 2022-02-19 22:01:12 +0700
  • de0803c762 Add: secureworks/whiskeysamlandfriends to Credential Access section pe3zx 2022-02-19 21:56:26 +0700
  • 3ca4af1008 Add: secureworks/PhishInSuits to Social Engineering section pe3zx 2022-02-19 21:53:07 +0700
  • dae1969d38 Add: carbonblack/excel4-tests to Adversary Simulation section pe3zx 2022-02-19 21:48:51 +0700
  • e7cd4babba Add: Splunk Boss of SOC to Adversary Simulation section pe3zx 2022-02-19 17:58:48 +0700
  • 8907ead7e0 Add: google/tsunami-security-scanner to AppSec section pe3zx 2022-02-19 17:51:03 +0700
  • 55a34dab00 Add: SLSA to AppSec section pe3zx 2022-02-19 17:28:55 +0700
  • 88960b014e Add: Open Source Insights to AppSec section pe3zx 2022-02-19 16:58:36 +0700
  • c6863c6ce4 Add: Santo to Hardening section pe3zx 2022-02-19 16:55:45 +0700
  • fed66d2d1c Add: warhorse/warhorse to Adversary Simulation section pe3zx 2022-02-17 00:33:36 +0700
  • fe797ba184 Add: devnullz/app_any_run_conf_audit.ps1 to Malware Analysis section pe3zx 2022-02-17 00:27:23 +0700
  • 470f73f51f Add: AbdulRhmanAlfaifi/Fennec to DFIR section pe3zx 2022-02-17 00:03:02 +0700
  • f32d81c093 Add: mkellerman/Invoke-CommandAs to Execution section pe3zx 2022-02-17 00:00:44 +0700
  • 733f9bab89 Add: mpgn/BackupOperatorToDA to Privilege Escalation section pe3zx 2022-02-16 23:50:52 +0700
  • caff963b8b Add: MythicAgents/Athena to C&C section pe3zx 2022-02-16 23:44:00 +0700
  • d84314d49b Add: cube0x0/KrbRelay to Credential Access section pe3zx 2022-02-16 23:42:09 +0700
  • 016d4e068f Add: whydee86/SnD_AMSI to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2022-02-16 23:12:18 +0700
  • d3e9452b2a Add: ORCA666/snaploader to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2022-02-09 11:56:33 +0700
  • ecede66613 Add: mgeeky/PacMyPayload to Initial Access section pe3zx 2022-02-09 11:52:52 +0700
  • becd989575 Add: mlcsec/SharpSQL to Execution section pe3zx 2022-02-09 11:48:46 +0700
  • 288f6f4e9f Add: plackyhacker/SandboxDefender to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2022-02-08 10:42:14 +0700
  • 2c6637b613 Add: p3nt4/Invoke-SocksProxy to C&C section pe3zx 2022-02-07 10:30:21 +0700
  • fa570012bc Add: Cerbersec/KillDefenderBOF to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2022-02-07 10:28:52 +0700
  • 1f0f289d01 Add: GUARDARA to AppSec section pe3zx 2022-02-07 10:25:44 +0700
  • 428b36b14d Add: S3cur3Th1sSh1t/Nim-RunPE to Execution section pe3zx 2022-02-06 18:37:57 +0700
  • 3ab872d86e Add: elastic/PPLGuard to Hardening section pe3zx 2022-02-04 14:19:53 +0700
  • dedbb11b83 Add: target/mmk-ui-api to AppSec section pe3zx 2022-02-04 13:40:56 +0700
  • 4192ca8134 Add: FourCoreLabs/firedrill to Adversary Simulation section pe3zx 2022-02-04 13:32:29 +0700
  • 790e5310d6 Add: carlospolop/PurplePanda to Cloud Security section pe3zx 2022-02-03 10:15:44 +0700
  • d1d6c2a56e Add: Idov31/FunctionStomping to Defense Evasion pe3zx 2022-02-01 11:01:28 +0700
  • cd13876d48 Add: splunk/salo to Adversary Simulation section pe3zx 2022-02-01 10:35:35 +0700
  • 16ecfab642 Add: ORCA666/T.D.P to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2022-02-01 09:56:21 +0700
  • 64f861b558 Add: airbus-cert/Winshark to DFIR section pe3zx 2022-01-29 15:42:40 +0700
