2019-03-06 20:24:24 -05:00
2019-03-06 20:24:24 -05:00
2019-03-06 06:00:36 -05:00

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SSI-DID Github Repositories A start at listing all DID-SSI related GitHub Repositories. https://infominer.id/images/github.jpeg

SSI-DID Github Repositories

Please send me a message, open an issue or submit a pull-request with any that I've missed.



The Web of Trust is a buzzword for a new model of decentralized self-sovereign identity. Its a phrase that dates back almost twenty-five years, the classic definition derives from PGP.

#RebootingWebOfTrust holds bi-annual design workshops where many of the ideas in SSI\DID were formed.

In advance of each workshop, all participants produce a one-or-two page topic paper on either:

  • A specific problem that they wanted to solve with a web-of-trust solution, and why current solutions (PGP or CA-based PKI) can't address the problem?
  • A specific solution related to the web-of-trust that you'd like others to use or contribute to?

The workshop itself also produces technical whitepapers, this Repository holds a record of the progression of thought in SSI, since November, 2015.

RWoT Design Workshop ^


RWoT Txref Conversion

RWoT Linked Data ^

/w3c - World Wide Web Consortium ^

/w3c/verifiable-claims - VC Working Group

Verifiable Claims WG - Mailing List (and archives)

/w3c-ccg - Credentials Community Group ^

Public mailing list for the Credentials Community Group (and archives) - Anyone may read or write to this list.


CCG - Verifiable Credentials ^

CCG - Linked Data ^

Digital Verification Community Group ^

The mission of the W3C Digital Verification Community Group is to study, design, promote, and deploy systems that increase trust on the Web.

/opencreds ^

Learning Machine ^

Blockcerts ^

Blockcerts Json ^

Blockcerts Web ^

Blockcerts Mobile ^

Digital Bazaar ^

DB - Identity ^

DB - Credentials


DB - Linked Data

Sovrin Foundation ^

Sovrin - Indy ^

/decentralized-identity - DIF ^


DIF - DID-Auth ^

DIF - Sidetree ^

DIF - Hub ^

DIF - Uniresolver ^

/hyperledger Indy ^

  • /indy-plenum - Byzantine Fault Tolerant Protocol [wiki]

    "Byzantine fault tolerance is a sub-field of fault tolerance research inspired by the Byzantine Generals' Problem, which is a generalized version of the Two Generals' Problem."

    • Storage components - As of now, RocksDB is used as a key-value database for all Storages.
  • /indy-sdk - Everything needed to build applications that interact with an Indy distributed identity ledger.
  • /indy-node - The server portion of a distributed ledger purpose-built for decentralized identity.
  • /indy-anoncreds - Anonymous credentials protocol implementation in python
  • /indy-agent - reference agents and associated tools.
  • /indy-test-automation - Automation tools for testing of Indy Project components.
  • /indy-post-install-automation
  • /indy-hipe - Hyperledger Indy Project Enhancements
  • /indy-crypto - shared crypto library for Hyperledger Indy components. To be:
  • /ursa [ϟ][ϟ]

    "includes the Hyperledger Indy-Crypto code base that is the building block for anonymous credentials, the verifiable credentials protocol, in indy-sdk used by the Sovrin Network. [...] We are hopeful the shared library will help other platforms better incorporate and use ZKP-based credentials and leverage Sovrin for their identity component." (From Nathan George on Sovrin Telegram) [wiki]

Verifiable Organizations Network ^

BCGov - VON ^

VON - Indy ^

  • /bcgov/indy-catalyst - Hyperledger Indy Catalyst is a set of application level software components designed to accelerate the adoption of trustworthy entity to entity communications.
  • /bcgov/indy-sdk-postgres-storage - PostgreSQL plug-in for use with the indy-sdk

VON - Agents ^

BCGov - DID-Auth ^

/PSPC-SPAC-buyandsell ^

Public Services and Procurement Canada: buyandsell.gc.ca --- Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada : Achatsetventes.gc.ca

Veres One ^

Ethereum ^

  • ERC: Lightweight Identity #1056 —This ERC describes a standard for creating and updating identities with a limited use of blockchain resources. An identity can have an unlimited number of delegates and attributes associated with it. Identity creation is as simple as creating a regular key pair ethereum account, which means that it's fee (no gas costs) and all ethereum accounts are valid identities. Furthermore this ERC is fully DID compliant.
  • ERC-1484: Digital Identity Aggregator #1495 —A protocol for aggregating digital identity information that's broadly interoperable with existing, proposed, and hypothetical future digital identity standards.
  • ERC725
    • The following describes standard functions for a unique identifiable proxy account to be used by humans, groups, organisations, objects and machines
  • ERC735 - The following describes standard functions for adding, removing and holding of claims.
    • These claims can attested from third parties (issuers) or self attested.
  • EIP712 - This is a standard for hashing and signing of typed structured data
  • ERC: Ethereum Claims Registry #780
  • EIP-1078 - This presents a method to replace the usual signup/login design pattern with a minimal ethereum native scheme, that doesnt require passwords, backing up private keys nor typing seed phrases.

Assorted Ethereum Apps ^

/XLNT/meirl> - Counterfactual and Upgradable Self-Sovereign Identity for Ethereum, using Gnosis Safe

uPort ^

uPort DID ^

uPort Identification ^

uPort Mobile ^

uPort Lambda ^

uPort React ^

uPort Assorted ^

Jolocom ^

Selfkey Foundation ^

Selfkey DID ^

Selfkey SmartContracts ^

Selfkey Javascript ^

Selfkey Assorted ^

Ockam Network ^

/peacekeeper/blockchain-identity ^

Projects/companies working on blockchain and identity

Maintained by, Markus Sabadello (Peacekeeper)

/decentralized-id/decentralized-id.github.io ^

You can join in on the research, and help build this educational resource.
