2019-07-09 00:01:25 -04:00

32 lines
1.7 KiB

layout: home
author_profile: true
nav: didnav
- image_path:
alt: "Contributors Intro Teaser Image"
title: "DIDecentral: Contributors Intro"
excerpt: "A variety of ways to contribute to DIDecentral with a minimal barriar to entry. Starting from Twitter, Discord Chat, and GitHub."
url: ""
- image_path: ""
alt: "Minimal Mistakes Configuration - Teaser Image"
title: "Minimal-Mistakes-Jekyll - Setup and Configuration"
excerpt: "This is to help anyone to understand how we're using Minimal Mistakes to publish this and other web-sites. For contributors, or your own use, outside of this organization."
url: ""
- image_path: ""
alt: "Discord Server Archives - Teaser Image"
title: "Publishing Discord Server Archives via Minimal Mistakes"
excerpt: "To help anyone understand how we're using DiscordChatExporter and Minimal Mistakes to publish Discord server archives."
url: ""
excerpt: "This web-site is currently undergoing a transformation. Its taken some time to decide how to grow these resources, while improving accessibility and presentation of existing content. We now have a community site that will be the base of operations for contributors guides, community blog posts and collaborative opportunities."
overlay_color: "#aabbff"
- label: "Check out our community site!"
url: ""
classes: wide
permalink: /