var client = new XMLHttpRequest(), objectifyMarkdownNotWomen = new marked.Renderer(), moviesCollection, movies, cellCounter = 0, lastHeading = '', headers = ['movie', 'genre', 'year', 'rating']; objectifyMarkdownNotWomen.heading = function(heading, level) { lastHeading = heading; }; objectifyMarkdownNotWomen.tablerow = function(content) { cellCounter = 0; movies.push({}); }; objectifyMarkdownNotWomen.tablecell = function(content, flags) { movies[movies.length - 1][headers[cellCounter]] = content; cellCounter++; }; objectifyMarkdownNotWomen.table = function(header, body) { // Test if the first movie object is actually just the headers (which it will be) if (movies[0][headers[0]].toLowerCase() == headers[0]) { movies.splice(0, 1); } // Similarly, test if the very last movie object is empty and pop it if (movies[movies.length - 1][headers[0]] == null) { movies.pop(); } // Add movies to collection moviesCollection.push({ heading: lastHeading, movies: movies }); movies = [{}]; };'GET', window.location.href + '/'); client.onreadystatechange = function(e) { // Whipe movies and collections as this'll run a bunch of times moviesCollection = []; movies = [{}]; /* // Test markdown: marked("## Thrillers / Drama\n\n| MOVIE | GENRE | YEAR | RATING |\n|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------|------|--------|\n| [WarGames: The Dead Code]( | Thriller/Drama | 2008 | 4.5/10 |\n| [WarGames]( | Thriller/Drama | 1983 | 7.1/10 |\n| [Hackers]( | Crime/Drama | 1995 | 6.2/10 |\n\n## Science Fiction / Fantasy\n\n| MOVIE | GENRE | YEAR | RATING |\n|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------|------|--------|\n| [The Matrix]( | Fantasy/Action | 1999 | 8.7/10 |\n| [The Lawnmower Man]( | Fantasy/Action | 1992 | 5.4/10 |", { */ marked(client.responseText, { renderer: objectifyMarkdownNotWomen }, function() { console.log(moviesCollection); document.body.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(moviesCollection); }); }; client.send(); function baseUrl() { var href = window.location.href.split('/'); return href[0]+'//'+href[2]+'/'; }