title | description |
SSI-DID Github Repositories | ... and you can too! |
GitHub Repositories
... and you can too!
- /WebOfTrustInfo
- /w3c
- Decentralized Identity Foundation
- /hyperledger Indy
- /peacekeeper/blockchain-identity
- /decentralized-id/decentralized-id.github.io
- []
/WebOfTrustInfo - Design Workshop
The Web of Trust is a buzzword for a new model of decentralized self-sovereign identity. It’s a phrase that dates back almost twenty-five years, the classic definition derives from PGP.
#RebootingWebOfTrust holds bi-annual design workshops where many of the ideas in SSI\DID were formed.
In advance of each workshop, all participants produce a one-or-two page topic paper on either:
- A specific problem that they wanted to solve with a web-of-trust solution, and why current solutions (PGP or CA-based PKI) can't address the problem?
- A specific solution related to the web-of-trust that you'd like others to use or contribute to?
The workshop itself also produces technical whitepapers, this Repository holds a record of the progression of thought in SSI, since November, 2015.
/w3c - World Wide Web Consortium ^
/w3c/verifiable-claims - VC Working Group ^
Verifiable Claims WG - Mailing List (and archives)
- /w3c/verifiable-claims - W3C Verifiable Claims Working Group.
- /w3c/vc-data-model -Verifiable Claims Data Model and Representations specification.
- /w3c/vc-use-cases - Verifiable Claims Use Cases.
- /w3c/vc-test-suite - Verifiable Claims WG Test Suite.
- /w3c/vc-imp-guide - Verifiable Credentials Implementation Guidelines
/w3c-ccg - Credentials Community Group ^
Public mailing list for the Credentials Community Group (and archives) - Anyone may read or write to this list.
- /w3c-ccg/meetings CCG Meeting Transcripts
- /w3c-ccg/community - CCG Community Repo
- /w3c-ccg/announcements - CCG Announcements
- /w3c-ccg/w3c-ccg-process
- /w3c-ccg/registries-process
- /w3c-ccg/did-primer - A Primer for Decentralized Identifiers
- /w3c-ccg/did-spec - Decentralized Identifier (DID) 1.0 Specification - Data Model and Syntax
- /w3c-ccg/did-resolution Spec 1.0
- /w3c-ccg/did-use-cases
- /w3c-ccg/did-method-registry - a list of all known DID Methods and their current level of maturity.
- /w3c-ccg/didm-btcr - WORK ITEM: BTCR DID Method Spec
- /w3c-ccg/didm-veres-one - Veres One Decentralized Identifier Method Specification
- /w3c-ccg/did-wg-proposal - Proposal to W3C membership for a DID Working Group.
- /w3c-ccg/did-wg-charter - EXPERIMENTAL charter for the W3C Decentralized Identifier Working Group
- /w3c-ccg/did-hackathon-2018
- /w3c-ccg/data-minimization - Data Minimization, Selective Disclosure, and Progressive Trust
- /w3c-ccg/credential-handler-api
- /w3c-ccg/amira - Amira Engagement Model.
- /w3c-ccg/functional-identity
CCG - Verifiable Credentials ^
- - REGISTRY: The Verifiable Credentials Status Scheme Registry.
- /w3c-ccg/edu_occ_verifiable_credentials - WORK ITEM: Drafts and Ideas of Educational and Occupational Verifiable Credentials.
- /w3c-ccg/vc-examples - WORK ITEM: Verifiable Credentials Examples
CCG - Linked Data ^
- /w3c-ccg/ocap-ld - WORK ITEM: Linked Data Object Capabilities specification
- /w3c-ccg/ld-cryptosuite-registry - REGISTRY: Linked Data Keys Registry
Digital Verification Community Group ^
The mission of the W3C Digital Verification Community Group is to study, design, promote, and deploy systems that increase trust on the Web.
- /w3c-dvcg/w3c-dvcg.github.io - Landing site for W3C Digital Verification Community Group.
- /w3c-dvcg/multibase - An IETF Internet Draft for the Multibase data format
- /w3c-dvcg/hashlink - An IETF Internet Draft for the Hashlink data format
- /w3c-dvcg/multihash - An IETF Internet Draft for the Multihash data format
- /w3c-dvcg/security-vocab - The Linked Data Security Vocabulary
- /w3c-dvcg/lds-rsa2018 - Linked Data Signature Suite created in 2018
- /w3c-dvcg/http-signatures - Signing HTTP Messages specification
- /w3c-dvcg/ld-proofs - Linked Data Proofs Specification
- /w3c-dvcg/ld-signatures - Linked Data Signatures enable digital signatures on Linked Data
- /w3c-dvcg/lds-ed25519-2018 - Linked Data Signature Suite for Ed25519 2018
- /w3c-dvcg/lds-merkleproof2017 - 2017 Signature suite for doing Merkle Proofs.
- /w3c-dvcg/lds-redaction2016 - Linked Data Signature Suite created in 2016 for performing Redacted
- /w3c-dvcg/http-signatures-audit - Security considerations for HTTP Signatures specification.