  • 4bfdaf7569 Add: Datadog/stratus-red-team to Adversary Simulation section pe3zx 2022-01-29 13:53:58 +0700
  • 4bde4510b1 Cleaning pe3zx 2022-01-27 11:16:49 +0700
  • 181ccc0e3d Add: chvancooten/NimPackt-v1 to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2022-01-27 11:13:34 +0700
  • 88d92e6517 Add: BinaryDefense/beacon-fronting to Adversary Simulation section pe3zx 2022-01-26 17:25:17 +0700
  • a00b0de543 Add: hlldz/RefleXXion to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2022-01-26 15:34:17 +0700
  • 449ed1a563 Add: Wra7h/SharpGhosting to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2022-01-20 14:04:53 +0700
  • fb93a2f6ed Add: blacklanternsecurity/TREVORproxy to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2022-01-20 13:37:32 +0700
  • 7401fcce6b Add: byt3bl33d3r/BOF-Nim to Execution section pe3zx 2022-01-18 16:33:40 +0700
  • c08c4007cf Add: ShutdownRepo/ShadowCoerce to Privilege Escalation section pe3zx 2022-01-15 18:32:13 +0700
  • 837c60ba11 Add: horsicq/XELFViewer to Binary Analysis section pe3zx 2022-01-14 13:32:32 +0700
  • 0a42734e66 Add: optiv/Ivy to Execution section pe3zx 2022-01-13 14:55:48 +0700
  • 18c1c911d2 Add: dfirtrack/dfirtrack to DFIR section pe3zx 2022-01-13 14:47:39 +0700
  • 1887c0142e Add: sherlock-project/sherlock to OSINT section pe3zx 2022-01-13 14:34:53 +0700
  • 998ed0b641 Add: emalderson/ThePhish to DFIR section pe3zx 2022-01-13 13:41:18 +0700
  • 4dab627738 Remove unreachable links pe3zx 2022-01-10 10:47:48 +0700
  • 0d12bdae76 Add: ScarredMonk/SysmonSimulator to Adversary Simulation section pe3zx 2022-01-10 10:43:12 +0700
  • 17e4d71e07 Add: jklepsercyber/defender-detectionhistory-parser to DFIR section pe3zx 2022-01-10 10:31:46 +0700
  • ee389c975c Add: maltek-labs/Malcode-Obfuscator to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2022-01-09 18:25:53 +0700
  • f8f0509abd Add: cert-ee/cuckoo3 to Malware Analysis section pe3zx 2022-01-04 10:32:51 +0700
  • 08304af1df Add: kyleavery/inject-assembly to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2022-01-04 10:31:33 +0700
  • 824f388462 Add: boku7/BokuLoader to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2022-01-03 20:32:40 +0700
  • f172a36f42 Add: dfir-iris/iris-web to DFIR section pe3zx 2021-12-29 13:42:50 +0700
  • 70f254fece Add: to OSINT section pe3zx 2021-12-28 17:19:45 +0700
  • b8355234f7 Add: 0x6d69636b/windows_hardening to Hardening section pe3zx 2021-12-28 15:47:32 +0700
  • 0f5e9e1c28 Add: to Hardening section pe3zx 2021-12-28 15:46:25 +0700
  • 96013e8f21 Add: dgtlmoon/ to OSINT section pe3zx 2021-12-28 15:45:26 +0700
  • d33d957ea1 Add: p0dalirius/LDAPmonitor to Recon/Discovery section pe3zx 2021-12-28 15:02:09 +0700
  • 19269796c6 Add: wader/fq to Binary Analysis section pe3zx 2021-12-28 14:49:20 +0700
  • 41dc86d9c3 Add: hashlookup/hashlookup-forensic-analyser to DFIR section pe3zx 2021-12-28 14:27:08 +0700
  • 402d392953 Add: Cracked5pider/KaynLdr to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2021-12-28 14:12:30 +0700
  • 40322ed3f9 Add: plackyhacker/Peruns-Fart to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2021-12-28 14:07:01 +0700
