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synced 2025-03-01 11:31:27 -05:00
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51 lines
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{% if post.header.teaser %}
{% capture teaser %}{{ post.header.teaser }}{% endcapture %}
{% else %}
{% assign teaser = site.teaser %}
{% endif %}
{% if post.id %}
{% assign title = post.title | markdownify | remove: "<p>" | remove: "</p>" %}
{% else %}
{% assign title = post.title %}
{% endif %}
<div class="{{ include.type | default: 'list' }}__item">
<article class="archive__item" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/CreativeWork">
{% if include.type == "grid" and teaser %}
<div class="archive__item-teaser">
<img src="{{ teaser | relative_url }}" alt="">
{% endif %}
<br><strong><a href="{{ post.url | relative_url }}" rel="permalink">{{ title }}</a></strong>
{% if post.excerpt %}<p class="archive__item-excerpt" itemprop="description">{{ post.excerpt | markdownify | strip_html | truncate: 300 }}</p>{% endif %}
<p class="page__meta"><strong>Updated:</strong> {{ post.last_modified_at }} <i class="far fa-clock" aria-hidden="true"></i> {% include read-time.html %}</p>
{% if post.name and post.categories contains 'Companies' %}
{% assign tags = Nil%}
{% assign sorted_tags = Nil%}
{% for company in site.data.companys %}
{% if post.name == company.name %}
{% if company.parent %}{% assign tags = company.parent | push: post.name %}{% endif %}
{% if company.related != Nil %}
{% if company.related contains ';'%}
{% assign tgs = company.related |split: '; ' | push: post.name %}
{% assign tags = tags | concat: tgs %}
{% else %}
{% assign tags = tags | push: company.related | push: post.name %}
{% endif%}
{% endif %}
{% if tags != Nil %}
{% assign sorted_tags = tags | concat: post.tags | uniq | compact | sort_natural %}
{% elsif post.tags !=Nil %}
{% assign sorted_tags = post.tags | uniq | compact | sort_natural %}
{% endif%}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% assign sorted_tags = post.tags | uniq | compact | sort %}
{% endif %}
{% for tag in sorted_tags %}
<div class="tags">{{ tag }}</div>
{% endfor %}
</div> |