Awesome Self-Sovereign Identity, Decentralized-ID, and Blockchain-ID related resources.
Imagine a world where you are in direct control of your personal information; a world where you can limit and control how much information you share while retaining the ability to transact in the world. This is self-sovereign identity, and it is already here. Blockchain is the underlying technology paving the path to self-sovereign identity through decentralized networks. It ensures privacy and trust, where transactions are secure, authenticated and verifiable and endorsed by relevant, permissioned participants,'—Jerry Cuomo - IBM
Description = "The Web of Trust is a buzzword for a new model of decentralized self-sovereign identity. It’s a phrase that dates back almost twenty-five years, the classic definition derives from PGP.\n\nBut some use it as a term to include self-sovereign identity authentication & verification, certificate validation, and reputation assessment, while the vibrant blockchain community is also drawing new attention to the concept we aim to reboot it."
UN — ID2020 — DIF — WIN — BFI
- [Bitnation]
( —
- "seeks to establish the concept of "world citizenship" through identity registration on the blockchain. The project is collaborating with the Estonian e-Residency program and also has a focus on offering 'blockchain emergency IDs' to refugees."
- Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- World Identity Netowork —Blockchain for Impact
- Decentralized Identity Foundation Tags = ["organizations","decentralized-id","microsoft","uport","ibm","sovrin","securekey","tierion","gem","blockstack","evernym","hyperledger","civic","accenture","danube","netki","rsa","consent","iota","muti","aetna","r3","aunthenteq","blockchain-foundry","validatedid","1kosmos","gamecredits","auth0","onfido","jolocom","dominode","enigma","humanized-internet","pillar","meeco","veridiumid","id2020","nuggets","diid","meta","kyc-chain","blockpass","ockam","nuid","bayonet","equinix","kyc"]
- w3c- Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v0.11
- DID Primer
- Decentralized IDentifers (DIDs)
- DID Auth
- A Universal Resolver for self-sovereign identifiers
- @ChristopherA on DID adoption
"22/ Over a dozen companies and organizations, using multiple blockchains (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, etc.), have committed to deploying DIDs, including IBM, Microsoft, Digital Bazaar, Consensys, Evernym, Learning Machine, British Columbia, and more:" —How blockchain could solve the internet privacy problem
- Blockchains and Data Protection in the European Union
- IBM — How blockchain could address five areas associated with GDPR compliance
- GDPR - A reflection on the 'self-sovereign identity' and the Blockchain
- Evernym
- The Three Models of Digital Identity Relationships — How self-sovereign identity (SSI) is different, and why it’s better
- Is Self-Sovereign Identity the ultimate GDPR compliance tool? (1 of 3)
- Is Self-Sovereign Identity the ultimate GDPR compliance tool? (2 of 3)
- Is Self-Sovereign Identity the ultimate GDPR compliance tool? (3 of 3)
IDEMix — Zero Knowledge Proof's in Evernym—Indy
- IBM Identity Mixer
- Specification of the Identity Mixer Cryptographic Library
- Concepts and Features of Privacy-Preserving Attribute-Based Credentials
- Sovrin — Forun — Slack
- Sovrin - Library
- Getting Started with Sovrin
- Sovrin: digital identities in the blockchain era
- Sovrin: A Protocol and Token for Self-Sovereign Identity and Decentralized Trust
- Sovrin Governance Framework
- How Sovrin Works—A Technical Guide from the Sovrin Foundation
- Sovrin Network: What Goes on the Ledger?
- The Sovrin Foundation
- A Universal Trust Framework
- Is Sovrin Decentralized?
- Decentralization in Sovrin
- Decentralization and Distributed Ledgers
- An Internet for Identity
- The Case for Decentralized Identity
- Building Your Business on Sovrin: Domain-Specific Trust Frameworks
- Hyperledger Indy - Distributed ledger and utility library
- SecureKey Technologies to explore interoperability between Verified.Me and Hyperledger Indy
- Hyperledger Welcomes Project Indy
- How do we start tackling the existing identity problem
- Swipe Right on Verifiably Credentials
- WISeKey fully deployed its CertifyID integrating Digital Identity with Blockchain technology
- The Future of Resilient Identity
- Tykn: Extended Overview
- Digital Identity Management in the Context of GDPR & Sovrin —Why Data Privacy Matters & How to Protect It
Tu Delft
- TU Delft helps develop digital ID for use on your phone
- Self-Sovereign Identity Systems for Humanitarian Interventions—A Case Study on Protective Cash Transfer Programs
- Deployment of a Blockchain-Based Self-Sovereign Identity - Delft
- TrustChain: A Sybil-resistant scalable blockchain - Presentation
- White Paper: Canada’s Digital ID Future - A Federated Approach
- BCGov Verifiable Organization Network – Impressive Client Demo_
Assorted Decentralized\Blockchain ID Initiatives
- Zug ID: Exploring the First Publicly Verified Blockchain Identity
- Identity at Coinbase: Welcoming the Distributed Systems team
- Civic
- Proof of Authority
- Blockstack — github — forum— blog — twitter
- a network of computers that collectively maintain a global registry of domain names, public keys, and cryptographic hashes. With this registry, Blockstack serves as a decentralized domain name system (DNS) and a decentralized public key infrastructure (PKI).
- Onename — "a product built on Blockstack that allows people to register identities"
- Shocard — "Blockchain-Based Mobile Identity Platform"
- Identity Validation as a Public Sector Digital Service?
- DEVCON1: Digital Identity — Video of DEVCON1
- Federal Funding for Blockchain Security and Identity Verification Technologies
- Global Blockchain Identity Management Market 2018-2022
- How Blockchain Revolutionizes Identity Management
- Digital Identity: the current state of affairs
- Blockchain: Evolving Decentralized Identity Design
- White Paper: Canada’s Digital ID Future - A Federated Approach
- A First Look at Identity Management Schemes on the Blockchain
- ChainAnchor — Anonymous Identities for Permissioned Blokchains
- Decentralizing Privacy: Using Blockchain to Protect Personal Data
- Christopher Allen — twitter — [github]("]
- Phil Windley — twitter
- Manu Sporny — twitter