- /w3c-dvcg/lds-koblitz2016 - Linked Data Signature Suite for the Koblitz Elliptic Curve 2016
- /w3c-dvcg/lds-pseudonymous2016/
- /w3c-dvcg/lds-rsa2016/
/opencreds ^
- /opencreds/website - The Open Credentials Website
- /opencreds/minutes - Text and audio meeting minutes for W3C Credentials Community Group
/decentralized-identity - DIF ^
- /decentralized-identity/decentralized-identity.github.io - Site for the open source, community-driven group of dev and organizations working toward an interoperable, decentralized identity ecosystem
- /decentralized-identity/org - DIF docs, wiki, and organizational material
- /decentralized-identity/did-methods - DID Method specs, docs, and materials
- /decentralized-identity/did-common-typescript - A common bundle of shared code and modules for working with DIDs, DID Documents, and other DID-related activities
- /decentralized-identity/did-security-csharp - C# implementation of DID security and privacy controls
- /decentralized-identity/did-security-typescript - Typescript implementation of DID security and privacy controls
- /decentralized-identity/did-common-java - Shared DID Java library.
- /decentralized-identity/ua-web-extension - Basic web extension version of a DID User Agent
- /decentralized-identity/did-recovery - Various methods for DID recovery
DIF - DID-Auth
- /decentralized-identity/did-auth-jose - JOSE-based implementation of DID Authenticated Encryption
DIF - Sidetree
- /decentralized-identity/sidetree-ipfs - IPFS module for storing and accessing Sidetree entity operation data via content addressable storage
- /decentralized-identity/sidetree-core - The blockchain-agnostic server implementation of the Sidetree protocol.
- /decentralized-identity/sidetree-bitcoin - Blockchain-specific code for the Sidetree-based DID Method implementation on Bitcoin
- /decentralized-identity/ion - DID Method implementation using the Sidetree protocol on top of Bitcoin
DIF - Hub
- /decentralized-identity/hub-sdk-js-sample - Sample app demonstrating use of the DIF Identity Hub JavaScript SDK.
- /decentralized-identity/hub-sdk-js - JavaScript SDK for interacting with Identity Hubs
- /decentralized-identity/hub-common-js - Common interfaces for working with Identity Hubs in JavaScript/TypeScript
- /decentralized-identity/hub-node-core - Node.js implementation of the Identity Hub interfaces, business logic, and replication protocol.
- /decentralized-identity/identity-hub - Storage and compute nodes for decentralized identity data and interactions
- /decentralized-identity/hub-node-reference - The official Identity Hub reference implementation bundle for Node.js
DIF - Uniresolver
- /decentralized-identity/universal-resolver - Universal Resolver implementation and drivers.
- /decentralized-identity/universal-resolver-frontend - Frontend web UI for Universal Resolver
- /decentralized-identity/universal-resolver-python
- /decentralized-identity/universal-resolver-java
DIF - Other
/decentralized-identity/credential-manifest - Format that normalizes the definition of requirements for the issuance of a credential
/decentralized-identity/web-polyfills - Polyfills for proposed or emerging DID-centric Web APIs
/decentralized-identity/http-did-auth-proxy - Forked from bcgov/http-did-auth-proxy DID Auth HTTP proxy.
/decentralized-identity/universal-registrar - Specifications and implementation of a universal identifier registrar
decentralized-identity/attestations - Attestation API implementations for various languages and platforms.
/hyperledger Indy ^
- /hyperledger/indy-plenum - Byzantine Fault Tolerant Protocol [wiki]
"Byzantine fault tolerance is a sub-field of fault tolerance research inspired by the Byzantine Generals' Problem, which is a generalized version of the Two Generals' Problem."
- Storage components - As of now, RocksDB is used as a key-value database for all Storages.
- /hyperledger/indy-sdk - Everything needed to build applications that interact with an Indy distributed identity ledger.
- /hyperledger/indy-node - The server portion of a distributed ledger purpose-built for decentralized identity.
- /hyperledger/indy-anoncreds - Anonymous credentials protocol implementation in python
>> MORE Indy Related Repositories >>
/bcgov ^
- /bcgov/BC-Policy-Framework-For-GitHub - Policy information for BC Government employees using GitHub
- /bcgov/design-system - British Columbia Government Design System for Digital Services
BCGov - VON ^
- /bcgov/TheOrgBook - A public repository of verifiable claims about organizations. A key component of the Verifiable Organization Network.
- /bcgov/von - Verifiable Organizations Network
- /bcgov/von-connector - Verifiable Organization Network Connector
- /bcgov/von-network - A portable development level Indy Node network.
- /bcgov/von-ledger-explorer - The VON Ledger Explorer
- /bcgov/dFlow - A demonstration of the verifiable organization network showing a new restaurant gathering the permits necessary to open.
VON - Indy ^
- /bcgov/indy-catalyst - Hyperledger Indy Catalyst is a set of application level software components designed to accelerate the adoption of trustworthy entity to entity communications.
- /bcgov/indy-sdk-postgres-storage - PostgreSQL plug-in for use with the indy-sdk
VON - Agents
- /bcgov/von-personal-agent - A personal agent for the von network.
- /bcgov/VON-ESB-DRS-Agent - Piloting the Dispute Resolution Suite with connections to the OrgBook
- /bcgov/von-agent-template - Template for a von-x based agent
- /bcgov/von-bc-registries-agent
- /bcgov/von_agent Forked from PSPC-SPAC-buyandsell/von_agent - VON agents using indy-sdk
BCGov - DID-Auth ^
- /bcgov/did-auth-extension - DID Auth browser extension.
- /bcgov/http-did-auth-proxy - DID Auth HTTP proxy.
- /bcgov/did-auth-relying-party - DID Auth relying party.
/peacekeeper/blockchain-identity ^
Projects/companies working on blockchain and identity
- /peacekeeper/blockchain-identity - The Original list of Blockchain Identity Initiatives.
Maintained by, Markus Sabadello (Peacekeeper)
/decentralized-id/decentralized-id.github.io ^
You can join in on the research, and help build this educational resource.