  • 50fe21f5cb Add: Yamato-Security/WELA to DFIR section pe3zx 2021-12-28 14:00:30 +0700
  • b720c01479 Add: Yamato-Security/hayabusa to DFIR section pe3zx 2021-12-28 13:59:17 +0700
  • 52fe9bdc9d Add: EntySec/HatVenom to Execution section pe3zx 2021-12-28 13:49:17 +0700
  • 5eb26b0bc4 Add: FakeYou to Social Engineering section pe3zx 2021-12-28 11:29:48 +0700
  • cd29e1476d Add: swimlane/atomic-operator to Adversary Simulation section pe3zx 2021-12-22 13:13:17 +0700
  • 2b73396d07 Add: ajpc500/NimlineWhispers2 to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2021-12-22 13:07:43 +0700
  • b62cfc3b81 Add: ricardojba/Invoke-noPac to Privilege Escalation section pe3zx 2021-12-22 12:59:52 +0700
  • dfc1b4fd75 Add: bohops/RogueAssemblyHunter to Binary Analysis section pe3zx 2021-12-21 11:23:20 +0700
  • 246b612b42 Add: SecurityBrewery/catalyst to DFIR section pe3zx 2021-12-21 11:21:51 +0700
  • d3e41ae6b0 Add: VollRagm/KernelBypassSharp to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2021-12-20 15:05:25 +0700
  • 3c569929ec Add: trailofbits/it-depends to AppSec section pe3zx 2021-12-20 15:04:02 +0700
  • e5a3558405 Add: Sh0ckFR/InlineWhispers2 to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2021-12-16 17:04:03 +0700
  • c068d9e01c Add: asimihsan/cwl-mount to DFIR section pe3zx 2021-12-16 16:45:47 +0700
  • c5e03bfbc1 Add: Yaxser/COFFLoader2 to Execution section pe3zx 2021-12-16 16:31:14 +0700
  • 6dcfbe3610 Add: DallasFR/Cobalt-Clip to Collection section pe3zx 2021-12-16 16:29:36 +0700
  • d500c932e8 Add: redcode-labs/REVENANT to Execution section pe3zx 2021-12-16 15:51:27 +0700
  • c4ab5a21b4 Fix typo pe3zx 2021-12-14 10:39:38 +0700
  • 4ffa91c121 Add: WazeHell/sam-the-admin to Privilege Escalation section pe3zx 2021-12-13 16:21:52 +0700
  • 6346fee121 Add: pimps/JNDI-Exploit-kit to AppSec section pe3zx 2021-12-13 16:19:36 +0700
  • 9b83f21a12 Add: antonioCoco/Malseclogon to Credential Access section pe3zx 2021-12-13 16:16:51 +0700
  • 7bc0d5281e Add: timwhitez/Doge-PX to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2021-12-13 15:38:10 +0700
  • 5b6f00f308 Add: airbus-cert/Invoke-BOF to Execution section pe3zx 2021-12-13 15:20:24 +0700
  • 2355eddc6c Add: ariary/QueenSono to Exfiltration section pe3zx 2021-12-13 15:11:42 +0700
  • 1b780d11ae Add: ariary/fileless-xec to Execution section pe3zx 2021-12-13 14:56:19 +0700
  • 327eab4fb6 Add: osandov/drgn to Binary Analysis section pe3zx 2021-12-10 14:45:36 +0700
  • c61613f9e4 Add: pwn1sher/uuid-loader to Execution section pe3zx 2021-12-10 13:06:11 +0700
  • ccd6bcbda5 Add: wavestone-cdt/EdrSandblast to Defense Evasion section pe3zx 2021-12-07 13:45:47 +0700
  • f1dcd1ed10 Add: Shade Map to OSINT section pe3zx 2021-12-07 10:42:07 +0700
  • 239785c21a Add: EthTx to Smart Contract section pe3zx 2021-12-03 15:41:21 +0700
  • b911d49b01 Merge branch 'master' of pe3zx 2021-12-01 00:55:45 +0700
  • a1cf85b8b3 Add: FSecureLABS/Azurite to Cloud Security section pe3zx 2021-11-30 16:01:41 +0700
  • c5113a4eaa Add: nccgroup/azucar to Cloud Security section pe3zx 2021-11-30 15:12:04 +0700
  • d2c45b108d Add: BloodHoundAD/AzureHound to Cloud Security section pe3zx 2021-11-30 15:10:07 +0700